Kayla the politics qt

requesting nudes of trumpfu kayla aka trump girl

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You like looking at dick OP?



Take your disgusting fetish somewhere else




She's underage nip

Well fug. I dindu nuffin Mr. CIA please don't shoot me an throw me off a plane.

I would pay her $3000 for 24 hours of her "time."

its okay yellow jew its just ur culture, remind him of the 10 gorrillion killed in nagasaki and hiroshima

Kayla is fuckable. Definitely fuckable. But I think I would hate her, honestly. She just seems like one of those cocky "I know I'm hot" bitches that will spend the rest of their lives receiving alimony from some fucking retarded beta.

Overall, as far as Trumpettes go, randomyoko is my #1 crush. I would seriously marry her without a thought right now.

>aka trump girl

there's a blog called trumpgirl on tumblr and that's an actual trap


anyone seen the dick to confirm the trap?

Fuckin straya

You just described every western woman in the last five decades.

Are there more videos of her other than that Infowars one where she's yelling at the Bern victims.



are you dumb?

No just Polish KURWA!

Delete this


Fucking kek

Why is it always the British who ask for nudes and other shit of ugly women

you guys are fucking retarded for worshipping here

I would

trumpQT is a trap? fucking hell I would have never guessed it

>getting baited this hard

>trump 'girl'
that meme again?

>you'll never be the qt trap

y even liv


she looks meh whenever she takes her own photos

but put a half decent wide angle camera like the one Infowars used and you get a qt

Which one is that?

>You thought she looked meh in those photos
>Peep it without makeup


Trap or not I'd fuck it


Perfect aesthetics.

hell forgot link



"She"'s got a weird face desu senpai.
Cute eyes though.



would like eat that pussay

she must have transitioned at an early age.


>Sup? My boyfriend wants to ask you guys a question: "How does it feel to have no life?"

>He loves watching you guys pant over CP and ancient nudes that were illegally leaked by an ex and trying to use them against me as if they're relevant. Sending nudes now could get me banned from my church. I'd rather not risk that. I love you little bastards, but come on. You're just hopping on the beta bandwagon of "huuur duuuuur she's an attractive girl who is also smart so she must be a slut doing everything for attention". You're the ones making me relevant. All I did was stand up for Trump and my heritage.

>And for those saying positive things, thanks. You retain my faith in Sup Forums that not everyone there is a raging asspie.


fuck sake...she is hot here anyone got nudes ?

Do her sisters have downs?

> How does it feel to have no life?

I'll admit, collecting images of frogs is not a great life, but it is something.

>Girls supports Trump
>Sup Forums makes everybody believe she's a trap
>She gots mad and call us out in her shitty deviantart profile

You ruin everything.

pretty sure him having a dick is what ruined this.

you live in glorious nippon your life is already better than ours.

Probably, it'd explain her personality real well.

Yeah but what's the point when Kayla only likes German guys?


do you think she has kinky sex with her bf?

you dont consider all sex between a man and his trap to be kinky?

I'm confused.

Is this a guy or girl? I'm scared because it feels like a trap.

Japanese death poem

The bantz

come on, get pic related instead.

>skinnyfat thighs (doesn't lift at all)
>dyed hair
into the trash

gonna need more details

if she is, she sure started young:

get out, faggot

...that looks pretty convincing that she is girl... But so does that other trap bullshit.

I want to believe but fuck

Soulless automaton vs. red-pilled qt3.14 with a sense of humor

> not an arguement

>woman vs trap.
yeah real hard choice there. god, nu Sup Forums is fucking degenerate.

Attention whores deserve to be gased

>all those shoes
>skinnyfat body
>all that time spent shopping instead of lifting and exercising
>a desirable female
into the trash

kayla pls go.

She's not a trap, just a qt

Yeah, no.

How are the refugees, today?

randomyoko is a qt3.14

>Dem birthin' hips


alive and well i guess.

You could've gone with shizer porn, or 6 gorillion or anything else but you went with the lazy insult.

Go back to /b and brush up before coming back to /pol

How's the fast? I read Merkel made Ramadan mandatory.

i don't know. have they put the nigger on the 20$ bill already?


Shiße, you tard.

I already said skinnyfat the first time. I don't need any more evidence


> Also, you mean the $12 bill

pls no bully

She's 23.

>Dem birthin' hips


And your rapefugees are '16'.

Honestly, I think it's just the camera angle.

Actually they're 6' tall 15-year-olds with 5 o'clock shadows, you racist bigot!

I'm totally new on this subject.

Is she vaginal jew or does she have a girlcock?

If she has that is like the hottest thing in the world. I would want her to raise our donor babies.

confirmed for doesn't lift at all
any woman who wants to breeze through life by just being thin is going to be fat in the future. guaranteed.

She says she's 5'7 and 130 lbs. But as a /fit/izen, it does bother me that she is DYEL. It's better than that high test meme currently infecting /fit.

I've got a nip fiancee (from japan) and I got her to start lifting about 1.5 years ago. Serious compound barbell and dumbbell movements, not the bullshit that most women do in the gym.

Japs can have great bodies. It's a shame they shy away from the gym and just want flat, featureless, pale bodies. It's a damn shame.

>it does bother me that she is DYEL

I don't understand people who want muscles on their women.

She's a woman. The trap thing is a meme.

That is like totally irrelevant, we need to know if she really has a dick. Anything else can wait!

>She's a woman. The trap thing is a meme.

Eew, digusting. Why would you put a pussy on a pedestal? You guys are cucks!

>I don't understand people who want muscles on their women.
thin women who don't lift just become skinnyfat. you can't go forever on being in your early 20's and not eating too much. you eventually get fat. lifting prevents this. The legs stay the same size but instead of mashed potatoes and cottage cheese they're denser, more firm, and not gross

you just know she had gang bangs with illegals spics and not shes pro-trump because they dumped her

99% of the women here cannot do a single push up. They just kind of flop on the floor like a dead fish.

With looks like this does it even matter?