>high crime shithole filled with blacks
>hispanics start moving in en masse
>blacks start moving out
>fast forward a few years
>town is now a relatively safe enclave of hispanic-american culture, albeit still relatively poor
>now that it's safe, whites start creeping into the neighborhood
>rent starts going up for poor hispanic residents
>hispanic bakeries, butcher shops, and markets start getting replaced with Starbucks and other faggotty white people shit
>hispanic residents are forced to move away from the community they built
>whites completely take over the neighborhood
>whites go online and complain about hispanic immigration on anime imageboards
You parasitic scum. Either get rid of the blacks yourselves or stay the fuck out of our neighborhoods.
High crime shithole filled with blacks
But we paid for the blacks welfare, we're just reclaiming what we paid for.
Sounds almost like my neighborhood except the whites where there first before blacks started moving in so the whites are basically reclaiming their neighborhood.
Have a (You), Miguel.
Cry harder faggot.
Fuck off spic. Either you deal with whites or you deal with niggers.
not our fault spain was shitty at colonizing
You forget native Americans were black and this is their land so how about you get off their land bitch. Go back to Spain faggot. Russia was originally black, Germany, Italy, France etc... the only place whites have had is Spain (unless more evidence comes in showing they were black too)
Neither. You brought niggers onto this continent. You deal with them. Why do we have to clean up your mess while you reap the benefits?
what happens after whites take over? im guessing the women and lesbians start building soup kitchens and refugee camps and anything that attracts diversity, starting the cycle all over again
Get your money up poorfag, its not about race, its about money.
>mexican neighborhoods are not high crime shitholes
topkek nigger
I hope you realize the first queen of England was black
The town prospers for a while. Doesn't last long though. Now that's there's a bit of wealth and now that the threat of the Hispanics are gone blacks start moving in again and the cycle begins again.
Can someone explain the housing thing?
Like, you own it. how does rising prices affect you?
"your" neighborhoods are in mehico, ese
No, it wasn't our fault. Maybe if you let Spain rules those countries instead of conspiracing with the rebels and breaking the american part of the empire into 200 countries with their civil wars none of this would happen.
Your ancestors turned that countries into shitholes and now you want to blame us? My ancestors, who removed their sacrifices and gave them a peaceful religion, culture, meat and a prosperous society? Fuck you leaf.
Same thing happened in Coney Island. Russians started moving in and blacks stared moving out. Its still a shithole but a lot safer than a few years ago.
I know you're joking, but it is interesting that inbreeding does sometimes make people look like a different ethnicity. Anyway, European royalty has little genetic relation to the populace they ruled over. This has always been the case. That's why you get ginger Pharaohs and Black Pharaohs, doesn't mean the Egyptian people's genetics changed very much.
We're just using you.
Don't like it?
there are all of the south american countries, excluding a few that france and holland colonized as examples. south america pretty much sucks in its entirety while canada and the states don't quite suck so hard
just throwing it out there, all of your many colonies were and continue to be pieces of shit
Hispanics and by and large poor. We rent. Rising house prices means more demand for housing. More demand means you can start charging more for rent. If the Hispanic family renting it can't afford it, they move out and a white family moves in and the landlord charges them more for rent.
I've heard about that. I've also heard something similar is happening in Brooklyn.
Why don't you stop being poor, Paco?
It doesn't matter. You have to go back. Be sure to lay a brick on your way over the wall.
>spics move into black neighborhood
>gets 3.5x better
>spics move into white neighborhood
>gets 10x worse
How about you stay out of my country instead of bitching about where I choose to go, Paco?
>implying Spain wasn't involved in the slave trade
Try reading less Sup Forums and more history books Pablo
>implying afro-hispanics are anywhere near as bad as the chimps the anglos brought over
Fuck off, gook.
>trying to make a distinction
kill yourself pedant
Afro-Cubans and Dominicans despise American blacks. Fuck off leaf.
vives en mierdalandia, por eso te quejas.
Pagas casi un cuarto de millon por un grado de universitario, la comida esta invidado por nitratos y encontrar verdura es igual o.mas.dificil que encontrar petroleo. Si puedes vivir en semejante paĆs es logico que o te quejes o seas retrasado.
>translation for angloparlants
Taco taco paella siestaa muy bueno hot dog burger not good for body, not good. Siesta need ,siesta senior.
>still trying to make the distinction
niggers be niggers
kill yourself burger
You're in America, Pablo. Every neighbourhood within those borders belongs to whites.
Fucking taco entitlement, I swear to god
We were here first, Nigel. The Spanish were here before the English and the natives long before the Spanish.
>tfw gentrifying a majority Hispanic neighborhood right now
Deal with it paco
Whites cut the grass now
yeah and then you got your asses kicked and sold your land for a cheap price because the US forces its cock down your mouth and you took it like a champ.
don't complain about it after your asses got conquered. You dont see germans bitching about poland or czechoslovakia now do you
Nobody cares if you were there first. The USA is a white Anglo-saxon country. Deal with it.
Your pussy ass weak people couldn't handle the strength of the white man
This is a white country and there's nothing you can do about it
Neither the Spanish nor Mexicans lived in the southeast US
Yeah, and now we're taking it back.
Not for much longer.
>what is Florida?
Trump will be elected, and the US will be flooded with white refugees fleeing the imploding EU. I hope you enjoyed your time in the sun, because you're about to become demographically irrelevant once again.
Florida is southeast you dumb spic. And Spanish colonization of it was largely a failure
>no one has seen the king of the hill episode
Gentrification is terrible and only faggots do it
What episode?
Take Chicongo, for example.
If you got rid of niggers, murder would drop by 70% or so. Instead of 500 murders per year there might be 150.
The remaining 25-30% would be Hispanic.
They are simply "not as bad" but still quite a way from "good"
>no Mexicans or Spainards lived in southeast US.
>Florida is southeast you spic
Classic arrogant white supremacist. Not only do you take credit for things that have nothing to do with you besides racial association. You're also dumb as shit, big surprise.