Can anyone from Canada update me on the fire and how Mister Trudeau is fixing it?
Can anyone from Canada update me on the fire and how Mister Trudeau is fixing it?
He thinks a world without Feminism would be hot. I agree
I heard the fire's been put out ever since those noble South Africans came to beat it out with their sticks.
Didnt they strike after they put it out?
fixing it with sales from the justin
Why would he?
If he puts the fire out, it wins.
Lol, Canada's PM is such a jokester!
And people call Trump a meme candidate. God damn Canada I used to look at you with amusement, now I straight up hate you with every fiber of my being.
Yes, because Canada is racially discriminatory in its wages for black people and they were brave enough to speak out against it.
If you put out the fire, it wins
- Justin Trudeau
They deserve better wages for getting rid of that fire!
It's provincial jurisdiction so not up the Trudeau.
He's winning.
We're all winning.
trudeau is growing on me
if trump wins, then the north american aryansphere is gonna have a funny 1-2 punch. good cop bad cop kinda thing
A nigger, a muslim, and a feminist walk into a bar. The bartender says "what will it be Mr President?"
Gave me a good chuckle
winning what?
winning at letting the land burn?
winning at flip flopping at every promise he said so far?
winning at setting up the country for the biggest econ crash ever?
winning at raking the elections from now on to make him win every single one?
just because he let you cucks smoke pot without a cop beating your ass for it, it doesn't mean you can turn a blind eye at the fuck up shit he's doing right now. At the end, you are not going to win if this shit keeps up
>he let you cucks smoke pot without a cop beating your ass for it
He didn't even do that yet. As it stands, it's still illegal.
The leftists in government literally tried to pay them under the provincial minimum wage.
The leftists attacking the lefty government over it was too good.
just ask reddit.
reddit cont.
Please don't :(
they are an embarrassement.
I hope the fires roll right over the oil fields
Still classes as "out of control"
>private SA contractor
>contracts were signed before leaving
>150% of their pay, plus room and board
>somehow canada's fault
it was his fault letting pinko blacks from the land of hate-whitey so that we could subsidize a 3rd party when americans/russians offered to help for free.
justin's busy.
If that happens, your province won't be getting any more gibsmedats, Jean-Pierre. Where do you think the money for les programmes comes from?
They wanted the hourly wage of a fully trained Canadian firefighter.
They are the definition of unskilled labor. What they were getting paid in the first place was already x50 what they made in South Africa.