What is honor?
What is honor?
>1 post by this user..
>1 post in this entire thread.
Western civilization is dead.
Honor is going to the end of the earth just to prove a point. Having respect for even the enemy if they deserve it. And to care about a movement so strongly that you would risk your life and/or kill for it. That is what honor is my little leaf.
I misspelling of honour
He's a Yankee on a proxy
Honor is if you kill them, they win.
If they kill you, you win.
Being principled regardless of the situation
Not letting this thread die
Not sure but what I do know is it's spelt honour you american fuck.
Honour means being committed to what is right, even when it makes you suffer.
Come on brit, honour and civilization is your thing, give us something to work with
Civilization is your thing, we have civilisation
Try not to be as much of a cunt, leaf
>point out a difference in our language
>Writing honor instead of honour.
>needs to change the topic to focus attention around himself
>in constant need of validation of his shitposts
honour is serving dharma
keeping the little dinger on your flag instead of removing it because muh feelings
What about Greg though?
Do you feel like you live up to your definition of honour, Sup Forums? What would change you did?
Try finding what the word filotimo means ( φιλότιμο ) instead
Honour is throwing acid in your daughters face for marrying Mashreep and not Pajeet. little whore got what was coming to her.
Actually, lived 5 years in the states where I actually learned. I'm originally from Nova Scotia and didn't receive a very good education here. The parliament forgot us.
Besides, autocorrect is American.
I do have dual citizenship, so I guess I would be an American.
I feel honorable. I respect my people and my neighbors. I praise people who do things I consider honorable, and it's almost ritualistic. When someone says, for example, "I'm a man", they're not saying that they have a penis; they're saying that they actively go out and perpetuate the role of manliness in their life. A fisherman, likewise, isn't just someone who goes fishing; they say "I AM a fisherman" because that's who they are, that's their honor. And I believe in honor in that sense, that our honor refines us. We get social harmony from chaos.
Honor is doing your duty and always keeping your promises. Duty comes before your personal gain and your happiness. If everyone did this, the entire world would be a better place.
And then niggers exist.
Even niggers were capable of honor. Our societies are sick, and so is almost everyone in them.
Yes, black folk are capable of honor. Honor is literally all throughout the mammalian kingdom. Lions in a pride know their place; one action can dishonor them forever, leading to being cast out. That's the reason it's so hard to get a lion back into the wild, because it's not necessarily about survival skills, but about the society in which they live, the complex culture, believe it or not. To send a bunch of random lions into the wild is to introduce chaos; the social harmony through the virtue of honor is what tames them.
My autocorrect is English I don't know what's wrong with yours.
This is actually interesting. How prevalent is this sentiment in Greece today?
Honour is a core part of western values and tradition and has been for nearly a thousand years. The willingness to sacrifice oneself, valuing of human life - a set moral code, is part of what made western civilization greater than all the others.
Honour has been stolen, as a concept, by weaklings and women in an attempt to force the strong to protect them while they abuse them. Our modern society has abandoned honour - integrity, responsibility, the value of a life, and has turned us back into the barbarians from which we evolved.
It tells a lot about Sup Forums when a thread about something so important dies. We bitch all the time about everything but we never look at the core of the issue, which is the fact that we've lost the values that carried us to this point and are now an empty shell of our former greatness.