>Ameriburgers laugh at European Internet censorship
>yfw they will be kiked even harder
Enjoy having a limited amount of Websites to pick from, each having their own app.
Which package will you pick Sup Forums ?
>Ameriburgers laugh at European Internet censorship
>yfw they will be kiked even harder
Enjoy having a limited amount of Websites to pick from, each having their own app.
Which package will you pick Sup Forums ?
More upgrades
Why would anyone think it would be a great idea to treat the internet like a cable company? This just screams extreme failure on levels never seen before
Because Internet service providers have a huge monopoly where entities like Comcast already throttle Netflix and push their xfinity streaming service
The fuck am I looking at?
Leaked European Union plans for Internet Access after they disable free web browsing.
Enjoy your last 2 Months on Sup Forums while you can. Websites will only be accessible through those "Apps" from then on.
Websites like Sup Forums won't be included.
>what is Vee Pee eN?
This is fucking criminal, hell shit like youtube or facebook are literally REQUIRED for some jobs.
Uhhhhhhh wut?
>Ameriburgers will be kiked even harder
>none of these things apply to America
>need face book
>real job that is useful and critical to society
pick one fagget
The deep net never looked so good...
ISPs are not the internet
They are not commerce between the states and the Feds have no constitutional authority to regulate them
This is pretty damn old. Internet 2 subscription service conspiracy theory. Nice nostalgia.
The b8 is real
This... this is impossible right? All websites still run on HTTP & html right?
something that will get your ass thrown in prison for being a terrorist in the near future.
Haven't seen these images in a long ass time
You'll get some bites
some dumb net neutrality meme from the late 2000's look at the MSN logo, Youtube Logo, and
The year is 2050. Encryption is still banned by most Western countries.
>human microchip program is in full swing
>Google's BrainLink neural interface is unveiled, prompting concerns that people will be able to encrypt their memories and communicate in secret with each other, which is against the law
>two United States Congressmen try to push for the decriminalization of encryption but suddenly become embroiled in two completely separate yet simultaneous sex scandals as they're writing the bill
>a California man is arrested for growing his own vegetables without a permit
>Microsoft announces the next version of Windows360 will have a new feature called "PersonalEncryption" which allows the user to encrypt their files on the cIoud through a legal loophole which stipulates that Microsoft and the government must have the encryption keys; mainstream media hails this as a great privacy feature
>the United Emirates of Great Britain and Northern Ireland announce that under concerns of safety, all new systems must have remote desktop enabled by default and be connected to government servers; European Parliament members consider making this an EU-wide law
>most Linux distributions are now banned
>superSSD (SSSD) and superSATA (SSATA) connections allow such fast transfer speeds that the US President says he will make them mandatory for all systems by 2060, after which a law will be passed to make it mandatory for all data to be copied from your laptop or tablet whenever you pass a security checkpoint; as part of TTIP and TPP, European and Asian countries are expected to follow suit with these regulations
>Sup Forums announces the death of its founder, Christopher Poole, who died in his Philippine beach house; the memorial thread on Sup Forums gets over 9000 upvotes
This will never happen
Why dont we just move to the deep web
This will be as deep as it gets.
since when ppl in Europe use the dollar as a local currency?
That woll be the day I no longer use the internet. It will be a glorious day and I have no doubt that I will feel free and unburdened.
>why won't we cut the tree right over it's roots
Bull Shit, there's no way this can be real/
Hey Burger if you're so in denial then why don't you jump off a bridge and fucking kill yourself you piece of shit
Based Europe cleaning Sup Forums up for us
neither can TV licences, but those exist too
Good thing I have the choice not to use their service.
Ah yes, those European plans to offer payments in dollars instead of Euros.