How can someone be so wretched as to not love this character? Shes so innocent and pure and good

How can someone be so wretched as to not love this character? Shes so innocent and pure and good

I get the impression that some people on this board are not the biggest fans.

mainly becuase fo some reason she is alredy capable of using force powers, that not even anakin or luke could do or even knew about untill at least had some training, ffs

Mike, pls go

Jyn > Ray

In both appearance, character development and acting ability

>horse teeth with dumbo ears

You'll hear a lot of nerds come in here and defend Rey's slutty past on Jakku. They'll tell you “she had to do it" for food, water. resources, protection...

The truth, and this will be revealed in the next two films, is that Rey NEEDS cock. All sorts of cock: Ithorian cock, human cock, Zabrak cock. droid cock. prehensile Hutt cock. cock of all kinds. Rey needs them in her pussy and in her pink little asshole because she's depraved.
In her training with Luke on the magical island, we're going to hear all about what she did on Jakku. Glory holes, aliens runnin‘ trains on her by midnight fireside. Jawas probing her ass with metal instruments, even luggabeasts bustin' fat gallon-sized nuts on her pert little body.

She is a whore. Light side, dark side... Who cares? She's on the cock side. And that's why I love her.


I thought China Moot was banning all mobile phone shit posters?

literally gay

Post more high res shots from this deleted scene, it's optimal for exploitation.