What country has the worst humor

Seriously what country's humor is so bad that it's practically globally accepted as just purely unfunny. My vote goes to Germany, I mean yeah gassing 6 gorillion Jews was a pretty funny joke, but then taking in 6 million refugees as a follow up punch line seemed kinda weak.

Honorable mention to British humor for having Ricky Gervais, and Japan for their entire line of Japanese gameshows (except batsu)

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Big Bang Theory.




America for its vile sitcom style humor

> what country's humor is so bad that it's practically globally accepted as just purely unfunny
who else?


Outside of Jennifer Aniston who makes my dick hard, I have never thought that friends was deserving of the fame it got.

Dry British humor that literally only Bongs like.

Your mom

Poland. Definitely the worst kind of humour. It only escaped everyone's attention because we're so irrelevant and because of the "le unfunny Germans" meme.

Africa for the lack of it

Real German humor is like "haha if you scream for help you'll get stabbed!".

the shticum marked the end of the era of genuinely funny comedies from the u.s.

Whats the best?

I thought Polish humor was the "laugh at us, not with us" kind.

Jap humor is essentially "Hahaha this absurd nonsensical thing happened". There isn't much of a build-up or a punchline.

American 'comedy' where it's a bunch of moronic characters spouting one liners written by a jew. Like when they have to remake British shows and remove all the subtlety of the comedy just so their American audiences can understand it.

normie british humour is absolute pleb tier, it's funny if you're 15 or inbred. i can't think of a single popular british comedian i find funny.

having said that germany and the USA share the top spot, nobody else is anywhere near them

Whatever country invented laughs in the background of comedy series. It probably was the US anway.
>inb4 it was the (((US)))

>Whats the best?

Intentionally. British

Unintentionally. India

Dry British humor. No contest.
If you don't find shows like
>The day today
>Man to Man with Dean Learner
>Garth Marenghi's Darkplace
>Limmys Show
Then you are a pleb

Ironically the most Jewish show, seinfeld, is easily our best sitcom. Maybe it's because I'm from New York but it just gels

This is pretty well said.

American humour is "too obvious" the joke literally has to be explained in the simplest terms, there's no interpretation of it, it's literal which takes away the impact of the point of the joke.

Causing a forced laugh instead of a natural provoking of laughter.

Our shitty comedy is the forced shit.


Was about to say, limmy' is the funniest on the BBC imo

British humor can be the best, or the worst.

leaf humor that isn't run by SJWs can be pretty great too, but the industry is starting to be filled with leftists.

nah, we germans have great humor, we just arent allowed to express it publicly because of muh holocaust

It was the US. Charles Douglass from the 50s.
Fuck me the US bastardized comedy.

Britain has plenty of funny people, and I am not talking about comedians.
Just listen to some Nigel Farage or Boris Johnson. They can crack a joke.
Also the Top Gear guys. They're always hilarious.

Pwetty much anything from Middle East that has been done on purpose. The unintentional comedy on the other hand...

You mean like self-deprecating or something? Yeah, I guess. But recently there's been an influx of "comedians" in polish media and they are very popular for some reason. But the type of humour they present is so fucking dog-shit horrible that I thank god polish language is so hard to learn.

>Unintentionally. India
I've laughed more at South Indian action movies that I have at any American comedy movie

Seinfeld's great

It's more like.
>Absurd nonsensical thing happened.
>Classic "orange you glad to see me" knock-knock joke.
>"I wasn't expecting an orange!"

Apparently the style of humor where you call out the punchline was really popular in the West when Japan was Westernizing, and while it's pretty much died out here it's survived over there.

I think we're the best at being edgy but then again we have this fucking golliwog so I'd say we do just because I hate this faggot so fuckin much.

Also the prevalence of black people internet humor


Okay, let's see. Tell us typical poland joke. The best you've got. Go!

pretty much.
I mean there are a few jap shows i thought were funny, like Cromartie High or Osomatsu san, but ultimately their humor is still stuck in Laurel and Hardy era.
One straight man reacting to absurd shit.
Literally every japanese joke ever
>My neighbor is walking his dog
>'Hey dog where are you taking me today?'

Depends, a lot of our older comedy is bretty good. Most of the normietrash is BBC funded anyway, in its raw form I can safely say British humour is decent overall.
As for worst humour I'd probably say the US, probably because they import it to other countries more than Germans do.

>I've laughed more at South Indian action movies that I have at any American comedy movie
I've seen a couple of Bollywood films, they are awful.

>Dhum 2
What the fuck would the Queen be doing on a train in India with all her jewels with her?

Why the fuck are your films so long that they have an intermission?

Germans are highly autistic, has there ever been a German comedian popular outside of Germany?

Germany worst. Probably Portugal, too.

USA best at everything except perhaps acting (runner-up) - Britain close second, but best theatrical talent. Canada Miss Congeniality.

No, I got enough things to be ashamed of. Besides, translation would be wonky anyway.


Nah, they have some good stuff.

>we imported millions of shitskins, who's laughing now?
Obviously Germany.


The paedophile episode is still one of the greatest things I've ever seen.

Also don't forget 4 Lions. Could you imagine that coming out in today's political climate?

You'll probably have to narrow it down a bit.

USA is a mixed bag. Their sitcoms are 99% shit, their standup is very hit and miss but you can't deny they're responsible for some of the funniest damn films out there.

FPBP. Big Bang Theory has never made me laugh.

This. But being humoristic is an r-type trait so nothing to be proud of.


Come on! Just give it a try!


>canadian "comedy" today


o-our comedy used to be great. What happened?

Four Lions is great, made by the same bloke as Brasseye I think.

The rubber dinghy rapids line cracks me up every time

I like the Japanese Candid Camera stuff, had me in tears laughing when they started launching people into freezing cold snow out of a sauna.

Only one person mentioned Japan.

They're not very funny. Nichijou is a good example, people only watched it because they wanted to fuck the animes.



We believe in you Poland! Let's hear the joke!

Have this pepe uncommon in exhange


Nothing they put on TV is funny.

I honestly enjoyed it for its animation more than anything. It was pretty impressive for a TV series.

America has the worst humour. Just because you're prolific doesn't mean you're good. America's like a comedy slut - has sex a lot of times, but isn't actually good. Most of the jokes are also stolen.

It's funny because your have to clean poo out of toilets

>Edgy humour

That is funny actually funny. Everything the USA brings out is mainstream and unoriginal

I dunno, I thought this German politician was pretty funny:

>butthurt Brit
The funniest thing about the British is how ugly you all are.

yup, germans.

You can do it

My country for sure

The funniest thing about the Americans is how many of the get gunned down each day.

hears your (you)

Let's not kid ourselves, we've both been regurgitating the same stuff for decades now. Our modern roots are in the old variety shows from the 50's and yours are in Monty Python.



I'll just leave this here

What's the difference between a nigger and a balcony?
The latter can support a family of 4

No seriously, our humor is either racist or "a Pole, German and Russian" tier

UK, USA, France, Netherlands and Japan are god-tier

Germany is so unfunny that it's funny

I have to say that Canada really lets the Anglosphere down in terms of comedy and art in general desu. Sorry lads.

german humor is no laughing matter

That's an extremely retarded proposition.

Comedy comes through witty and intelligent remarks, analysis, etc. Basically, to have comedy you need to be intelligent and have good abstract reasoning. That's why niggers aren't funny, and why American humour is universally shit.

So, how is it an r-type trait when you need to be intelligent to do it?


Oh, and Russia and Finland are great too


It's pity more than anything, thinking your comedy is in anyway funny.

>I mean yeah gassing 6 gorillion Jews was a pretty funny joke


This, us burgers are so shit at humor we need to be told when to laugh. I know so many people that "don't get" British humor because it doesn't come with the "you, laugh here now" cue cards. Probably why the IT crowd was so popular over here.

On a related note, I have a really deadpan sense of humor and my friends all find it hilarious but i need to do some exaggerated hand gestures and tone my voice right so that strangers will know I'm joking. Otherwise they think I'm an asshole/crazy.

poo in the loo virgin detected

That's the same for pretty much everything in Japan


Here is a danish joke, "Whats brown, smells like shit and is in flames?
HAHAHA, fuck you Sweden...

*Which country...*

La Hora Chanante

>a Pole, German and Russian
What happend to them?

Racist humor is very low hanging fruit, but you tried polan

I've heard that joke here in the states before, though

No, I don't wanna do it. Poland is in itself enough of a joke. If you want to laugh just come here and look around.

Where would American Dad fall? For dumb people?

Kids in the Hall is pretty funny but they all got picked off one by one, either murdered or financially vamped, by Canadian Mounties for crimes against social justice.

>Q. Why don't polish women use vibrators?
>A. It chips their teeth.
I don't get it.

A hyper-conservative and traditionalist culture will do that to you yeah. It's kind of neat I think, like looking into a modern society where a lot of aspects of Victorian culture never died.

>American Humour

It's just one giant Polish inside joke