Is suicide the only way to escape leftism?
Is suicide the only way to escape leftism?
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Become a billionaire and play anti-muslim ads on tv. Just videos of them speaking about normal muslim things, like killing homosexuals. I think that would be amazing and wake everyone up.
suicide is not worth it, man
No, kill your TV cable box and your will be fine.
why not just hang the liberals instead?
No. The best way is to get our God Emperor into office
Just stop caring. "I don't care" is a pretty liberating phrase.
that or reverse suicide.
>Just stop caring about the fact that you, your children or at the latest your grandchildren, will be murdered or enslaved by muslims
That would be cool. Maybe I should just focus all my energies on making money then.
I don't have "cable". I have free-to-air TV channels though.
I'll get arrested if I do that. Then again maybe that wouldn't be so bad. At least I wouldn't have to endure leftism anymore.
Well I'm not American so I can't vote for him. I will be voting Leave though.
Yes, so please go and stream it for our pleasure.
not everything is about islam. stop. talk about something else.
>I will be voting Leave though.
That's a great start Nigel. Every journey begins with one step.
this will never happen ever
Well there's that, but my primary concern is this: I want to be a masculine male, I want to do masculine things. Why? Because every single waking fibre of my body tells me that that's what I need to do. It's called evolution. Instinct.
But I am persecuted, just like every other male these days, for being masculine. You're not allowed to be a masculine male anymore. Even the military is pretty cucked these days, the defence budget is repeatedly slashed, and left-wing loonies keep calling for women to be put on the front line which is fucking crazy.
That's my main hate. I don't want to be a cucked male, cucked by society into being some pathetic passive low-energy FAG.
No, did you not see how well shooting them worked? Rise up and stop being cucks. If you keep waiting your children will be outnumbered 10 to 1 by muslims. They will hate you for not taking a stand while you had the numbers to.
In what ways does society persecute you for being masculine
And why wouldn't it? Does the Quran say muslims can't enslave non-believers? Is there not a precedent of muslims genociding and terrorizing minority non-muslims in their countries?
because it's just darkness and fuck-all else
just not worth it
better you fight the fight against insurmountable odds than just give up, seriously
I just searched "men" on Google news and here's the first thing I come up with (
They want to persecute men for being masculine. Masculinity is all about earning, it's all about being the provider, the breadwinner, someone with balls who can get things done, and women want to fucking cut our balls off at every single fucking opportunity
There are things that aren't worth the time investment, for example caring about global affairs, what people do, you don't know and will never meet. Also, you can't see in the future and the information you have is limited, the best you can do is to be the best to your friends, family and yourself. Politics and news are an amalgam of freaky anecdotes to satisfy our urge for emotional pornography. You must stop caring about a world that is against you anyway and be pragmatic about life and do what your ancestors did for centuries, survive and prosper.
you're so wrong. you're just like those extremists who use the quran to ease out their success in getting what they want. still, the very majority of muslims believe that God made all human equal, deserving equal treatments and such. don't skim read the quran, next time. just look here in indonesia even we have a chinese christian governor. don't count arab countries, man, they're fucked up in the culture. don't do this please. don't harden my way to assimilate.
>A rock is about to fall on my head
>your logic "You can't see the future you don't know if it's going to fall on your head, so just stop worrying about it"
No. I can't do much but I'll support anti-Islam in anyway I can. So that the future of the world isn't fucked.
In all honesty, some days it feels as so
No, you can fight it.
Then do something about the fuck jobs.
Whatever the fuck people want to call them no Isis, isil, radical muzzies, ragheads, they turned this into a with us or against us situation for both sides.
If you sit idly by you appear to be in cahoots with the extremists, that's how it's ended up, maybe deliberately, maybe purposefully, but thanks to the actions and claims by Isis any muslim that doesn't actively oppose them is guilty by inaction.
>There are things that aren't worth the time investment, for example caring about global affairs
Then why are you on the politics board?
>the best you can do is to be the best to your friends, family and yourself
>be pragmatic about life and do what your ancestors did for centuries, survive and prosper.
But what if your friends and family no longer care about survival and prospering like you do?
Some of my friends say they don't even want children. That's how FUCKED the modern world is. They've been pumped so full of propaganda from an early age that their fundamental primal urge and instinct to procreate has been pacified and quelled. They feel so guilty, or afraid - they've lost all sense of pride of who they are - because the modern left-wing gestapo says it's "WRONG" to be masculine and proud and stand up for yourself.
What if that has happened to the people you know? Then what are you supposed to do? I guess the most pragmatic answer would be to abandon them perhaps
The thing is once you've taken the red pill and realised that having as many children as possible is literally the purpose of any human life (as humans have already known, before the current left-wing mess was instituted), then all the modern distractions that others are obsessed with (preening themselves, using Facebook, taking up """"""""""""""""""""""""""social""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""causes"""""""""""""""""""""""""""") becomes completely meaningless, and not just that, but TOXIC. They are TOXIC distractions that distract us from focusing on what is actually important in life, which is being masculine and having children
No. We need as many boots on the ground as we can get when the day of reckoning is upon us.
well why ? we're just the same as you, we're like victims. we don't feel associated with them and they're not our responsibilities. any muslim that cheer the terrorism is only trolling. we do something by proving to you that we're different. and if they keep terrorizing you when you criticize them, they don't think brightly, their upbringin allows them to be such short tempered people, and that's not what God wants out of them.
there is actually a teaching in islam to not attack first unless it's a defense. like literal attack. what you've been seeing is just angry monkeys, they have gasoline all over them so better not light up the fire when around them.
killing is authorized in the Quran. It's enough.
Darkness seems better than misery.
>any muslim that cheers is only trolling
That's some a-grade bullshit and you know it cunt.
You're guilty through inaction the same way Christianity is now synonymous with westboro and crazy suicide cults because they didn't do enough to stop the loonies.
You are in that same situation now, you can either silence the crazies but probably lose some self respect and international rep along that way, or you can ignore it while other people suppress it and end up being associated with the undesirables for all eternity
It's not a fair situation, you lose either way, that's how the cards have been dealt because life is not fair.
it's fucking not. just because the muslim criminals did it doesn't mean i'm gonna do it someday.
If you kill yourself they win... not even quoting weedman here
i'm not feeling guilty at all i'm just, idk, it hurts me when western people think like that because i really want to move out and be surrounded with them. if a random indian or israeli guy says that, i wouldn't care at all, because i have no desire to be part of their world.
How long have you been writing English?
You seem to have the basics down but struggle a bit with context and syntax
It's more like
>a giant rock is going to fall on my head
>do i charge against it in hope to make it disappear or prepare myself to evade it?
It's like the leftists say, you're on the wrong side of history. I may sound fatalistic, but you can only slow down the decline (or what you perceive as decline) if the herd is moving in a direction you don't like. But maybe you're someday on the right side of history and your opinions become popular again, but it won't be your doing. The thing is, do you have the influence to change the course of history? Is it even worth it to take one for the team if you know your efforts won't be appreciated. Many people can't wait for you to leave the gene pool, so why do the grunt work.
>why are you on the politics board?
It's more politically incorrect than political. And it's the best board on Sup Forums.
I think my main message isn't so much about changing the world, but to starting your own thing. When the system is fucked in your opinion, you don't play the game and make your own rules and concentrate on the stuff you can influence, like the people around you, your physical state, your mind. Sometimes we can't choose our friends, but you can find like minded individuals. There are a lot of people that think like you, but it can take effort to find them.
hh ok
>I think my main message isn't so much about changing the world, but to starting your own thing. When the system is fucked in your opinion, you don't play the game and make your own rules and concentrate on the stuff you can influence, like the people around you, your physical state, your mind. Sometimes we can't choose our friends, but you can find like minded individuals. There are a lot of people that think like you, but it can take effort to find them.
At this stage I think why don't I just commit crime so they'll throw me in jail and I can spend my life getting tough and having to fight people
I don't want to be a fucking pussy all my life
I want to have some fucking balls and getting thrown in the slammer would show people I have some fucking balls
Every one of us will be dead one day, it's inevitable. Why not last as long as possible, and try make the most of it?
You can get tough by less drastic means, I'll recommend lower class martial arts clubs, there are a lot of shady guys you'll also find in prison, but you have at least the option to drop out if the going gets too tough for you. I do Sambo and know a bunch of dumb but patriotic, right wing russians you'll never meet at your uni campus. Just don't self destroy yourself out of frustration, be selfish for once and game the system.