Who /switching to bing/ here?
Who /switching to bing/ here?
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isn't bing microsoft though?
What other search engines are there?
I don't like duck duck go, though, I get better results with startpage
google it
just quit internet.
bing uses google
ya played yaself
You could always ask jeeves
At work I have to use Internet Explorer and it has bing as the home page.
To be honest internet explorer is pretty ok nowadays and has good integration with other MS office products (and SharePoint), and I'm starting to like Bing's search results more than Google.
Especially for the Euro games it showed the matchups and rosters a lot better than Google did, and even displayed the calculated odds of each team winning which helped me win some office bets.
>not asking jeeves
Try asking Jeeves.
nignig nog
You'll be back after about a week if you can keep it up that long.
Is Yahoo good?
Bing bing Yahoo
thesei also unironically use yandex because i don't care if kgb knows what i'm doing
well bill gates is a devout catholic like I am and google are the worst kind of sjw shits possible...
choice isn't hard
Oh, Indonesia, how I wish I could...
This is your best option. Destroy all your electronic devices.
Also, just fucking accept already that you don't have to agree with someone's politics to use their products. Google is by far the best search engine in existence. What you're proposing is like not using cars because Henry for was an antisemitic fascist. Makes no sense.
>not using startpage
tor is slow af m8
>getting this triggered
Refugees are fine and this has been celebrated since 2000.
What Europe is experiencing is mass migration and they know it.
Are you on crack? Bill Gates isn't religious, and is a liberal Democrat much like warren buffet.
Keep your shitskins out of my country, keep your shitskins out of my country, keep your shitskins out of my country!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish there was another search engine anywhere near as good.
> inb4 Startpage
> inb4 duckduckgo
i was kind of joking.
unrelated, but after arguing a lot about racial hierarchy, i feel inferior to use whites inventions. but political views of the inventor/producer doesn't bother me as long as the money doesn't go to something i'm very against.
almost all america's best inventors and innovators are liberal democrats. diversity and multiculturalism gives happy and positive vibes that benefits to creativity, i guess.
nope, he is very religious
search online if u don't trust me
I use Qwant.
> using kikerosoft softwares. Kek
good point
I changed search engine to bing
>inb4 kikesoft
so what. as long as they dont manipulate search results and obtrude their leftist propaganda upon me I dont care
i compared both, i turned off both safesearch, and google still censor some stuffs.
Feels good
>just quit internet.
this tbqhfam.
>total govt data surveillance
waiting for the thought police to kick in my door any day now ...
Qwant looks okay. I use DuckDuckGo because I love the bangs - e.g., !gi automatically goes to Google Images, !yt to Youtube, !w Wikipedia and so on.
>all these retards spamming startpage
>enhanced by Jewgle right under the search bar
>all america's best inventors and innovators are liberal democrats.
STFU indonesia WTF do you know about the US
fucking shill
prove me wrong, that's all. luckily all my american favourites are made by whites that are humble and down to earth about their whiteness, that don't see me as inferior just because of my race. feels pretty good to use their products.
yeah i wish i could. internet is my only life.
yeah i switched to bing last week for this reason, don't use kikebook anymore either.
It's not about politics. Google shows you what they want you to see. Lots of big corporations pay them to link results to their sites too. Because of this the used web has shrunk and most webbers think similarily
No seriously why would you support nutella? He is a bigger jew by actions than actual Jews
Google has made their image search so safe its no fun anymore. Bing however...
duckduckgo is pretty good, I don't get why everyone says it's impossible to find stuff on it.
Anyone who still uses Jewgle in current year is retarded.
Use startpage, faggots.
use duckduckgo
Microsoft paid shill I see
>bought by Intel whose CEO is not a white proudist who will see me as inferior to him
thank god, i can still use it.
kek, they know that this shitty campaign will not work in Poland.
Yes! Even with safe search off it seems they eliminated the vast and high mountains of porn they had before
>For the better, perhaps
Also it may be because some private sites, from PPV porn to Facebook pages, still had their images indexed, and Google had to put a stop to it.
at least he's from Microsoft, like you claim to be to old ladies on the phone, Pajeet.
>not already using DuckDuckGo
startpage is literally google, you get the same censored and manipulated search results
DuckDuckgo is cucked, I would not recommend using it..
>click the link
>follow to the youtube video (there is always one)
>give it thumbs down
is that so hard? Now when people follow the link they know where people stand
DuckDuckGo founder: Gabriel Weinberg
There is no end to it ...
Use Startpage or disconnect. Don't give Google analytical information about you.
>he's not using qrobe.it
good goys
Ixquick.eu should fix the jewgle problem
Use adblockers and hosts filtering for anything google related.
Also use a proxy search engine like Startpage.
> b0t
Of course a Microsoft shillbot would say that
>10 rupees have been deposited into your Google account.
I actually really like Bing, and their rewards system has paid for my xbox membership for two years. Just bought Watch_Dogs for free when it was on sale from the Xbox credits I redeemed.
>inb4 shill
It's just like startpage
>people that make fun of me are bots.
At least you didn’t haphazardly throw insults together like phone pajeets.
Just use ghostery and block all trackers
Is there a browser I can start using other than google chrome that's just as fast?
Professor: "why didn't you hand me your paper?"
Student: "I couldn't let myself use the shilling Google and DuckDuckGo didn't have enough information about the subject"
Google is currently the best search engine there is, and it's counter productive not to use it
Ghostery is a tool made by advertisers and has tracking built into it.
kek'd. That's some old school grade 5 computer lab shit right there.
There are builds of chromium, without the bloat and the botnet features, that are even a little faster than chrome.
But chromium is always suspect of having hidden in jewgle spyware.
Some anons were looking forward to Brave a few weeks ago. Haven't looked into it myself yet.
Which builds of Chromium? I use Chromium on Debian, the standard one, not sure if this one has Google's botnet in it.
how so?
Whoa, they are going to lose whole 10 users! Google has billions of users. I'm sure this will hurt them
If you really want to go that deep, use Disconnected
It combines a few search engines and somehow manages to hide you from them
They also have a proxy but I would not recommend using it (or a proxy for that matter, use a no logs policy/warrant canary VPN+TOR)
1 post by this id
If you're using Google for sources to write Academic research papers, you're doing something wrong.
There's a reason JSTOR and other Academic databases exist.
Oh FFS, switch to duckduckgo if you want to stop supporting the eternal Jew, not to Microsotfs Bing
In this page there are chromium builds without account/webrtc but unfortunately only in the versions for windows.
Linux distros seem to have only the standard version of chromium.
>1 post by this id
>Gabriel Weinberg is creator of duckduckgo.com, a search engine that does not track users history
Literally made by a jew.
startpage.com is bretty gud too
>switching to bing
>while posting on Sup Forums
You do realise Google owns reCAPTCHA right? That thing you use every single time you post?
Google Scholar isn't bad, mainly because it isn't limited to a single discipline.
But yeah, there are alternatives.
If you don't give 4 chan a couple bucks for their service