Get used to girls like Miley Cyrus guys that's the future of women
You will never find a modest woman
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Tits or GTFO.
I love the hourly cuck threads, go fuck off to
My gf is about as redpilled as it gets. Never dresses like a slut, isn't used up, has a college education, and is sweet as can be.
Gonna wife her desu familia, wish me luck.
A proper woman shouldn't go to college
Is it possible to find a woman who is self confident, self critical and self sufficient?
That's all I want in a woman yet after 20 years of searching, I haven't found one that ticks off all 3.
Good luck desu
Is she pregnant? If not then I've got some bad news for ya
A good woman gets to know her place in the world only by educating herself. Its more impactful if women learn on their own instead of you just telling them.
Is an infertile girl better or worse than a tranny?
Feels bad.
Just you wait retard.
A proper woman is educated by her family. Not by a liberal arts professor.
Women don't learn
They are trained
They never create anything new and barely ever innovate
Why is this? Because they are trained through memorization, they don't learn anything and never become more logical
Here here, well said chap.
I think I'd know after 6 years.
>went to college
>isn't used up
wew lad.
Riding nigger dicks is a rite of passage for white co-eds. Stay delusional, dumb cuck
That's why I converted to Islam and married a muslim woman. Best decision I've made in my life and I've never been happier. There is just something fundamentally different between western white womyn and real women of the east.
>destroying my race with mudblood shitskins is the best decision I've made in my life
cuck traitor. hope you're proud.
Look at his flag. He's obviously a rapefugee
but does she like animu breski
dats the real question here
either way hope you make it almost there.
>in college
high school is what you should worry about, 19 year old niggas in the same class as 15 year old girls
>affirmative action
who do you think is on the football and basketball team?
not the frail white guys, they are too busy studying STEM.
Fuck you faggot. It will circle back in time.
better. far lower chances of being mentally ill.
yea op you fuckin' faggot get out your house and go on vacation before you spit that anti-white defeatist bullshit.
literally just go to rural towns
>tfw gf isn't a virgin
>niggers can make it into uni by just being black and being good at throwing balls
damn sorry to hear that burgerlad
>implying a modest woman would EVER date a man who goes on Sup Forums
>implying any woman would EVER date a man who goes on Sup Forums
there's actually higher mental illness among infertile women
100% of trannies are mentally ill
Dressing like a human is the new counter-culture.
>be a black guy
>almost all black "women" look and act like apes
>even the attractive ones aren't fit for being mothers
>just wanted to have the American dream
>have to go MGTOW now
>has college education
>gonna marry her so she'll never leave
ok buddy
Where is your wife and kids, Mr Swede? You expect a man to stay lonely for the rest of his life because muh white race?
Don't waste your time and resources on stupid western womyn. I already made that mistake. Also, my kids are more white than most brit kids. They have my blue eyes too, so fuck you.
>Implying women are more illogical than most of the leftist retard betas
They are about the same. An educated woman that can stay relatively objective, thiugh hard to find, is much better than just a braindead housewife. My wife is half jap and half white, she knows when she is being an illogical emotional bitch and she knows her place not because i told her but because she knows its her nature. Id say this is largely because she has gone into a STEM field and studied biology/ecology extensively. there is no liberalist brainwashing in science.
Less fighting this way. more comprehension between each other this way.
Someone doesn't know about the Mennonite girls.
and now I know you're a Jew.
Go on, lash out at me!
I found a pretty, modest, religious girl who wants to be a housewife.
Had to go to E. Europe tho.
You have nothing to worry about, OP
I'm not gonna lash out on you, I feel sorry for you. You have a choice to be happy and find a wife but you chose to be miserable.
You worthless piece of shit. Hope she dies in labor.
That's not very nice.
>college education
>isnt used up
Here comes the honor killing!
I found a Chinese girl and things are perfect, other than the not having white kids part. But our life is like the 50's except she also has a pretty descent job and we share chores She cooks and cleans and I fix cars, repair shit and deal with bugs and trash. Pretty normal.
But she's seriously great. After my insane dating life I deserve this. I tried with like 20 white girls and every last one of them was a piece of shit. They cheated, lied, partied, and ran around being belligerent assholes. They try to humiliate you around friends and start fights in public and harass you about everything. Half of them had history being directly lesbian or mentally ill, or fucked by niggers when they didn't feel attractive enough. And they all ballooned over time.
I am in my 30's now and recently married the Chinese girl. Meanwhile my most recent ex got STD's from a nigger from her visit to a nude beach, then got pregnant from a white neet bitch twink that she dominated and cheated on for a while, then she tried to kill herself and long story short, was effectively a trainwreck for everyone's life she touched. She also now has a half nigglet baby, a fucked up fetal alcohol syndrom STD white baby from a pathetic weak man, and is divorced and poor.
On the surface that one was a conservative christian girl studying to be a teacher.
That shit tornado that is her lfie is actually not even the worst white girl I dated. The worst was a chick that cheated and told our whole friend's circle and church that I raped her. She ruined my life, got me fired, nearly caused me to get expelled from college, and none of my friends really took my side.
I have had to reboot my life several times because of crypto psycho white chicks.
White women are broken. I'm done. I tried, I failed. I found a nice girl and my genes will survive.
Good luck mate. Just over 10 months engaged to a lovely red pilled woman that is on the exact same level as your missus
Found one, and through her we shall birth a new nation.
White women are killing the white race.
Anyone have that story from an user about finding love in some slav shit country and bringing her to America a few years later, only for some angry housewives she started hanging with corrupt her and trick her into divorcing him?
It's too bad women don't love men like men love women because that kind of thing would be a lot less common.
Hey, good on you man. If you have kids though, make sure it's not another Elliot.
t. Hapa
Yeah, and it's not even funny anymore. We are going to die out. 2 of my other exes are exes for aborting my kids when I didn't want them to, citing that the world is overpopulated and it's their body and my opinion was irrelevant. One even immediately followed that up by getting pregnant by a drug addict Spanish loser drop out. She didn't abort that but she'd abort a white engineer's kid? Outfuckingrageous.
White men have literally no right or capability in the west to reproduce. It's in the hands of women and they are going to genocide us because Jew propaganda was super effective on our women.
I am no supremacist, but we have a right to secure the existence of our people and provide a future for our children. And for that I get called a Nazi.
We have to solve this while we can still fight. We have to take control of our countries again and stop the degeneracy that is ruining our women.
I believe in the exact same thing as you. My question is how? What do we do? I can only listen to so much red Ice radio. I know what's coming next. What's the next step?
Based Varg got you covered, guys.
A legit concern. I hope to teach them enough about my family that they have a real legacy for their identity and not just identifying with a race. Also, Elliot was raised in weird social situations that hopefully can be avoided. I want to limit video games severely and keep my kids involved in real life hobbies so they make some friends. Also, I will beat the shit out of them if they buy a fedora or write a manifesto.
... shes perfect!!!!
you pretty much have to go for chubby girls to find a decent women.
Been fucking skinny girls, but they are all sluts. Just found a chubby blond with blue eyes and an angel face and likes to call me daddy.
Going to put her on her back and put 5 kids in her. She can divorce me if she wants, but not after I put some babies in her.
Most of the (white) people on here would probably make it into ivy league schools with their grades, if they were black.
>spelling honour the american way
>literal britcuck
I'm stuck with a US dictionary and I get paranoid when palememe underlines my writing with a red squiggle.
I wish I knew.
There is no easy answer or a way to be widespread enough. We need to support Trump and the Brexit but I fear peaceful solutions are near exhausted.
We need to be allowed to voice our opinions. The fact that in the wake of Orlando, mosques and Imams, even ones IN ORLANDO that say to kill the gays, that gets completely ignored. But a white christian pastor somewhere else says he wished more were killed and it draws hundreds of leftists protesting.
The world has gone mad. If we were as violent as the Muslims then they would purge us overnight, blame it on race and religion, and be hypocrites about everything they say now.
We need an actual widespread movement or resistance is pointless. Random acts of violence achieve nothing for us.
user, I cry for you
> implying that if you found a modest woman you wouldn't be a complete autistic sperglord
Well what are our options? We can preach to the converted on pol or we can make our voices heard somewhere else. But we need a solid platform, not just shouting nationalist rhetoric. We need that intro, that little spark that becomes the brushfire. Something that we even blue pills can look at objectively and go "good idea".
Pan's Labyrinth? That move was about Franco's Spain, authoritarian and gory.
Ask a white guy with a conservative non white girlfriend anything
Lol, she tricked him in the first place. Most of the women here are whores, but since it's frowned upon they need to hide it. Most of them won't touch a nigger, but instead they'll hop on every other dick they can find since grade school.
I have a non white girlfriend. But i don't want to breed with her. I became red pilled after we started dating. Now we're at 7 years. And I really want off this ride.
Options, hypothetical of course
We could give up and join the Asians. Most of their countries like us and we are well regarded there and their culture is much more traditional American the modern America is. This does not preserve our people or culture, but it's a way out of this shit life they created for us. Not advised, long term failure imminent with this option.
Random acts of violence. To hell with the left getting mad. Start attacking them. Shoot up a news station. They already want to take our weapons regardless of how peaceful we have been, bury them in PVC in a yard if the left go crazy for grabs. Get guns illegally. Make them. Etc. Just fight. Not advised, this doesn't work well for Muslims, just makes countries shit.
Protesting political stuff in more numbers. It's risky since the left tries to wreck your career but those that can need to be out in force. We work more than the mexicans so it's really hard for us to do large marches. In any case, it's advised to step up our game. We have been too silent too long. We need to get the narrative away from facebook. They censor us. Bring it to real life.
We need to be more involved in churches. Get trained as pastors and preach. Christians make up a huge chunk of US voters and a shocking percent of them are as cucked as can be. Be a positive voice for us to them. Argue that the crusades were just and not to be ashamed. This could make more whites vote for us but I am afraid the time is too late. We needed this 20 years ago.
Ally with a minority, get blacks and say this is their land too, we have to get the spicks out! look how they killed you in x town! then when spicks are removed, remove blacks. We are only 63% of the population, our numbers could vote Hitler into power if it was not for minorities. The left played their hand well, but to counter it we can ally with another group.
Just vote, hope for the best. Ignore everything. Get comfy and watch the world burn.
I got a half white latina. Conservative and racist and loyal as fuck. Feels good man.
Fuck off Nick Searcy you godless race traitor cuck son of a bitch.
Enjoy your divorce then when you switch to Stacey
I'm not married.
We should talk more. Skype me: punching kittens