No country for white men
>No Pedophile
I thought it was 2016...
If you ever needed a reason to get out...
>gay Mormon
That is literally an oxymoron.
>white people have to identify as a mental case to be diverse
Why do they keep proving diversity is antiwhite? Do they seriously still not get it?
More like oxymormon
That meme should be enough to make anyone want to leave
>mental disorders are diversity
>conservative and libertarian viewpoints are not diversity and have to be destroyed
Those are 10/10 in UK
This is a troll account FYI
Maybe next year, it seeems that bestiality is on the list first.
This is what you have for not ally with germany. coward anglos.
"Black man" and "black woman" ranked right alongside social deviations feminist, bi-curious and trans-woman. As if being black is some sort of oddball disorder, aberration or rarity.
Good Christ, they call Trump racist.
>voting leave will permanently cure bipolar disorder and veganism
Sounds like an easy choice.
Jeff wants to wank off his mate after a game of FIFA.
Jeff thinks this will upset his mate.
Jeff decides not to wank him off.
Good work, Jeff.
Be more like Jeff.
That's does it
I'm Now #AGayCruzMissle
Black man, white man, white man, black woman, white man, white woman, white man, white woman.
How diverse! Having mental issues doesn't make you another skin color.
>Yay diversity! Unless it's the kind I don't like, in which case it can burn in hell.
I never really understood what people mean by saying diversity is our strength. That's like saying you only want everyone to be as good as your shittiest citizens.
This guy is a known twitter troll so yeah that's the point he's getting across.
Isn't that the cast of the new Top Gear?
None of those people would enlist in the armed forces
Just a bunch of numales and hippies
True that. None of them.
The dude who posted that is a satirical persona.
and underweight in the US
They exist. I had a mormon friend at school. It was fun making him swear.
>This will end, unless we remain in the EU
Why would anyone want to live in a country where the average person is a vegan or a nigger or a trans?
I sometimes wonder if they realize their virtue signaling to their friends makes normal people want to get out of dodge.