If Donald Trump isn't racist, why does the media constantly say he's racist? I'm sure the media wouldn't say that unless they had proof of racism to back it up.
Your move, Drumpfkins.
If Donald Trump isn't racist, why does the media constantly say he's racist? I'm sure the media wouldn't say that unless they had proof of racism to back it up.
Your move, Drumpfkins.
You're not a parrot then why are you repeating words you hear from the television?
stop it, just stop. ur baits are pretty boring
Another boring bait thread about the lying mass media. Hope you get slammed.
Oh shit, I guess I'm a #shill4hill now
It's not your grandfather's racism, but the threshold has been lowered.
Not that a judge's personal opinion on a person regarding outside matters is a reason for a judge to recuse himself regarding a case that has nothing to do with that trial (if it were every lawyer in the field would be petitioning for mistrials because "a judge has it out for them"), but Trump being ignorant of basic jurisprudence is hardly news.
I don't think he is a racist because he has been rich his entire life and has not had to experience anything to make him become a racist. He has spent his time building businesses and has not dwelt on the problems of poor white and black people.
However, he is very intelligent, and has so far used racist tactics to gain support from americans who are racist towards mexicans and other illegal immigrants, and he has used the bigotry of americans against muslims to gain support.
So, while I don't think he is genuinely racist or bigoted, I think he is using those tools and it might actually get him elected. But once he is elected, he is smart enough to know that keeping law and order is a priority, and by that I mean he will not let white racist bigots run wild.
How will Trump recover from this?
>search for the pic in the archives
>30 matches...
It's disappointing so many are scared of being called racist. The silent majority needs to become more vocal.
Really maks u think
(((The media)))
Friendly reminder that there are only three races: negroid, caucasoid, and mongoloid. That is: black, white and everything else.
This "Mexican" being racist and "Hispanic" being racist is bullshit. This thinking is the result of the racial social construct that society's built.
Look at actress Lupita Nyong'o. She was born in Mexico, but she has dark Kenyan parents. She's Mexican. Muslims are practitioners of the Islamic faith. Nothing in that entails race.
You might as well call niggers and spics racist by that logic. Anyone who calls Donald Trump racist is inherently racist themselves by thinking that all Mexicans are Hispanic, all Hispanics are illegals immigrants and all Muslims are from the Middle East.
really makes you think.... doesn't it.....
I didnt know leaves could destroy arguments within seconds
Racism as a concept is also used when one discriminates against ethnicities, and you cannot deny that hispanics are an ethnicity - there is a fuckton of more and less prominent ethnicities.
That being said, Trump has never discriminated against neither race not ethnicity, so go figure, modern libs are retards.
>The Justice Department sued his company twice, for not renting to black people.
>He refused to condemn the white supremacists who are campaigning for him
>He treats racial groups as if all individuals from the same race were exactly the same (ex. the Mexicans)
>He condoned the beating of a Black Lives Matter protester
>He called supporters who beat up a homeless Latino man “passionate”
>He stereotyped Jews
>He wants to ban Muslims from entering the US
>He trashed Native Americans
Donald Trump’s racism repels Black Republicans
>For many black Republicans, who think it’s important that African Americans have a viable political alternative to the Democratic Party and want to apply the principles of fiscal and individual responsibility and accountability to impoverished segments of the community, Trump’s candidacy represents a tipping point.
>The rise of the birther movement and Trump’s support of it could be dismissed as far-right radicals and a reality TV star talking nonsense and clogging up the airwaves, but not indicative of the mainstream GOP.
>“I don’t want to be associated with anything that has anything to do with Donald Trump,” said Hugh, one of several black Republicans I spoke with who didn’t want to use their full names out of fear of being excluded from their political communities.
>In talking with these black Republicans, all felt as though they are being forced to choose between their race and their party. Each said they don’t want to vote for Trump. Some have decided to vote for Hillary Clinton. Others may abstain from voting altogether.
>Many of Trump’s racist and dangerous comments are directed towards African Americans, but he couches these statements in coded language that encourages supporters to rationalize their racism away. Condoning his supporters beating up a protester who happens to be African American is not necessarily racist, but when he repeatedly encourages or tacitly endorses his supporters to violently confront and mistreat blacks and other minorities, it’s hard to miss the racism.
>The black Republicans I spoke with see the rise of Trump as representing an era of hopelessness, and a return to the marginalization and social divisions that they aspired to overcome.
Repeating something over and over sticks to your head like an education.
Have you studied for speech or law?
Stfu and leave this board...
>OP holds mainstream media with any positive regard at all with the handling of information.
>implying Trump isn't racist
KEK x infinity
inb4 he isn't racist he is a "race realist"
I wish a nigga would.
>i dont have an argument let me just post a meme
you didn't include an if before you're, so you should have used 'so' instead of 'then'. Alternatively you could have gone with the simple semicolon.
You're not a parrot; why are you repeating words you hear from the television?
Because the media are a bunch of nigger lovers.