Why does it seem like most faggots are anti-gun?

Why does it seem like most faggots are anti-gun?

As a faggot myself, conceal carrying makes me feel secure against both Tyrone who wants my wallet and Cletus who wants to cave my head in for seeing me and my boyfriend in public.

Are liberals just stupid?

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Because most faggots are also liberal.

And most liberals are anti-gun.

So you have, at minimum, many faggots who are also anti-gun.

Homos should die.

>fist the flag
>than the fag

Damn, he got some distance there.

Was Omar "spray the gay away" Manteen wielding the hose?

Because you and the Pink Pistols arent LOUD enough about the need to CC in the gay community. If ever there was a time to discuss it it should be now

Maybe the victim culture is part of the problem.

I hate you fags (heh) but you're still people who have rights and I know a lot of the gun community feels the same

Convince your fellow homos to protect themselves

he's fine
he takes headshots every day of the week so it's nothing new having a big load in his face

Trust me I've been shouting about it to everyone who will listen.

I'm hoping Trump ultimately ushers in a more secular republican party because I know a lot of fellow homos who I think could be convinced to become republicans. A secularized right + a left that continues to hugbox Muslims could cause a lot of gays to move to the right in the coming years.


So, why do antis want to disarm the weak, victimized, and vulnerable, then act surprised and absolve themselves of guilt when those they disarmed get murdered wholesale?

Victim culture isn't just a gay thing. It is an extension of the entire slave morality this country has operated on since the 60s. The weak are virtuous, the strong are evil. Because of this mentality, even those with the capacity to be strong are willing to diminish and disarm themselves.

No, I don't know how to undo it.

Simple, because they only "care" about those groups while it's politically convenient to do so.

In the gays' case it's partially justified since the republs have submitted entirely to the jesus freaks, but Trump is shattering that status quo this election cycle, I'm excited to MAGA.

Let's hope Cruz's run for the nomination is the final hurrah for the moral right.

Oh I kno victim culture is not just the gays.

But the victim culture is a problem. I'd say niggers and white women are probably the worst "victims"

>As a faggot myself, conceal carrying makes me feel secure against both Tyrone who wants my wallet and Cletus who wants to cave my head in for seeing me and my boyfriend in public.

Why are so many faggots fucking racist? I bet you wear purple skinny jeans and drive a ford fiesta on the way to a grimes concert you glock 42 toting cock sniffling faggot

They are allergic to guns.

Well, mostly the bullets really.

I'm racist because racism is statistically sound, just like it's statistically sound that you wouldn't want a blood transfusion from me.

Of course, if you're black, it's statistically sound that I wouldn't want a blood transfusion from you, either.


We support all races here if they want to own and carry guns. Stop trying to start shit for no reason you agro fuck.

>Of course, if you're black, it's statistically sound that I wouldn't want a blood transfusion from you, either.
But them sickle cells move through the body faster.

I believe it was who was trying to start shit, OP just threw it back in his face.

Not OP but you can go right ahead and fuck yourself. Nobody was arguing that we should take guns away from niggers, but call a spade a spade for fuck's sake. Blacks are shittier than other people.

Rednecks are worse, just sayin.

The only thing I hate more than a faggot is one who calls other faggots faggots.

Own up to your identity. Don't be a self-hating bitch.

Statistically niggers are in fact worse, just sayin

>ruins everything they touch
>fucks their cousin

>runs around shooting people
>gets into gang fights all the time
>most likely to rob you
>most likely to shoot you for looking at him wrong
> most likely to rape you

I'd rather have a redneck than a nigger live by me. Take it from me, I'm the only white guy in my hood. Literally, low income housing is the worst. One of the niggers can "barely afford his rent every month", but I see him get into a dammed 2014 Challenger. For fucks sake, niggers are the worst. And sure, rednecks make and sell meth, but only in certain areas. Every other area its the black man selling it, and only using that money on things for him, instead of bettering the community around him like a redneck would.

Man, fuck niggers. And fuck every other race too. Just fuck everyone.

Me and my friends call each other faggots all the time. If niggers can call eachother niggers faggots can call fellow faggots faggots.

Your entire post is retarded except for

>Just fuck everyone.

>some no-name shit-tier country
>spraying their gays instead of their kebabs
>stays shit-tier
>never-ending cycle of putting down gays and getting increasingly shit-tier
I mean, it beats being Sweden, but still.

kill yourself, white guilt faggot

>what's guilt

Haha, what??0

Yes. Liberals are stupid.

Also alot of fags are twink by nature and are scared of big boom.. which is usually associated with masculinity.

>Are liberals just stupid?

There's a fair number of stupid conservatives, too, but yes. Fuck 'em. Be a faggot packing heat, and be proud of it!

>Are liberals just stupid?

>rural white people are somehow worse than niggers

Omar "frag the fags" marteen?

>Why does it seem like most faggots are anti-gun?
Because you usually can't tell if someone's gay until you ask them, and the fags who you can tell are obvious bottoms aka women with penises. I'm gay, and most of the men I fuck are pro-gun. Some poll somwhere said 50% of all gay men are voting conservative or something. Might be bullshit, but it seems reasonable.

Please Sup Forums, stop being so edgy.

Delete your trip. You've done nothing impressive and don't need to preserve your identity, newfag.

There is no 'we', tumblr. Go away.

I side with him, bearing arms is a human right.

Inb4 >human

yes they are. Cletus wants to but Omar will.

Cletus and Tyrone may want to, but in the end, Ahmed will end up doing it.

I really don't know.

Bisexual myself and I've loved guns for as long as I've been alive, for longer than I knew I was bi. My boyfriend expressed interest in going shooting with me before the relationship fell apart so he wasn't anti gun.

Apart from finding hot guys with guns attractive, the two things don't really seem to have any connection in my head, my sexuality and love of guns just isn't connected.

I'd say that it seems most are antis because they feel the need to stay hard left because the left at least pretends to care about them and is more likely to let them be who they are in public, right wingers usually combine sound fiscal and legal policies with seething hatred for them and everything they are.

Kinda hard supporting someone when they think I need to live my entire life keeping my head down and my mouth shut like a good little citizen so my weirdness doesn't spread. (which it can't anyway that's not how it works.)

Oh wow man you're right I feel so bad for you. You shouldn't have to behave like an adult.

Fuck off. I don't give a shit what you do in your home. I support your right to own guns, but don't fucking pretend it's normal to stick your dick into other dudes. Don't try to normalize destructive behavior. At least have the humility to admit it's not fucking normal or okay, and go do whatever you want.

Does this have ANYTHING to do with a weapon?

The only word that had "gun" in OP's post was
which is a political issue.

Mods, PLEASE do your job. Anons, PLEASE post in the right board. That is all.

this. This is only it. Conseratives don't like gays, so most gays are liberal. Liberals don't like guns.

very broad brushstrokes but in general it's true

If you want a pro gay gun group go to pinkpistols.org/

It is not statistically average, granted. But being different doesn't make it wrong.

How is this opinion of 'I think being gay is wrong and destructive and shouldn't be considered normal'

Different from the opinion of 'I think owning guns is wrong and destructive and shouldn't be considered normal'

In the end it's just the same argument, that your personal sentiment should dictate the terms of my life to me, that my rights end where your feelings begin and is exactly the kind of emotional 'argument' that anti-gunners use all the time to sway people who go by knee-jerk emotional responses rather than reason.

Don't know, but I think that part of it is that the areas of the US where people are the most enthusiastic about gun ownership are the areas where gays feel the least comfortable being out about their sexuality. Gun ownership in this country is a huge regional thing.

I do think that the southern gays in places like Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, etc. have the potential to redpill the wider gay community on guns. They're gay, but they also grew up in a gun culture. I remember a gay relative of mine telling me about shocking all of his Bay Area friends by telling them how he grew up learning how to use rifles and shotguns.

>Of course I know how to use guns. I grew up in Texas!

Also reminds me of visiting gun shops and ranges in Dallas that looked like a DNC diversity poster - shooters were male, female, black, white, Asian, gay, straight, Hispanic, young, old, etc.

If people from these groups in the South who love guns can start to backflow to other parts of the country then national gun culture might change.

But I love guns

You dense faggot. I didn't even tell you not be be a faggot, I said just keep that shit to yourself. Even fucking pedophiles can admit that their desires are wrong.

Why do you expect everybody to feel sorry for you?
>Kinda hard supporting someone when they think I need to live my entire life keeping my head down and my mouth shut like a good little citizen so my weirdness doesn't spread.

What the fuck does that even fucking mean?

I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for me, I just want people to leave me the fuck alone and treat me like everyone else.

Problem is, some people can't seem to leave me the fuck alone or stop treating me like a shameful freak, like you are right now.

Great job with the pedo comparison by the way, really original but it has no bearing on what two consenting adults want to do with each other.

On the small chance that you're not just trolling, I'll try to explain things to you. What I want, is what you have, and have taken for granted your entire life.

The ability to talk about a romantic partner in public. Not at any passing random stranger, not to wave it around on a banner, but just to talk about it. To not bite my tongue and dance around the subject because I'm afraid someone might find out.

To be able to be seen in public with my partner and not have to worry constantly. No not to bone each other in public that's absurd, I mean just to walk together, to go out to dinner and hold a private conversation and not have to always think 'maybe this day is the day some homophobic asshole is going to notice and come harass us, or physically assault us.'

To not have to worry about being evicted from my apartment or losing my job because someone found out about my orientation or tracked down one picture of me kissing a guy, which does happen far too often.

I don't want special treatment, I don't want pandering and I sure fuck don't want pity, least of all from you. I want to be able to live my life without fear of being victimized and discriminated against because of one aspect of who I am.

probably misinformed, too much TV

Then just act like an adult. You're the one that's victimizing yourself.

>What I want, is what you have, and have taken for granted your entire life.
I've been an outcast my entire life and I really don't care.

What you do is fucking disgusting, fine two consensual adults. It's still not normal. It's very likely that you will catch aids and die. Does it really bother me that you're gay? No. Does it bother me that you think I should think your behavior is okay? Yes. That's the only part I'm attacking. If you're worried about people attacking you for what you do in your free time, then fine. Carry a gun and don't be a victim.

Shut up faggot

the liberal agenda usually supports minorities including gays, the conservative agenda usually is indifferent or even passively against minorities. thus most gays become liberal and take the anti gun position as well, its not rocket science

>It's very likely that you will catch aids and die
only retards have unprotected sex with untested people

I really wish the 'gays are all promiscuous sluts' myth would just die already, I'm getting sick of hearing it.

That or hurry up and include me in it because I seem to have missed my ticket to endless hot sex and parties, maybe it got sent to the wrong address.

Oh dear, we're on Sup Forums now.

Ayyliums. You gotta go back.

The thread got moved over from /k/ because the mods over there are raging faggots.

No they just don't want people shitting up the board with people arguing with faggots about how their behavior is harmful to not only themselves, but society.

I smell a bunch of samefagging and using a VPN.

>Oh dear, we're on Sup Forums now.
Enjoy your stay.

all of these unknown flags. What is happening?

Get on grindr, you'll have AIDS in no time.

Thread got moved from /k/ I guess

Thread was on /k/ and the mods gave in to the people whining and bitching that it wasn't board material.

We've had these threads in the past on this exact subject but apparently this isn't allowed while posting softcore porn of models holding guns is A-OK.

self-hating gays are the worst. Slobbering on the knob of the people who hate you.

what the fuck guys everyone here has an UNKNOWN flag for me

what's the need for guns? mane i'm not into firing things that can blow a persons brains out or my own mane

i like having intact brains mane

What's going on with the flags? And the id's? Guis I'm like super scared right now.

self defense and fun
