That's not what they said...

That's not what they said. The things being redacted are most likely things related to working history with G4S (they often make you sign confidentiality agreements), and other personal infos like social security, etc...

FBI don't give a shit enough to redact things like that.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Lynch, who appeared on numerous Sunday talk shows, said the transcripts will not include Mateen's vow to follow ISIS or any other religious justification for the attack.

Read the link bruv.

No, Lynch said they're removing any and all references to Islam so that his "propaganda" won't be validated.

In other words it's an admission that yes, radical Islam is a problem

Literally denying the electorate the ability to inform themselves

Obama is a traitorous nigger. I wish Trump would send him to jail with Hillary

>it's an admission that yes, radical Islam is a problem
And they "admit" this by making it seem like Islam has nothing to do with it?

Ah ok I didn't read the link, I had just heard about them releasing the transcripts before in another article.

Still, this is only going to help the cause against Islam. People are only going to be further angered by how many Muslims we have infiltrated in our gov't orgs and will most likely spark some sort of initiative to push these scumbags out of their positions. It'll Make America Great Again in the end.

>People are only going to be further angered
One can only hope.

This move is absolutely disgusting.


The are removing all references to ISIS, supposedly, to avoid glorifying the cause and thereby putting this guy on a muslim martyr pedestal.

A largely unspoken reason is to avoid infuriating citizens to the point of causing "hate crime." Looks like they don't want any mosques burned.

So the killer WAS an Islamist terrorist?

Depends on your definition of 'terrorist'. He committed an atrocity nominally for ideological reasons, but he was 'self-radicalised' and planned the attack alone.

>removing any and all references to Islam so that his "propaganda" won't be validated.

let's count the ways they fucked up:
revisionist history 101, assuming "the west" is still alive in xx years, no one will remember the cause for the slaughter
freedom of speech supressed
editorializing and probably libel
obscuring and confusing the reason for the attack
looking like you've been infiltrated by muslim-affiliated think tank ideas from outside your country
looking like you've been infiltrated by the "politically correct" thought-police from inside your own country
looking like some other alphabet vomit agency is breathing down your neck about how people who arn't citizens of the US will use this
looking like you're a fucking pussy who doesn't want to INVESTIGATE the truth
actually being a fucking pussy in thinking that a dead man could harm you

>They are removing all references to ISIS
And Islam.


He literally did it in the name of Islam.

>believing Faux News

And his homophobia and general feelings of alienation within a Western society undoubtedly stem from his religion.

BUT it still wasn't the same as the Brussels and Paris attacks. There was no orchestration by ISIS, regardless of his claims.

So to me the conversation shouldn't be whether or not he's a real terrorist, but whether Islam is fundamentally opposed to Western values and allowing Muslims to live among us unavoidably creates friction. In other words, #YesAllMuslims. Making this conversation about ISIS deflects from the real problem IMO.

They said it's to not inspire any other mudslimes to do what he did. It will still be in transcripts, but they aren't making the actual phone call parts available

America truly the home to the world's biggest cuck population

A leaf saying that doesn't surprise me at all.

It was on NBC first before Fox caught it.

The definition of "terrorist" or even "ISIS terrorist" does not require a long-term link with the certified authorities of ISIS or any other terrorist group.

All it takes is to swear loyalty to caliph Ibrahim (aka Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi), and you ARE isis.

And he did have previous links with known ISIS members, that's why they investigated him a few years ago.

>It will still be in transcripts
No it won't.

That's the whole point of the thread.

Anything related to Islam will be deleted from the transcripts.


>And he did have previous links with known ISIS members, that's why they investigated him a few years ago.
is that why they found nothing and claimed to he has no actual link to them? cool story, bro.

He had links with a guy who blew himself up in Syria for example.

They just dropped his case because they couldn't find anything suspicious about him.

Shut up you Muslim nigger loving cuck.

>They just dropped his case because they couldn't find anything suspicious about him.
exactly, because he had no ties to known terrorists.

But he did.
He knew a future suicide bomber personally in the US for instance.

The evidence of his links to ISIS is stronger than the evidence of him being a homosexual

Because you're a Muslim cuck. Stop posting


Another American cuck.

it's pretty obvious they're hiding something, and it doesn't have to do with islam

Shut up you faggot Muslim cuck. Kys

Moner Mohammad Abu Salha

>allowed to talk
i think we've found our problem.

>Moner Mohammad Abu Salha
there's no evidence that they actually knew each other. orlando nigger just said his attack was inspired by abu salha.

They are whitewashing it so in a couple years sheeple will look back at it and just think it was another white right wing shooter. Retards here won't remember the truth by then. Every liberal news source is also complicit in this- just look at how many say "its christians fault- or its NRAs fault"

No wonder. Obama has placed his muslim brotherhood buddies throughout the government.

With Obamas help Islam has fully taken over the United States from within.

Don't believe me? Look at the DHS whistleblowers.
