Trump is loyal, guys!
Trump is loyal, guys!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Trump keeps fucking up
>Only other option is Hillary
Is this the West's death kneel?
>implying Trump didn't make himself famous by firing people
Do you know how I know that you are a proxy shill?
Because every American knows this.
He's a Zio-cuck
He's only loyal to himself and the Jews who run his business
Release the Niggus!
muh loyalty
This post was slid before it was even a thought in your head, OP.
did the campaign release a statement?
Good he was suspicious.
>Fucking up
Off yourselves, every last one of you shills will hang.
Blatant shill.
Trump TRADEMARKED the words "You're fired."
He need to go he was weak.
Did you actually read the article? Trump has legit reasons to fire the guy.
He stood by him when he was unjustly accused, that doesn't mean he should keep him around forever if he keeps being an ass.
"Invanka's husband 'intimately involved' in Lewendowsky's firing"
Honestly I was nervous when I saw this but reading the article calmed me down. It seems like trump wants to focus on the general election now
He has a new guy to replace him for the general, Paul Manafort.
>Kushner quiet boy starts calling shots
I just went to DEFCON 4. I was afraid of this.
Corey Lewandowski did not manage the primary GOTV process as well as it should have been. It was that opening that let Cruz literally cheat his way through multiple caucuses, taking him all the way to Indiana's primary.
NJ guy here. The Kushners the definition of the stereotype. If Jared starts directing things, we'll be tripling aid to Israel before the Summer is done.
Corey needed experienced operatives, but Jared is NOT the answer.
trump's final plan is revealed
he is a hillary shill all along
Good....time for this man to work his "persuasion" skills.
What's his name again Sup Forums?
Even at the top, failure will not be tolerated.
Who is this Manafort guy and why do so many American posters here seem to respect him a lot?
He's a political fixer with a very shady history.
He's about as mafia as you can get and has worked for tyrants and murderers in the past.
You'd have to be insane to have him on your election team.
Friendship ended with COREY LEWANDOWSKI
Now PAUL MANAFORT is my campaign manager
So Trump stands by him during an assault rap , but polls slide and pressure builds and he dumps a loyal aid?
>you'll never be set on fire and thrown in the grand canyon for losing a battle, then get right back up and go back to leading war.
Paul "hillary killer" Manafort.
I am now a #CruzMissile
why is hillary so bad?
inb4 you pretend to care about her minor violations
DNC shill**
He's gonna cost the RNC the elections in senate, house, and presidency.
All the shit they went through, Why did he fire him? Surly there's a reason
Masterminded republican campaigns, particularly Reagan
An aide who was stirring up trouble within the campaign.
We've been suffering under his general election strategy.
It's been tough to argue for Trump with so many miss steps.
>Death of 4 Americans
BTFO you fucking shill. Theres so much wrong with her, such as accepting money from nations that persecute gays and women while she advocates for them.
Manafort is an old friend of Roger Stone, the original manager and 40 year acquaintance of Trump. This is a prelude to the reintegration of Stone to the Trump campaign, they've been trashing LEwandowski for months now on Alex Jones and elsewhere.
Screencap this: when the campaign kicks in to high gear about the time of the conventions, it will be Manafort and Stone running things.
Some say Trump has no campaign.
What these people mean is that they hope that is the case, because Trump has such grizzled veterans running his shit that he doesn't even need one.
she killed 4 americans you brainwashed afro-mexican monkey?
> accepting money from nations that persecute gays and women while she advocates for them.
saudi princes bailed out Trump a bunch of times
Hillary's campaign is literally being funded by the Saudis and Chinese right now. She also supported the Muslim Brotherhood in North Africa and Syria, and she sold uranium to Russia. She also supports TPP and mass-immigration.
Truly the American choice.
> Hillary's campaign is literally being funded by
the Clinton foundation received donations from all over the world
Are you guys both on crack? Lewandowski has been fucking up for months now and giving mixed messages to the media regarding VP choices and who's making decisions. Trump probably got tired of his ego, which is on full display in that campaign headquarters video tour.
>Lewandowski has been fucking up for months
t shapiro
He bought one hotel from Trump, and Trump was still a minority owner in it.
Foreigners are supporting Shillary because they know that under Trump, the US would become more independent in manuacturing and oil production, and they would have to pay more tariffs. Globalism is for cucks, and Hillary uses her last name and her vagina to trick retards into voting for globalist oligarch interests.
>covering up the brutal rapes of 20+ women
>getting 4 Americans killed, and complicit in every terror attack in US soil in the past 8 years
>taking enormous sums of money from foreign countries
>literally caused the refugee clusterfuck in Europe by destabilizing the middle east
> delusuon: the post
Ty for this entry for my collage when trump loses on election night.
>the Clinton foundation received donations from all over the world
> zerohedge.com
> prince claims
I would also like to add that the article you posted is a classic example of leftist half-truth and misdirection in article titles.
They said it was a "bail-out", because a different magazine they cited listed it as a "financial rescue" or some shit, when really it was minor. Yahoo phrased it in a way to make it seem like Trump would have been completely ruined if he didn't take the sandnigger's money. The title says "...Bailed-Out Trump", when really it should say "bought like 1% of Trump's capital".
Same reason Apple refuses to be involved in the RNC convention, when they have always been involved before. They say its because "hurr Trump waycisss" but that's obviously a lie when Trump has said OPENLY "I'd like to buy an Apple phone made in the US!" several times.
They don't want to lose their slave labor. What's really weird is how all these faggot socialists worship this company. The politico article's comment section was just the most retarded thing I've ever seen. These people that claim to want to stop corporate abuses don't give a flying fuck about Apple making billions off of slave labor, WHILE PAYING NO TAXES.
>pushing for green energy
>Saudis donate to her campaign.
>and Trump was still a minority owner in it.
that's why it's called bailing out, Trump kept the name and bragging rights while Saudis stayed in the shadows
look, they're throwing money at the "Clinton foundation" because Hillary is the likely next president
> bu-bu-but when trump did it, it didnt count!
I can smell your body odor from here cleatus.
Corey was a lose end who has been feeding Trump his failing lines for the past few months. He is what caused this drop. Also, him and Paul "Whats his name" Manafort got into fights
Kek, someone needs to make this
Oh, and it was set up by the 3 kids. They are the ones who fired him.
I pledge allegiance to [omitted]
>Polish surname
That pinhead can go to hell
you are one of those meth epidemic victims, that's the only explanation
They've been saying Trump had no campaign for a year.
Also bailout makes it sound like how the government bailed out the banks. They're intentionally using the wrong terminology, it was a debt restructuring, and the total debt was very little compared to his total net worth. It's the same way they try to say Trump got bailed out 4 times, when his businesses merely received additional financing under Chapter 11, because the private banks wanted to gamble, that's their choice as a private entity. It's a lot different when the government takes your taxes at gunpoint and gives them to a bank, with no intention of paying it back.
>the party of free capitalism
>"Dont open a manufacturing plant there"
> he is what caused this drop
Oh boy you guys are something else, election night is gonna be so goddamn funny, yiu guys are gonna get BTFO so goddamn hard Sup Forums might not fucking recover I swear.
Lewandowski was a shit campaign manager, end of story. He let his ego get in the way of his job and was rightfully fired.
We're perfectly fine with losing, just means yet another era of proof that we should have won.
>bought a hotel
>bailing-out Trump
>implying it's anywhere near Hillary's level of xenophilia
You have to be a retard to not think that the Clintons have brownnosed foreigners for years, being in the Bilderbergs and all, and being involved in many globalist circles.
I have to hand it to you leftists, your paltry understanding of economics, and broadcasting that retardation to plebs keeps them uniformed and makes it easy to shape negative narratives of your enemies.
For instance, the way you keep repeating the line "Trump went bankrupt 4 times", when it was just 4 out of his 220 businesses that filed for Chapter 11, not full bankruptcy. There are Tumblr whales and niggers marching around the streets right now who literally think Trump went completely bankrupt 4 times, thanks to your leftist media manipulation. You people are so retarded it's unbelievable. The American with the yellow ID is just a classic cuck who supports anything with a (D) before it, despite Hillary being a globalist neocon who's rich as fuck. The Hungarian might be one of Soros's companions, lol.
Cory is on CNN it's orge
The motive is pretty obvious. A country that makes billions selling us oil doesn't want us to mine our own resources that are right beneath our feet. He knows that Trump is going to be pursuing energy independence for America, which is not only bad for his bottom line, it means we don't have to protect these fuckers anymore. Promoting "green energy" has two benefits, less competition from American energy companies because of the strangling EPA regulation, and furthering our dependence on foreign sources of oil.
>not understanding it's a false equivalency
BTW, why do you call me cleatus? Are you implying that Hillary Clinton, who lived in Arkansas for years and is a rich white person is something leftists should support to distance themselves from Southerners?
Are you saying dumb rednecks have the common sense to not be cucked by globalism? Is bending-over for minority nationalism and Chinese and Saudi oligarchs something an intelligent, Starbucks-sipping lefty would do?
Solid argument. If you can't refute the points, just imply someone is crazy or on drugs.
>party of free capitalism
>He thinks getting financially raped by a mercantile country like China is free trade
The GOPe doesn't give a shit about "free trade", they care about trade deals and WTO regulations which make the corporations that control them richer and more powerful, not the country itself. That's why cucks like Paul Ryan are bucking so hard, they see the power slipping through their fingers right before their eyes, and I'm sure he's getting a lot of pressure from his masters. Free trade doesn't exist if we're the only player observing free trade rules, we're just a sucker being taken advantage of.
>You have to be a retard to not think that the Clintons have brownnosed foreigners for years
they don't have to brownnose for money, brainwashed afro-mexican
look, I'll show you how they get brownnosED because they are Clintons: youtube.com
>just imply someone is crazy or on drugs
probably both plus redneck talk radio 24/7
t. George H.W. Bush
Not an argument.
look at this throne sniffer, this is how it happens
You're one of those CTR shills, that's the only explanation.
Hillary was Secretary of State during the attacks on North Africa and Syria; literally part of Obama's cabinet that governed foreign policy. She loved the whole thing, and she supported the Muslim Brotherhood.
Also, "redneck radio" is a better news source than the Jewish comedy shows and Facebook, which libs love so much.
Trump Team in Desperation Mode/10
Do you realize there is nothing Trump could do that would even come close to abusing the power of an elected office for profit? Why do you even bother posting? No one believes you if you're trying to assert that Trump is as corrupt as Clinton, or corrupt at all. If there was even a HINT of illegality in his dealings the IRS would go over to the FEC and get him disqualified immediately, Obama has said as much.
>She loved the whole thing, and she supported the Muslim Brotherhood.
totally sane plausible comment
you deserve the afro-mexican diversity that surrounds you brainless creature
The main reason Manafort is taking over, is so Trump can go on the offensive.
Manafort being an expert in turning bad guys into good PR focal points, knows exactly the methods Hillary's campaign will use to diffuse and evade her scandal riddled past; and how to make the attacks hit home, and hit hard.
Mark my words, Trump's campaign is just getting started. The GOP Primary was just the beginning.
Trump is a business man first and foremost and that means cutting ties with people who cannot do the job you're paying for, with polls showing him losing to Hillary he has to make changes as all business men would.
If you care about him winning at all you'll support him in rotating out staff that are failing him.
>ivanka made her dad fire corey
what? why?
Yeah, the Democrats have been using the Feds as a weapon against conservatives lately.
Obama sic'd the IRS on the Tea Party, it didn't turn-up shit, but it costs them millions of dollars, and the head of the IRS had to resign.
>you deserve the afro-mexican diversity that surrounds you
You realize that the Democrats are literally the ones forcing that shit right now? Are you retarded?
You must be a contrarian troll, since your arguments are illogical and disjointed.
Pic related, a Hungarian.
well, he's on CNN now sucking Trump's dick, so I'm sure his departing check had many zeros on it.
The context is Roger Sotne was crucial to Reagan's primary victories over HW Bush in 1980.
holy shit this long interview on CNN with corey is fucking painful
How about you go contract HIV and we'll start a thread talking about your minor STD.
Furthermore, Hillary literally has a La Raza member, Julian Castro, on her list of VP candidates.
La Raza is a Mexican nationalist organization.
That would be like Bernie nominated a BLM sheboon to be his VP, just to get the nigger vote.
Everywhere you look, leftists and Democrats are funding minority ethnocentrism groups, while attacking white ethnocentrism.
every time i see ads on tv of this literal retard pouring shit on his phone i can't help but think it was designed to make blacks look as stupid as possible
>You realize that the Democrats are literally the ones forcing that shit right now?
you just get dumber and dumber
who cleans the Trump buildings, scum? who are all those millionaires employing illegals and demanding more ?
>switching out lewandoski for someone better suited to manage a general election campaign
You're all stupid, this has nothing to do with loyalty and has been a long time coming.
>employing illegals
Trump does no such thing, and most of his US workers are white.
Meanwhile, Hillary and leftists literally want to give foreigners free shit for nothing in return.
You need only to put a camera on them with out their knowledge to accomplish that