Should all federalists be hanged for treason?
Should all federalists be hanged for treason?
How likely is it that the Jo Cox incident was a false flag attempt against the far right?
Absolutely yes
It qas surely a false flag, but now it's not so important: Bremain will win
When you say federalists, do you mean the retards that think the EU was a good idea?
If that's the case, yes.
Very likely
The timing is too good, nobody has "Britain first" as a battle cry and nobody signs their name as a nationalist slogan
In an ideal world, they would see some punishment for their treason. Hanging isn't a traitor's death though and really only the ring leaders should suffer punishment.
Worse, retards who think the EU should be a country
You should spread this on Twitter. It might help Brexit happen.
Then my answer is still yes
Trying to unite Europe is like trying to unite Apefrica. Looking from afar, all of Europe seems similar to eachother, but look closely, and anyone who isn't a retard would realize that they're all very different, making it very hard to truly unite. The union would probably break up at one time or another like the Soviet Union, where a bunch of little cracks will form a bigger crack, splitting the EU nation and causing protests, riots, and war.
reported for hatespeech
i hope you get thrown into that fire you fucking bigot
We've a better option for french ones
Good thinking, Pierre
EU was a good idea, well no in fact it was not.
But if we kept it to the 6 first members of the CEE we could have done a lot of great things like an ambitious space program instead of throwing "gibmedat" at Poland and Romania.
Federalism is already rejected twice in referendum, in France and in the Netherlands.
There shouldn't even be talks about federalism.
But I guess the bureaucrats in Brussels will never stop dreaming of a Soviet type empire across Europe l.
europe ought to be one country
ur mom ought to be a country, fgt
the only thing bugging me about this picture is that we really have much in common on a global scale.
Federation is the future of Europe as we know it.
I mean we will be absolutely desolated if we decide to be individual nations instead of the Federation.
Federation is the key component for global peace and stability.
But not enough to be a single country.
The difference in saving culture in Germany and the mediterranean countries alone is breaking the Euro apart. Not to talk about all the other things that don't match.
We should have something like a european forum for common interests, cooperation and common projects, but nothing more.
CERN and ESA and so on are working just fine. With or without the EU.
Your 10M pop, postal stamp sized country as no chance to stay rich and relevant in this century alone.
European empire is needed to counter the giants of the world. Of course EU is shit, but we need an empire or at least a continental big strong hegemonic country to lead us and protect us from all the threats.
now that's a cuck's attitude, that is!