So let's say Islam wins. They outbreed us and take over the western world from within. What would realistically happen to technological, industrial and scientific advancement?
What would realistically happen if islam takes over the world?
there would be none. only thing they do is pray to a black rock 5 times a day and kill each other for not being muslim enough. How would they have time to do science and industrial shit.
It takes a back seat to oppressive religious rule.
All I know for sure is that women would universally become cattle and livestock. Ironic that western women are the strongest supporters of Islam.
The ruski's would rather nuke the world than live to be muslims.
An actual dark age would happen.
Mostly halt.
The reason is that religious courts and review boards would review every little attempt at research to see if it alone with the Quran.
There would be widespread civil violence since everyone knows Muslims of different sects tolerate others existence.
2nd Dark age.
>falling for the jewish revised history books
The UFOS are going to try to make you muslim so be ready
This'll never happen. Nukes would fly and destroy every last inch of this godforsaken planet before that'd come to pass.
> last dark age
Fify, because they are not coming out of it.
Supply chains would break, and the world population would get knocked back to maybe a billion or so via disease and starvation.
But it's not going to happen. The more they take over, the more they will destroy the very supply chains that keep them fed. Not to mention that Europe is going to turn into a huge wake up call for the rest of the world.
I was born and raised in a conservative muslim country that follows Saudi Arabia for 15 years due to my family's business.
First off, all pork is banned straight up. Boys and girls are separated at a young age and cannot be seen with each other. You get barraged with nonstop quotes from the Quran on how holy and great Muhammad is. Outside of that, nightlife dies by 7pm since all the night clubs are closed permanently for degeneracy. No alcohol as well since that's illegal. People seen together outside are asked questions on whether they have a permit to gather and if there are males and females intermixed in the group which is then hauled off to jail. Theft will have their hands cut off. Women must be covered at all times, they aren't given anything beyond the most basic of freedoms.
desu in a fully muslim country, the main issue is boredom. There's barely anything to do since everything else gets banned.
It would be like 40k but not cool and restricted to Earth.
There would be ever lasting peace.
Just kidding, there'd be constant warfare between the different sects for all eternity and it would stagnate all human progress forever.
Oh btw, there's a huge discrimination between muslims and non muslims as well.
Muslims are given everything they want from the government while non muslims cannot own land, cannot travel due to no passport and more. You're essentially a 2nd class citizen. If muslims take over the west, everyone non muslim will be forced to convert in order to have a normal life or stay fighting and never be able to escape the restrictions placed upon you.
advancement would stop. for fuck sake they still live like it's 700 years ago from a social perspective
they would probably watch their society degrade from the inside out :)
>n-n-no muslims arent pussies like christians
yes. they actually are.
Lets say in 100 years America is now 80% muslim. How long do you think they can stop feminists, faggots and other degenerates?
In 200-300 years after the muslim takeover the hardcore muslims will be obese, barely-even-brown anti-semites howling about how awesome isis was so long ago. Also niggers will never really stop ruining any society theyre in
the nigger fucks everything. the nigger cucks everything. when japan opens its border, the nigger will fuck everything.
u played in mass effect?
krogan homeworld is how would world like when muslims would concuer the world - wild planet with tribes fighting each other
Technology and Science would collapse
Countries would continue to war as Muslims will fight other Muslims
Shia vs Sunni until one is wiped out
Then Extremists would turn on moderates
Once only Extremists are left, the different groups would turn on each other
In the end everyone would be reduced to shitty tribes
They're inbred fucking retards.
The only threat from them is retarded liberals aiding and abetting them.
>implying Brazilians know how to read
Thar is the right thing to do though .
Hello, Silverbergstein. Enjoying your hard-earned reparations?
tribal fightings forever cause noone ever interperts the holy book right
Constant intersectional wars between the various factions
i think radical islam will die out, and eventually islam itself.
Pigs and boars would get extinct'd
Also cousin marriages would make IQ in western and Asian countries plummet and keep it down
they would leech off European and East Asian scientific prowess, call it Islamic Golden Age 2.0 and after there's nothing more to leech off the world would go to shit
>10,000 years later
>Alien looks at skulls uncovered from the dust
>"what is this place"
Unearthed by Dalang films is a pretty accurate prediction
There is no irony. They know they have to be ruled, so they ditch the wimpy men that set them free and chose a more aggressive manly figure. See it like a way to give a big whiplash to a too soften race. And if the white race dies, the nature will move on, no fuck given.
Well written.
Hopefully I'd be able to get a girlfriend.
If Islam will get me a girlfriend, I am all for it.
Right now, Staceys just ignore me so if Islam will make my life better then I'm all for it.
There would be nonstop war. Many of us would die, become slaves, or become soldiers against Islam. Or so I would hope. The Human Race would become one of horror, violence, and despair. Ages would pass and the history of the civilization that humans tried to build would be nothing but dust, forgotten and lost.
We might as well split the Earth in two than let Islam win.
In Islam you have to be a Chad to impress the father
If your white no arab is going to let you have his daughter. Even if you convert. You are less valuable than a Muslim born from birth of pure Arab genes.
So basically. Arab Chad gets 10x mores wives and you get none.
Imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever
>atheism/paganism/hinduism/Buddhism etc is abolished
>all citizens must register with the government as muslim, Christian or jew
>latter two are permitted but pay 25% additional tax to the government, also must wear cross/star of David on outer garments
>also can't proselytize and of course Muslims get death penalty for converting
>alcohol is still legal because tax money
>only Christians and Jews can buy possess or sell
>leads to a thriving black market of illicit sales to Muslims
>government turns a blind eye because social control
>White Christians are the new niggers slinging booze to the faithful, make good money too
Hahahaha, girlfriendless losers will still exist under islam. Why do you think so many young men go fight for ISIS with them being virgins who are angry at the world?
Under a muslim rule, all the most popular men would be able to have multiple wives while people like you would be stuck and would have an even worse chance of dating at all.
If that happens all non-muslims will be genocided and enslaved. Why are caring about whether science will advance or not while all westerners are slaves or dead. Who cares about the world after that, its over at that point.
Well I think I have a good idea as to what would happen in regards to technology, because its already happening. If Islam were to take over the West, IE europe, north america, Scientific advancement would have likely transfered into China, India and Russia. The East would likely become a solid trading block and develop a military alliance due to a now nuclear armed block of Muslim countries in europe and in North America. Currently China and India are developing good space programs because the cost of labour is low so they can actually do more with their money, and in a post islamisation world the scientific minds of the west would have long emigrated to China or India, which would further their prosperity. As time goes on the Islamic nations further become more splintered and divided against eachother, and wars between them will occur. Scientific advancement will slow down temporarily but then pick up, just elsewhere. If neccessary the military alliance created from the East may have to invade the Islamised Nations of Europe to remove their nuclear weapons, perhaps even remove the muslims as well. All that will happen is scientists will move and the East will become a massive geopolitical power.
However, I don't think this islamisation scenario is likely. The popularity of Trump in the US and the boom/rebirth of the right wing in the West really shows that a change in public opinion is coming. People are slowing realizing just how stupid and insane the left's policies toward immigration and multiculturalism are and soon there's going to be massive changes. The fall of the EU and the rise of Nationalism is not going to sit well for the Muslims that have infested the west. The smart ones will leave as they see the writing on the wall, but the dumb ones will stay and keep thinking they can get that welfare or keep their segregated zones. They will eventually be forced out like the Moors were in France.
This. ISIS is basically muslim /r9k/
Interesting reverse polarity theory. So rather than the west getting multicultural it becomes monotheistic and becomes more and more brown, eventually heavy breeding makes everyone look like Stephen Curry.
China is really full though, Vietnam could be very trendy, its a lot like Florida and not very populated and nearby places that are cool and has good food. Asia weirdly has a ton of Christians now.
I find it very amusing that my old pastors used to think USA was against the anti-Christ but we were probably the AC if anything.
Basically set the world back 500 years.
Discover on their own that living like cavemen is not so fun. Christianity was not so different a couple of hundred years ago
They eventually split into factions use our old missile silos and destroy the planet because they have no impulse control.
>Is this God's will, bro?
>What would realistically happen to technological, industrial and scientific advancement?
It would be set back a bit, then advancement would happen again, then women would get rights, then women would destroy society. It's a broken fucking record.
nice reference