Finally decided to watch this and I find my self wishing that we did lose the war.
But for real the only people who have a problem are the Jews and rebels. Other than that it seems like the ideal country.
Finally decided to watch this and I find my self wishing that we did lose the war
Is it true that the film ends up accidentally painting nazi America in a positive light?
it seems that way. I'm enjoying it so far.
I heard it did, but they tried real hard in later episodes to push the 'EVIL OPRESSIVE NAZI WHITES' part as much as possible.
The only problem I had with the series and book is how the hell did Japan won. It doesn't make no sense for nips to win and Germany would not be capable of doing a invasion to America which might fail.
Nippon strong!
It doesn't make any sense for Germany to win either, dumbass.
that show was a pretty big cringefest though. The "Japanese" names that they made up were pretty laughable.
Why did communism defeat fascism? Why does Communism always defeat fascism?
Is it because it sneaks up on people in subversive ways? I don't get why non-Jewish intellectuals support it.
Kind of off-topic but America basically became overtaken by Communism instead.
The premise was that the US never recovered from the great depression, so I guess that would have made it impossible for them to stop the IJN from taking over the entire Pacific.
That would also mean less military hardware sent to Europe even before they officially entered the war and less supplies sent to Britain, so easier time for Germany.
i'll never understand this board.
it flips its shit over things like deprivation of gun rights, police state-esque behaviour etc while simultaneously wishing for a totalitarian police state.
wow, it's almost like this board isn't one person.
>weeaboo detected
This board is a peaceful coexistence of libertarians and national socialists
Maybe because communist countries were fighting fascist countries with literally hordes of millions. Has nothing to do with Communism or fascism btw because both allocate 90% of the nation's resources to the war effort.
Dude, a fucking leaf!
If the USA hadn't interviened, we would have won. And even in this situation, we were close to winning, or at least reaching a truce.
You wouldn't have had to lose the war.
You only had to ally with the right guys. (spoiler: not Zionism/Judaic supremacism)
Are you under the impression you're conversing with a single schizophrenic person?
This is what fucks me off about muh echo chamber fucks
when is season 2 coming out?
Also i think they're gonna make the j00s look good in the end, like always
National Socialist Germany had one of the most liberal gun laws in Europe at that time.
If time travel ever becomes possible. I will make this happen for you.
You can't fool us, Hitler, Russians outproduced and outfought us, we didn't see what was coming to us after fighting polacks and frogs.
Anyone watch 11/22/63 on hulu? Pretty good series.
got any examples
Considering the allies the broke enigma code and you still were whooping their asses.
The problem with Japan and Germany was they both had limited resources. Otherwise Japan=US Germany> all
To be fair Hitler had to strike at Russia before Stalin did. The only way it could have played out differently was is Britain and America stayed out
I only watched first few episodes and I've never heard these Japanese names before. It's like they literally rolled the dice with Japanese sounding syllables.
>on 4chin
>My buddy who's literally from Canada starts watching
>Starts off the show with, "DEM EBUL NAZEES"
>Watches more and more
>All of the "Resistance" characters are either dumb as a fucking brick or absolute assholes
>Most of the Nazi characters are legit alright dudes
>Eventually he cracks a joke about a Jew in front of his wife
>She gets all offended so I take him out for a smoke
>user... You're not offended, yeah?
>Nah, Canada-bro, I'm not.
>They just seem...
>...Like rats, yeah buddy.
Now he's having doubts about the fucking holocaust, and he wants to come to the range to shoot. Fuck, I love this show.
>outproduced and outfought us
Yeah, all that production was because of America. Having processed instead of raw resources was because of America. Also winning the war of attrition does not make the Soviet's militarily superior.
I loved the series. I think that's all we are going to get from it. Apparently show is likely cancelled now. The show runner who did the first season backed out recently for season 2.
We're all totalitarian, but it has to be OUR KIND of totalitarianism. Otherwise we want as much freedom as possible.
I always wonder how the war would've turned out if Dunkirk was wiped out.
If da joos run the media why was this allowed?
>Amazon Original series
that's why
The new show from the top gear lads is an Amazon Original as well.
I tried watching the show.
It's pretty boring
Communism defeated fascism because Russia is cold and Germany has no natural resources