What happened to jobs... Why is it so hard to get one? A degree is pretty much meaningless now
What happened to jobs... Why is it so hard to get one? A degree is pretty much meaningless now
>Cuz Global Recession Incoming
The job market is so saturated right now,
do you really think you would get anywhere with your pisspoor Bogan degree?
go for a masters
You think I made that decision yesterday? I started when I was 17
It's time to start your own Biz, user
>Either that or becoming a NEET for the rest of your life
Money Printers needed cheap brown laborers with no papers so they can under pay them and deport them when they complain about shitty labor conditions.
But you can't "stick it to whitey" without mass immigration.
So it's either poor brown people work like slaves for their masters but you get to stick it to whitey, or poor brown people are too expensive to hire so few of them are brought to the country and America becomes white again.
That's a really button pushing sweater situation for a white liberal.
its not though
It is in America. you need a godamn bachelors to be a fucking janitor here.
Fuck I just want a job that isn't part time McDonald's. Bordering on giving myself a buckshot mouth wash
What degree and jobs are we talking about here?
>A degree is pretty much meaningless now
Employers always, always place a premium on 'quantitative skills'. The reason for this is most people are dumb as fuck and shit at maths. Second behind this are 'people skills' - being able to bullshit. You don't need a degree for this.
So basically, what you have to do if you're going for a degree is to pick a subject where you develop quantitative skills - working with numbers, data analysis etc. - or a subject that kinda looks like it develops quantitative skills. Chemistry, for example, might not sound like it has a lot to do with maths (certainly a hell of a lot less than physics) but your average HR woman doesn't know that so you can sell chemistry to her as a heavy subject (which it is) but with transferable skills. This is obviously harder top do if you studied something like history, for example.
This applies to most generalist jobs. Finance etc.
the labor unions used to have a way to deal with this situation
they busted heads and instilled fear in those who would take their jobs
Because it's now expected of anyone with half a gcse to go to uni, 90%+ of the courses are available are micky mouse courses literally designed to take money from the retards that are just trying to avoid getting a job. Unless you're doing a proper degree at a decent uni you're basically paying to not have to get a job just so you can struggle to get one later with your degree worth about as much as women's studies getting overlooked because Johnny spent the last 3 years stacking shelves and has experience.
Why didnt you fall for the stem meme?
I make 80k starting out of college
Biology btw ;*
Literally just go to college and instead of being a dumb idiot that parties and tries to make friends, lock yourself in your room every day after class and study. Then play 3 hours of video games at 8, then go to bed at 11. Wake up at 8am and do it again.
Basically. I know too many people going into english teaching as a career because their BA, masters, or even PhDs are worthless. Literally a 24,000 dollars a year job.
PhDs in what, though? There is no point getting a PhD in a subject unless:
A: you're going into academia
B: It's in a highly technical field and you can make bank in the private sector (i.e. a PhD in physics or something biomedical) or
C: you're some old retired guy doing it as a hobby
A PhD in something like Enlgish Lit. is fucking worthless outside of academia.
I'm leaving one six figure job for another paying 25% more. Jobs are plentiful if you're not a piece of shit.
You're part of a different class. Because of your fianical or social status people are willing to throw jobs at you because they want to connect with you because it has potential to benefit them. While on the other hand I offer nothing to an employer besides maybe buying them a schooner of beer at the pub if I can afford it
what field you in?
ah i see. the tried and tested all-american industry of industries - baseless bullshitâ„¢