It's still early. The debates can completely turn things around. If Hillary has a '47-percent' moment like Romney did, Trump will crush her.
But yeah, Trump is probably fucked.
Gary Johnson, so winning!
Don't give a fuck if Trump goes down bleeding
This is not what RCP is showing in the polls
Posting in shill thread.
Trump would have delayed the inevitable just eight years.
USA needs a civil war and Hillary is gonna start it.
>1 post by this ID
Really? Hillary will be untouchable at the debates. Trump has set the bar so fucking low that Hillary is going to look like a fucking god compared to Trump.
Trump literally goes full conspiracy theory, can't answer a simple fucking policy question, and mocks people openly for fuck sake. Hillary could eat a bloody tampon and still come off better as trump. Hillary is going to come off as an adult, meanwhile all Trump will do is shout "crooked Hillary" for 50 minutes. Trump is going to look like a dumbass.
I want this meme to die, IDs are thread wide only
>Spain says "USA needs a civil war"
Why isn't Hillary rising though?
This is very weird, Trump falls, but Hillary stays the same. So it means that some people who voted for Trump now are saying they don't know who they'll vote for.
It's an easy newfag test.
>Brazil doesn't understand basic percentages
Think about what you have done and delete your post
Hillary has a major weakness though. She doesn't like being criticized, and she doesn't like people going off script. Trump could easily force her to say something stupid.
>American education
They had a civil war ~80 years ago, and the nationalists won, leaving them with a conservative fascist regime.
>the joke
>your head
The point is that OP starts a thread and then leaves, never to return because he's a troll
Really makes you think
You faggots will not cease until Trump has been president for 8 years and has had a successful term, will you?
It'll be like Rato posting.
>underage v&
>Trump literally goes full conspiracy theory, can't answer a simple fucking policy question, and mocks people openly for fuck sake. Hillary could eat a bloody tampon and still come off better as trump. Hillary is going to come off as an adult, meanwhile all Trump will do is shout "crooked Hillary" for 50 minutes. Trump is going to look like a dumbass.
That's because until now, he's been appealing to Republicans for the primary, who are overwhelmingly retarded. When he squares off with Hillary, he will change his tone (but still attack her directly) in order to reach out to most Americans. Whether he will make a dent in her support is another matter, but I'm pretty sure we'll see a very different Trump in the coming months.
this desu. i'm willing to bet that if there is a massive gun legislation passed there will be some sort of military coup
perhaps a civil war is the only thing that will save white Americans from the brown shit-tide
Just wait until Assange drops the bombs.
This is our year of Chaos.
Brexit was a lock, and then Kek killed a politician.
Hillary is a lock, and then Kek will get her indicted.
Fuck knows what is going to happen come November.
>1 post by this ID
I've seen people bitching about being called newfags over this, so no.
It is a 1.5% change which is well within the main of error for any poll. Literally nothjng has changed.
when do debates start?
>1 post by this ID
>Trump could easily force her to say something stupid.
It won't matter because Trump literally spouts something stupid every other minute. His list of gaffs is the most of any candidate by many orders of magnitude.
The Bar is too fucking low already. Hillary can say 10 stupid things, because Trump will say 1001.
Yes, yes .. The (((Bloomberg))) poll is realistic, put that into your poll averages
>he will change his tone
Cool story Paul Ryan and every other GOP official
Imagine hillary losing it national television after trump brings up one of her controversies during the debate.
Trump isn't taking the campaign serious enough, he could easily win if he didn't toned down his stupid shit but he didn't. When he said "this judge must be illegal, check his papers", purely because he's mexican? Out of all the shit he's said it was one of the worst, when questioned he just kept giving excuses and came off like he's an idiot.
Then bernie decieded to back up Hillary Clinton, so those two combined put trump on a downhill slope. He can still easily win if he gets his act together, instead of just spouting shit without solid facts to back up his statements.
Honestly, trump is losing, brexit is losing. Fuck the world desu, Done giving a shit about the world once they both fail, gonna focus on myself not the country i live in.
That's outdated
This came out today
>He could win if he suddenly became someone completely different and acted like the people he defeated
He is a multi billionaire, with a vast international business empire. He knows how to be presidential and when to be off the cuff. He will slaughter her in the debates because he doesn't fear the Clintons.
What specifically did he say that was stupid? Could you actually cite the specific gaffs you're talking about?
No, fucking leaf, it's over. Trump - or Drumpf as I like to call him - but Trump (for your sakes), he's done
Here is the problem...only ~30% of people at best think "Hillary Lost it there". Hillary doesn't have any nationwide "controversies". She has shit that the republicans call controversies. Most of which are nonsense.
Meanwhile, most of American (including the GOP) acknowledge Trumps constant fuck ups and his inability to be presidential. Hell, Paul Ryan the highest ranking GOP official basically called Trump a racist for fuck sake. Trump can't even get the nationwide support from his own party because he is toxic and will lose the republicans many lower seats. Trump is constantly fucking up. The more he speaks the more people hate him. Plus his nationwide campaign game is shit. Hillary is busy in swing states, while Trump is begging for cash and in ....Texas? Fucking retard.
Some of the GOP is legit trying to help Trump, but Trump is too fucking pigheaded to listen to anyone. Trump will probably lose just because he can't run a national campaign for shit and refuses to listen to those experienced in running said campaigns. It's his basic anti-intellectual bullshit. I SO SMART! I HAVE BIG BRAIN! POUND CHEST* ME TRUMPZ!
>rich = presidential
>businessman = presidential
You should probably kill yourself
t. hasn't watched any debates
Nice dubs
wow reall makes u think.
We really have to do something about this concern troll posting.
Holy fuck, Trump is done
Ban assault polls
>your head
Starting a thread and then not posting in it doesn't make you a troll.
yeah it does
>0.02 shekels have been deposited into your account.
>Hillary doesn't have any nationwide "controversies"
She has been selling state secrets for cash through the Clinton Foundation. She is the first overtly corrupt potential president in US history. It's symbolic of America's descent to a third world status that such a corrupt person got this far.
Sure, just off the top of my head...
1) He just came out in favor of profiling.
2) He just came out with some crazy gun grabber ideas
3) There was the pat on the back for "predicting the Orlando shooting"
4) The was racist Mexican judge shit.
5) Then there was racist Arab/Muslim shit.
6) Then there is the retarded MUHH wall nonsense.
The republican party had to disavow all this shit, because these kind of comments are toxic. Sure they rile up the Trumps base, but we are long past MuHH Trump BASE. Trump refuses to pivot to the general and his comments are so offensive to a large portion of America (weather you want to admit it or not), Trump has little to no chance anymore. Even the GOP knows this, it's why they are planning a coupe. As long as a large enough portion of America think Trump is offensive (which is the case)....TRUMP IS FUCKED.
What is Trump gonna do? Say he was joking about it all? Trump called some nigger "My African American.. Look at MY African American" for fuck sake. No matter what you think about that.... NIGGS hated it. All Hillary has to do is say ..."I'm not a racist like Trump" and she wins. It's pretty sad actually. But Trump and his followers are so fucking delusional they refuse to listen. Even when the GOP is litterly trying to help Trump, he refuses to listen. Trumps pride will be his downfall.
>when I'm losing a argument... I'll JUST YELL JEW!!!!
Cool story...which far right wing or alt-right news source you get that from?
You're in a bubble. That is a problem kiddo. A controversy is outlet wide. Hillary doesn't have any of those. Hillary mostly has the right bitching on right new outlets. That doesn't mean very much. Meanwhile Trump has controversies and full out commendation, all across the board. Even from the GOP itself.
Do you see the difference? You're in a bubble bitching about Hillary, but you confuse your bubble for mainstream American. It's the same reason Romney was surprised he lost in 2012. Get out of the bubble. Being in the bubble isn't going to help you (or Trump) at all.
I didn't get it from a news outlet. I used deduction with the speaking fees she gets paid by people through the Clinton Foundation. She was sending classified documents through her private email for a reason. And she wasn't getting paid a million dollars a speech because her insight is just so valuable. It's obvious that the speeches are the legal reason for the cash transfer but really what her clients are after is the state secrets she's selling.
The media is in it for Hillary. They suppress anything that's negative for her. The media is even campaigning for her because she can't be bothered to give interviews or speeches. What goes through your head when the media is running old footage of Hillary on mute and they're explaining her platform for her? Hillary's voice is like nails on a chalk board so they have the mute the audio and relay the message for her. They're not going to air anything negative of Hillary.
The last Gravis poll is actually +5 Clinton when the option "Other" is included. And Gravis is a Republican-leaning poll. That's terrible for Trump.
>Brexit was a lock, and then Kek killed a politician.
sounds like Kek doesn't like right-wing scum.
>That's because until now, he's been appealing to Republicans for the primary, who are overwhelmingly retarded. When he squares off with Hillary, he will change his tone (but still attack her directly) in order to reach out to most Americans. Whether he will make a dent in her support is another matter, but I'm pretty sure we'll see a very different Trump in the coming months.
"Asked if staff was notified of Corey decision, campaign source tells me it's "bedlam in the Trump campaign. No one knows what is happening.""
"Trump staff complaining they're "overwhelmed," "unable to focus" their candidate."
>1 post by this ID
Hillary is a seasoned debater and politician. She won't go off script no matter what Trump does. She might be a fucking cheat, but she knows how to pander and politic.
Plus which, the media bias is on her side. Even if she does say something stupid, it won't get mainstream attention. Sup Forums will be all over it, but CNN will ignore it completely, so the average swing voter won't hear a whisper of it.