Why do people defend this scumbag? Why do people try to paint Anakin as some "tragic hero"?
What kinda of hero murders children when he doesn't even have to? He could have helped them escape and go into hiding, but instead he murdered them all like the evil piece of shit Anakin Skywalker is and has always been, ever since being a child he was an asshole and should have been killed.
Christopher Murphy
He did nothing wrong. The jedi were SJW-Liberals, they got what was coming.
He is like a starwars version of pinochet, literally saved society from the grips of the cultural-marxists.
Lincoln Sanders
The movie was written by an autistic 50 year old. It doesn't have to make sense.
Charles Murphy
take your pills and gtfo pol
Justin Ross
can't risk them growing up on the outer rim using the force then one day returning to finish what he started oh wait
Christopher Rivera
> people genuinely getting triggered over sheev/Anakin posting > people not understanding what an antihero is
Anthony Gomez
>antiheroes are good hearted "villains" not child murderers
Jackson Long
Riddick and Plissken are anti-heroes.
Anakin was worse than Hitler.
Dylan Moore
this and if you want to stay in universe, Han Solo was an anti hero at first
Camden Foster
You can blame this old hippy fuck for bringing him to the Jedi in the first place, also stopping Maul from chopping his head off with a speeder.
Austin Jenkins
Do you get mad at people liking Walter White, Hannibal Lector, or the Godfather?
Mason Robinson
Spawn has always been my personal definition of an anti-hero... and a literal demon from hell was less of an edgy shitheaded cunt than Anakain.
Nathaniel Nelson
They were soulless children being trained in the art of deadly cut-through-anything sword combat
Jacob Taylor
It's quite funny that people considered Solo anti-hero back in the day. He was just a little annoying faggot that couldn't make a decision. You could probably have a good argument for hating Riddick, Ethan Edwards, Derek Vinyard, Patrick Bateman, Travis Bickle but I cannot come up with one for Solo. He was pretty tame for such.
Colton Allen
Bruh what
Robert Hughes
what? whos mad? I'm just telling you that Anakin is not an anti hero. He goes from hero to hitler
Jordan Smith
Holy shit I knew Chileans were retarded but I never thought they were this retarded.
Leo Harris
You mean all those really complex and dark characters that you ultimately root for despite objectively being bad guys, brought to life by some modern legends of the silver screen?
I hardly see how that's applicable to the discussion.
Samuel Reed
Walter White's anti-hero for one season and is just a shit person afterwards.
Lector has no heroic qualities?
Michael Corleone is anti-hero maybe come third part of the Godfather series - definitely not in the second one.
Christian King
Lucas made a lot of mistakes with the prequels, this was one of them. Darth Vader was a great villain, but the point of the character was that there was still good in him. He likes to say his movies are for kids, but then he puts in a scene where children are slaughtered. Just awful writing, but still more enjoyable than the soulless Disney fanfiction.
James Kelly
he starts of as an anti hero but turns into a regular hero later on. he didn't gave a shit about the rebellion at first
Leo Taylor
It was a different time.
Benjamin Taylor
>Let the younglings live >In 10 years you have a dozen or so trained force users running around capable of posing a threat to the empire, and they've all been indoctrinated by the Jedi's religious fundamentalist propaganda
Anakin did NOTHING wrong. Younglings deserved it.
Robert Lee
James Bailey
This. They were just collateral damage.
It was nothing personnel
Jackson Ross
problem solving is not your best suit, is it!?
Tyler Ward
he was a good friend
Jacob Johnson
In my view, the younglings were evil
Ryder Davis
that's not collateral in the slightest. It would be one thing if they attacked him or prevented him from going somewhere and he had no other choice but kill them... those children were clueless
Luke James
>side and trust someone whose name is literally "insidious"
anakin was a evil moran
Kevin Ross
he was just a moron
Luke Baker
>those children were clueless
They were brainwashed, indoctrinated, fundamentalist child soldiers.
You either leave them alive and let them grow and oppose you (then kill them), or you just kill them in the first place.
Ethan Ross
The younglings were problematic. All very privileged white males in the service of the patriarchy.
Anthony Ross
Him being the guy to volunteer for the raid on the forest move was him turning into a regular hero. He was in ANH for money, and came back to save his friends at the end, before empire he was only there because he was being chased by bounty hunters, and trying to lay low. Him volunteering for the mission in Jedi is really the end of his character arc. Which is really noticeable because he's got nothing to do after that besides stand in front of a door for 30 minutes.
Alexander Taylor
Qui Gon fucked up.
Liam Gutierrez
If all younglings are recruited like Anakin was, then they knew EXACTLY what they were getting themselves into. They knew they were joining a warriors society, and part of being a warrior is that people will occasionally try to kill you. I'm not justifying what Anakin did, but those younglings were armed, in uniform, and were enemy combatants.
Besides. You cringe at him chopping down a dozen kids but you don't blink when he orders an entire planet to be BTFO?
Jacob Adams
>when a 5 year old reminds you you never got that promotion
Elijah Brown
or you could take them with you an turn them to the dark side...
Aaron Hernandez
Make an argument any time
Luke Evans
Liam Neeson could be a good Witcher
Thomas Mitchell
He's right though, that's not "collateral damage." Collateral damage would be if the younglings were killed when the building was bombed. They were the primary target.
Christopher Parker
not an argument
Evan Baker
Wait wait wait, killing the younglings is a mission in the video game?!
Matthew Rodriguez
>children are cultural marxist SJW liberals really fires your neurons
Leo Garcia
it's a mod you doofus
Levi Miller
No, they were part of the extermination of the Jedi. They were enemy soldiers, not kids, and died as part of it.
Christopher Lewis
How does the younglings being a threat to his twirling moustache galaxy domination evil plans make this okay? He's fucking evil.
>From my point if view the jedi are evil! This is fucking star wars. It didn't suddenly become a series about moral ambiguity just because lucas said so while making such one sided characters for the prequels.
Liam Bailey
Its all covered in the movie you retard.
The Dark Side had the save-peolpe-from-dying magic that Anakin needed to uncover. This works thematically because Jedi are pro-death (in the sense of seeing it as a positive thing you shouldn't grieve over - a la Yoda) whereas the Sith follow their passions.
In order to uncover Dark Side secrets, Sheev told Anakin he needed to become strong in the Dark Side.
He also has to do Sheev's dirty work now because he needs Sheev's help.
So he slaughters the Younglings and becomes stronger in the Dark Side.
Literally HOURS after he does this he unwittingly is able to use the Dark Side to stop someone from dying. That someone just happens to be HIMSELF and he probably does it at the cost of Padme's life.
But that's a "careful what you wish for" thing, coz Anakin wanted the power to "stop people from dying" as he continually says.
Sheev also appeared to have unnatural long life, judging by how spry he was in the OT, so its probably a legit Dark Side ability, although probably only a very top shelf ability at that. TLDR: Vader's reason for killing the Younglings is clear to anyone who understood the fucking movie.
Julian Jones
Contrived and shit writing
Zachary Richardson
>that one in the front with the blue lightsaber >parries 3 attacks and dodges one with a roll
Future Jedi Master and #1 duelist right there.
Nicholas Cox
>They were enemy soldiers You can tell by the way they were hiding and cowering in fear.
Evan Thompson
>A large part of what I've just described comes from the part of the ROTS screenplay written by Tom Stoppard
>Tom Fucking Stoppard
You fucked up, user, you might in all honesty be a complete retard. I would seriously consider asking your doctor if its possible that you are an albino black person, that's how bad you fucked up here.
Kevin Thomas
They had weapons.
They were in uniform.
Tell me how they aren't soldiers.
Cooper Russell
thats a pretty weak argument. its implied anakin would be a slave if he didnt join.
Matthew Taylor
He probably has a Wookiepedia article
Asher Jones
They don't kill children with their own hands. Yes Walter White sells drugs so he kinda kills teenagers but if you're buying crystal meth you're rotten to begin with.
Samuel Thompson
Charles Nelson
>Appeal to authority. lul
Brayden Robinson
If you genuinely think that sounds good for a movie and not something found on fanfiction.net you're the retard.
Alexander Hughes
Uniformed Soldiers?
>Scout Master attacks you in your home. >Go out and buy a gun. >Head to Scout Hall that night >Its Summer, the whole troop is sleeping over for the big hike tomorrow to Lake Superior >Old Mrs McAllister stops you at the door. >Double Tap to the forehead >Scouts are waking up inside the Hall >Kick out the hinges on the door >ItsOn.jpg >Scouts have crawled out from the bunks and are dragging their blankets and teddy bears towards you at the front of the room. >Some of the older boys are in uniform. >Standard issue Scouts uniform includes a foldable pocket knife >Enemy. Fucking. Combatants. >Little boy speaks up from the crowd. >He is five years old and talks with a lisp. >"Mr user, we heard noises, what are we going to do?" >They know you. >You wore your Scouts Uniform tonight. >With all the badges. >Fire Safety >Rope tying >Teamwork >AllPartOfThePlan.jpg >Raise Weapon >Close the door behind you.
Yeah you're right user, I guess they had it coming.
Michael Diaz
Appeal to artistic genius. Its a different thing.
Besides, "appeal to authority" isn't actually a logical fallacy. Authority/Expertise is in many cases a good indicator to go by.
Its when this importance of this authority is over extended that an appeal to authority can become misleading.
You just lol'd at it because you learnt the rules of logical discourse from internet forums like this one, so you think that its some kind of hilarious illogical mistake/faux pas. Retard.
Jaxson Taylor
>He thinks a boy scout with a pocket kifen is the same as a Viet Kong soldier with a Type 56 >What is false equivalency?
You wouldn't have lasted a day in Vietnam. You can feel as bad as you want for that kid but I swear to you that he won't hesitate to blow your brains out if he gets the chance.
Same goes for the younglings. They may be children but they are also armed Jedi in uniform. They are just as valid targets any anyone else.
Also >Referencing God >When God has killed men, women, and children by the thousands
Top kek.
Sebastian Sanders
So fucking mad at shit writing being called out for what it is.
Jayden Jackson
The tension between accepting and resisting death and the way in which this relates to being good or evil is one of the most fundamental themes in western fiction you fucking retard.
This is a fairly solid execution on those themes, because a clearly outlined mechanic in the narrative is driving characters to take extreme actions in the service of otherwise relatable objectives.
That is good storytelling in its most basic fucking form. And a lot of it was crafted in this case by a literal master of the art. So you are an RLM redditor and should kill yourself.
Adam Wood
Nathan Peterson
>for the big hike tomorrow to Lake Superior >tfw you'll never be a yooper boyscout
Brody Kelly
The whole idea of Sith logic is "fuck you I got mine."
Kevin Scott
That post had nothing to do with Star Wars, it had to do with you thinking that what you said was remotely insightful/intelligent when in fact it was the opposite:
You used a concept the wrong way, because your ability to absorb/deploy basic linguistic constructs is average-to-below-average.
Xavier Lewis
Not an argument. The boy scouts are not a government sanctioned paramilitary organization that raises children to be commandos. The Jedi are.
If you have an issue with younglings being treated like the Jedi they are, maybe you should take issue with a military order recruiting fucking five year olds in the first place.
Luis Diaz
Anakin could've let one live and trained him to be his Sith apprentice
Samuel Walker
>caring about other people's families as much as/more than your own.
You couldn't be more of a faggot. I pity anyone unlucky enough to have you as one of the 'males' in their family.
Noah Fisher
>If you have an issue with younglings being treated like the Jedi they are, maybe you should take issue with a military order recruiting fucking five year olds in the first place. That's a fair point.
But you're not just saying that. You're saying the solution to that is slaughtering them. Two wrongs don't make a right, faggot.
Nathaniel Hernandez
>other people's families Literally the only family Anakin has known since he left his mother WAS the Jedi.
Andrew Watson
>The Jedi are. From a certain point of view.
Nolan Harris
Adam Martin
>If you have an issue with younglings being treated like the Jedi they are, maybe you should take issue with a military order recruiting fucking five year olds in the first place. The Jedi were in the process of being destroyed and dismantled while all of this was happening. The wrong of the Jedi exploiting innocent kids had already been undone by that. Committing a massacre on a bunch of children was an entirely superfluous and unnecessary act, purely evil.
With that in mind, please explain to me how this was justified.
Jace Russell
I guess he really *was* right about kids growing up to be overwrought adults stunted by exposure to secondhand banalities. At least David Henning broke with Star Wars when Sir Alec asked him to.
Jack Perry
I never noticed how phallic the scene of Anakin drawing his lightsaber on the younglings is.
Kayden Reyes
At the time when the Jedi Order is attacked by the Republic it has been declared an enemy of the Republic. That means that it is not Government sanctioned anymore.
Which means that the population of current minors/non-combatants would still be civilians (instead of being part-recipient a technical government mandate for combat/law enforcement granted by the Republic to the Jedi, as in your scenario).
If a foreign government had given a mandate to "the Jedi" as a general body (ie all of them at once without any rank/personel distinctions) for attacking the republic, AND if the republic had no laws about the treatment/handling of child soldiers, AND if that mandate was still standing at the time of the attack, THEN you would have a case.
As it is, the Republic withdrew its combat mandate from the Jedi and declared war on them, so the Younglings count as a civilian population because the Republic has no reasonable expectation of the Younglings being deployed against them AT THIS CURRENT TIME.
Henry Flores
Yeah that scene where Alec Guinness as Obi Wan Kenobi sucks off an Indian man in a public bathroom really stunted my development.
Andrew Gutierrez
Sith Zula - the galactic rula The old schoola You wanna spin? It's treason then
Nathaniel Sanchez
Anakin is a bitch. He have to obay every command that is given.
Ethan Gray
Why the picture of JK Simmons?
Ryder Clark
fucking kek
Brayden Smith
> opening of RotS > clone pilot escorting obiwan and anakin getting shot up > anakin "I'll pull back and help him" > obi-wan "he's doing his job leave him" > he dies Obi-wan wasn't a good friend
Brayden White
You're thinking of John Gielgud.
John Stewart
>Well what have we learned from this?
Ethan Moore
actually i was thinking of your mom
Nathaniel Long
DAMN! Sheev looked like that??!
Kevin Cruz
Why did you reply to someone who was replying to me? Is this something you do often?
Charles Foster
Don't listen to this imposter, I'm and
Bentley Howard
these are all my posts btw
Luis Rogers
>all the other kids starts playing
Jayden Clark
Because they are like 5? If you want to use international humanitarian law as an argument, you don't get to cherrypick.
Julian Sanchez
Are buddhist monks a military order? Just because they practice martial arts doesn't make the jedi a primarily military order. It has been stressed countless times that the jedi are primarily diplomats and peacekeepers, and lightsabers are mostly ceremonial.
Asher Robinson
>You wouldn't have lasted a day in Vietnam. Neither would you, cuck
Joseph Powell
jedi are a religion of peace.
Lucas Baker
>if you're buying crystal meth you're rotten to begin with. Fuck you idiot. I'm a lawyer and I freebase crystal meth recreationally. It helps calm my nerves and lets me stay up all night doing paperwork. How am I "rotten"? You sound like a rotten person being so fucking judgemental.
Maybe if you actually tried it you would see that like alcohol its fine and even good for you if you use it in moderation.
Leo Taylor
>people acting like Anakin did something wrong He fucking destroyed a cult of religious fanatics, he's a hero.
If that fucker Obi-wan didn't stop him he would have killed Sheev, saved Padme and everyone would be happy.