Post what you hate about your home land

post what you hate about your home land.

the blacks


The fact we're staying in the EU

The culture is horrible.

Bluepilled retards.

But you gotta make do with what you have as uncle Adolf always told me.


The niggers, the coalburners, and the lefties.

Despite popular belief, all are less prevalent in the northern states. I guess maybe I just really hate the south come to think of it.

african culture

East Germans.

Fucking mosquitos

Where do I start.


Not having free speech and people that hate east germans like

The elites

to be fair they hate me too.

Foreigners who leech social benefits and Helsinki's idiot leftist population.

Fennoswedes, they all need to hang desu

The non-whites who don't know how to live in a civilized society and are actively working to destroy the very thing keeping them alive.

EU-positive politicians

The people who inhabit it. :^)

The pure self absorption of everyone I meet. Australia really is just full of normies

Everyone's a fucking simpleton

pic. related

Fucking high rental prices. Can't even dream of moving out until I'm done with my degree.

Muslims and Jews.


I visited Warsaw about 4 years ago and I thought the Polish people were extremely nice and great people. The polish girls are extremely cute as well.

I don't think you have anything to complain about there.

weed man

wages and gypsos

Your country is shit and full of Liberal niggers.

The Gypsies.
Our people's tendency to search for the blame for problems in everything but ourselves.
Being a third-world shithole in general.

The destruction of the last REAL pillar of Justice that we have (the Constitution) by the left. While calling themselves liberals.. Fucking ironic when all the do is take away from freedom.

Why would you do it, it hurts.

I lost it


Selfish culture that promotes narcissistic attitudes where nobody cares about anyone anymore and every amount of "caring" is virtue signaling to promote self image.



Everything, unfortunately there aren't any alternatives yet.

it is less painful than living in a socialist nation

the gypsies.
but they are really trying to mass migrate to the west.

Almost everything at this point

there is no hope for better in atleast 20 years

>he hates the only white inhabitants of bozgoria

everyone here is either a Spanish speaking nigger or tourist

Clip sizes in assault machine guns

That's like saying the UK is a shit because of London. Basically all major white city centers have been destroyed by Liberals and cultural enrichment.

I live in the prairies and my town of 40k people is basically all of European descent with the exception of a few aboriginals who are well integrated.

everything except being 99.9% white

Absolutely. The political classes have ruined white countries. I respect Canadians- wonderful people- but just like the UK they suffer stupid leadership.

>aboriginals who are well integrated.
this meme has to end

>disgusting fat pieces of human garbage everywhere
>SJW cucks
>shit culture
>people want to let in refugees and help minorities, but no one gives a shit about poor disenfranchised homeless white people
>government is controlled by the Jews
>election is a fucking joke
>NSA spying on us

Nothing, my cunt is perfect

Our higher education is absolute shit.

assault machine guns do not exist

Jews, abo's, SJW's, feminists, immature females.

Too many regulations that accomplish nothing except for paying bureaucrats and wasting my time finding the inevitable loopholes for business purposes
Patchwork social safety net instead of simple clean system
No autobahn

Gypsies, rapefugees, lefties, feminazis, and pretty much everything else.

Apathetic leftist cucks.

the self hate

Islam, media, taxes, EU, overcrowded, no funz, vapid social media zombie teenagers

Lack of public transportation I guess. Life would be easier with a metro system that was air conditioned. Shit reaches like 50C in summer here.

Ever heard of a extendo clip? They hold upwards of 50 bullets

>this pic is me

Its a god damn police state! Got locked up for cussing. I thought this country was founded on freedom of speech. After spending the night in jail got $366 fine. God I can't wait to die!

Exactly. Leftist cucks on a rise along with all the SJW pricks.

i dream of the day when masses of whites from america and western europe migrate to romania and apologize for being delusional cucks.
then we start building the romanian empire.

cucks, junkies, drunkards, gypsies

Justin Trudeau


Beer sale&vin monopolet


Traveller scum

Our leader, our soon to be gender neutral national anthem, the sand monkeys everywhere and their bad smell.

Most aboriginals in towns are actually functioning members of society. It's just in cities and reserves where they tend to give up on life.


My only complaint is people asking you for shit in the streets (bums who want vodka money and people who want you to go into their pub/club/vagina), and even they are nice.

>extendo clips

Don't even mention the shoulder thing that goes up.

>Most aboriginals in towns are actually functioning members of society.

>muh we waz kangz melancholy portugal is shiet but that is an accepted feeling aka an excuse to not do anything about the current state of the country
>Marxism deeply embedded in our constitution and government
>2 in 3 young people want to move out (the problem is they cry a lot but they don't actually give a shit about this country and on the first opportunity they'll leave)
>any dissenting opinion is called fascist here
>gypsies, although in a smaller scale
>the fact we still lick Angola's sweaty negro balls just cause we're selling away our country to them and the Chinese
>so many pro EU people


Really? Cursed out a cop or something?

Affirmative Action
Entitlement programs
Immigration laws

True that

>2 in 3 young people want to move out
i 18 and want to move out

I should clarify.
Beer cannot be bought after 8pm/6pm

All beverages containing 4,7+ alc must be sold by a monopoly that closes 6pm/3pm


Sure go ahead, but please don't appear in the news crying and weeping about how you love it here and how you'll miss it but in reality you couldn't give two fucks about it

That's an actual atrocity, if it happened here people would riot

We would but we arent drunk enough to beat oure wifes

Cussed at Walmart saying Fuck Walmart its a piece of shit! They claimed I was yelling I never yelled just conversational bitching but I guess when you're alone it looks crazy. They say call the cops. After I left manager and undercover security guard covered in prison tats follow me out stalking me looking at me like he wants to kill me so when outside hes still stalking me I tell him what a little bitch he is, how pretty his tats are and he never attacks or says a word just looking at me like he going to murder me; I don't take kindly to aggression. Cops show up and arrest me while Im still talking shit. Still talk shit in cop car. Still talking shit in jail about how if I knew I was going to jail just for cussing I should of shot him. lol

Im a self actualized maniac. Basically its illegal for me to exist in the area I live. Hell even to practice my religion here is illegal. Ganga is the sacrament. Im really looking forward to leaving Christian society forever!

Where do i even fucking start

Aboriginals and the Melbourne lefties

eastern europe is the only way, goy.

We'll I mean your behavior wasn't helping the situation, almost seemed like you were asking for it. It is dumb walmart called the police though. Perhaps they didn;t want to take chances after the recent hostage situation the other day with that Somali guy.

kys desu senpai

I already feel like Portugal was always part of Eastern Europe.
If you promise me gippos won't be a problem there,or mudslimes, we'll Make Europe Great Again (MEGA)

gypsies have their containment zones.
you can engage in fist fights or racist dialogues with them.
they're only 3% of the population, if that.
no rule of law, anything goes here.

I knew I would go to jail if the cops showed up. They always arrest me cause the first time I did time was for hitting a cop.


It's being raped by turkroaches, saudi inbreds, mudslimists, cucked us coalition and based ruskies. Syria is gone forever, so now I call Australia home :'(

Your country gets ruined by immigrants so you come here and ruin ours with immigration, thanks.

Ok Roménia, we have a deal.I'll arrive next week with some Leopards and M60 A3s to help.

>your home land
I see you still believe your country is yours.


Kim John-Un