Hey Sup Forums, How degenerate I am for dating a 21 year old, being 30 myself ?
I've heard women saying I should settle down with classy women around my age, what do you think about that ?
Hey Sup Forums, How degenerate I am for dating a 21 year old, being 30 myself ?
I've heard women saying I should settle down with classy women around my age, what do you think about that ?
if you're going to marry her and give her lots of white babies, you're alright
but if you're just stealing her prime childbearing years to satisfy your lust, you're a degenerate
21 and 30 isn't degenerate at all.
the younger the woman, the more fertile she should be.
why would you listen to the opinions of a woman you aren't dating/marrying?
they jelly, go for it
Were these women
>Women your age
she is going to play your ass
young girls are whores these days especially one dating a 30 y/o
It is always funny to see these old dudes get there heart broken when their slam pieceā¢ doesn't want to be "tied down"
this OP, you honestly think shes not with you because you're financially stable and buy her shit?
on the contrary, you must be successful alpha male
just remember do not have children, they are useless pain in the ass, only degenerate Cuckians have children and smart asses live life at full
Any 21 year old that wants to date a 30 year old is using you for something.
You are supposed to date women younger than you, of course the butthurt washed up roasties are going to tell you to date an old hag
old women jealous of young women
older women only say that shit because they know that they are not attractive as younger women.
they will try to act like you're a creep for dating someone hotter than them
unless you're a guilable faggot white knight
there is nothing wrong with that, that is exactly what a man provides for his woman, as long as she cooks and fucks, its a healthy relationship
30 year old women who arent married yet are probably high millage.
>classy women
The same used up whores that were fucking guys in their 30s when they were in their 20s
post pics of her or GTFO
this x1000
If you are thinking that way you are a cuck, and beyond salvation.
Why a 40 years man, with good situation, good body, should date a 40 years old woman, used, defiled, who ate 40 km of dicks ? Why would not he date a 23 years woman he could impregnated lots of time ?
DOn't date girl beyond 25.
You're gonna face some troubled times since 21yo could be attractive but have no experience at all. Be it life, sex, problem solving, etc.
Unless you're full of shekels and can plan a Battle Royale-style eliminatory sessions in your villa.
>implying you aren't using them for something
>but if you're just stealing her prime childbearing years to satisfy your lust, you're a degenerate
>tfw 29 with a 23 year old
>been with her for 5 years
>going to leave her eventually without a kid
If 30 year old women were classy then they wouldn't be single.
values above everything else user, don't be a fucking Chad.
Marrying down is the smart thing to do.
34 yr old here. Girlfriend is 25. All of her friends are looking for older men. You millennials are fucked.
I will probably do the same in a few years. Seeing how used all the women my age already are...
>arab proto spics
tip top lel
hi shlomo
>I've heard women saying I should settle down with classy women around my age
Of course they are saying that. They spent the time before they expired being coalburners getting the tyrone cock and now they can't find a decent man since men expire later than women.
It's not like a 30+ woman is more experienced at anything important.
Other than slurping dicks, maybe.
literally who cares
My dad has a 21 year old girlfriend and he's 56, is he degenerate?
Me too OP I'm 30 and dating a 19 year old, I got called a pedo while we were having our 10th anniversary together.
>dating a 21 year old, being 30 myself
Nice fantasy there /r9k/ neckbeard
>Were these women
>Your mum
Because if it's not your mum or sister or a girl you work with who has a crush, I.. can't think of any other reason why someone would look out for you like that.
Actually, I can. If you bring your 21 year old girlfriends to parties hosted by women your age and they behave poorly or insult their elders with simply their looks or insane references to young topics, maybe these women your age are part of an insane scrapbooking cult and need you to toe the line just a bit.
In all it's fine if you're a degenerate rebel, you could still kick babies into their fertile uterine fields from saggy old 50 year old balls.
that's pretty degenerate
colour me surprised
It's a little weird but I don't blame him
How old are you?
It used to be that way, train your wife from her teenage years up. How could a better wife be made?
This thread makes me kek so much.
All those cucklords who think a good man in his 35-40, very good age for a man, should date a 40 years defiled girl who fucked Jamal, Achmet and other animals.
Women of 20 are looking for older men, men of 40 are looking for younger women.
I think you're living the life my man
let me guess, your father is rich as fuck.
Is that a Trump logo on the piece?
yeas, there was a whole thread on /k/ about it
Very nice.
If youre 30 picking up fit women at 21 why do you need to listen to those that say settle down.
Why breed a sand niggers fleshlight. Fuck till you drop, party, spend all your money. Your mates will add to the party one by one as they come to their senses.
41 wife is 36....started fucking her at 26....feels good two pretty white kids moved out of 45% negro city to burbs no black people...white flight feels good.....renting house out to peaceful nigger loving millenials who have no clue or future .....
Feels real good.
Yeah not gonna lie I agree with you
Nope he's far from rich.
I'm 20. Oh yeah they got married too so now I technically have a stepmum that's younger than me.
they are fucking jealous dude. don't listen to women.
Fuck yeah my man
Older women are more used/degenerate anyway
It's weird. And that goes for men who date much older women too. How can they relate to each other?
Nah, women have always worked and so they should. The idea of slaving away for a housewife (who were mostly miserable hags) was a late 19th century bourgeois feminist ideal.
Ill Just Leave this here..
i would sell my soul just to be around that blonde
Marry her and have kids
Dont let her push you around
Be a man
Not at all. Good for you, actually.
OP here, thing is, I don't think I'll ever want to settle down until I hit at least 45 years old. It's that feeling of not being satisfied which makes me feel degenerate....