How will the USA fall?

How will the USA fall?

Who will take over as the world power?

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The South.

If globalists continue to retain power and keep pushing certain agendas regarding mass amnesty for illegal immigrants, importing hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees and allowing them to install Sharia zones, disarming Americans, as well as allowing niggers to get poorer and poorer, the economic and political collapse of America will be caused by large-scale race riots. We're talking a violent depression that forces martial law in inner cities and scarcity of food.

Russia would gain much more influence in Europe and the Middle East.. If China could adapt to the American economy crashing, they would be a global superpower and control all of Asia.

India :^)

>our poo will blot out the sun!

>How will the USA fall?
Civil war. Canada and Mexico will also be dragged into it. North America will be completely Balkanized.

>Who will take over as the world power?
Probably Russia.



>The South
So niggers?

Do you have any idea what America is like

we are a world power again?... when did that happen?

We're ready to take our rightful place as world leader.
All shall be filled with pastry and bacon and be happy, even the muslims.
The kikes still need to die.

>How will the USA fall?

Slowly and painfully.

>Who will take over as the world power?

The cockroaches, when we fall we're taking the world down with us.

You're a world power, but not a superpower anymore.

No ideological, apocalyptic threat to make others to rally behind you.

>Russia would gain much more influence in Europe and the Middle East..

Russia is in a pretty deep shit so I doubt they could do anything any time soon. Especially without an antagonizing USA providing some easy-to-consume narrative for your average Ivan.

Globalism, I'm calling India

Fast mating-

I think no one, the whole world will just follow along.

>How will the USA fall?
Like the Roman empire did. You are Rome 2.0 and many people don't realize this
>uncontested superpower
>biggest and most technological army
>getting a shitload of immigrants
>tensions between ethnic and religious groups are flaring
You will end up balkanizing according to ethnic groups and becoming much less relevant. The power void will most likely be filled out by either Russia, China or an hypothetical United States of Europe


This could actually be an interesting scenario. While I agree Russia would not go into full Soviet Imperialism mode, I think they would definitely increase their control over the Middle East without America being able to arm rebel factions and control oil fields. How would the European Union and NATO handle themselves with the absence of America?

When the empire ( USA ) decline, as all empires do when they reach limit of expansion. There is either a smooth exchange like Pax Britannica to Pax Americana (culturally of course as we have WW2), or turmoil in the vacuum it leaves like after Pax Romana. I believe in turmoil. Too many players in the game.


This is the correct answer.

This. I think balkanisation will definitely happen in the United States in our lifetime. If you see all the tensions between groups right now, it seems inevitable.

Hillary getting elected.



Convert or Die

Communist revolution is coming and I will be there helping my comrades

russian proxy or war rapebaby?

State will cease to have meaning in about.... twenty years ago.

>You haven't tried MY communism.

Im excited about the fall of the U.S. in favor of the USSA, and guess who else would be too...

nah, Russian studying here and spreading the words of Lenin for everyone to hear

A traitor to the Khanate!

How are you not dead yet?

because university students agree with me :^)
Marx is really popular among university students here


US territory will remain an important country but I don't know which states exactly

The USA will fail because of the collapse of the public order caused by massive degeneracy, and because of multiculturalism. I don't know if there will be a civil war tho. And of course, there will be an attack on american currency, lead by China

The thing is that the USA is currently building a liberal Leviathan surveillance state. You already have religious liberty slowly but steadily eviscerated. You have no collective force outside of state that could oppose the government. That means the government will be able to control single people in the USA. And with the "internet of things", neuroscience progress and genetic manipulation - this will become easier

How much time there's left for liberals to create their superstate - idk. But already one russian analyst has written a book about the disintegration of the USA. We might witness actually a disintegration of 3 huge entites in our lifetime - USA, EU and Russia

The problem is that the Middle East does not need Russia for anything, especially if the US is not in the picture.

On the other hand, Russia needs the EU more than the EU fears Russia. If the EU goes down in the shitter, then Russia will follow suit quickly.

Then, of course, we have China eyeing with Russia's resource-rich ass. That could be a problem too, especially without the USA fucking around the chinks.

If America balkanises in the future, Canada might grow.

US elites still have gobbling up Canada (free resources) and Mexico (free labor) as a future plan.

The US empire will last a long while. Then it'll gobble the EU.

Granted the US at this point won't be the US, but it will still be remarkably similar - championing democracy, etc while being anything but and still bombing and invading around the globe. Not allowing any other competing powers emerge.

NOW, how will that future empire end? It won't really. It'll unite with other regions and countries and forms unions. The individual US in that might lose power, but the elites would just migrate into that bigger super structure.

"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within." - Will Durant

Basically this, I wonder where the next great empire will arise though?
Honestly, just like with Rome I wouldn't be surprised if it were some areas to the North, like parts of the US/Canada that may not even have any sort of common allegiance yet.

So without American or Russian influence in the Middle East, do you think the Arab world would stabilize, or would massive wars break out? I could see Sunnis going to war with other Muslims, as well as major powers like Iran and Saudi Arabia fighting for control of oil reserves.

I think another good topic would be Korea. Does the North invade the South and Japan? Maybe China annexes the peninsula.

Most likely china

China. Can't stop them at this point.

Italy is correct. Not saying I am necessarily against an ethnically separated America, even if our influence and power is split into a fraction.


The US is the only remaining superpower fegget

Add my vote for China. They just built the world's largest supercomputer with all Chinese produced components.

United National Socialist States of America.

The U.S is not real, only thing that is the U.S is the state not any people.

We are in very dangerous times. Just seeing how well Bernie did this election makes me question our future. At this rate we may begin falling apart within a decade.

There is nothing unique about the U.S, it is a state which could just as easily be administered by a different state and nothing changes.

This is what the Jew has been working towards, the degradation and subversion of the nation into an arbitrary state in order to unite all the world under them.

Old Superpowers never die.
They just fade away.

Blame Crooked Hillary if you see the Soviet flag outside of the White House

What changes?
What gives this state the right to govern over another state?

The USA will fall when Trump starts abandoning US military bases abroad when they refuse to pay protection money. We will no longer have the force projection or influence to be a Global Hegemon, We'll just decay from there and shrink in on ourselves We'll just stop being a superpower due to isolationism, the goal will be to distance us from world events, but that won't happen, we'll still be effected by world events we'll just have less of an effect ourselves.

What is we?

The jews

The only real state is a racially pure one, fake states are multiracial.

Fake states are arbitrary and have no reason for existence.

The USA past 1865 had no reason for existence, it stopped being a nation and started being a state.

>by 2030!

Right on the money tony.


Better prepare for them mandatory tootbrushing laws

then we will fight in the shit

the United States, us, as a nation.

You can't be the world's #1 economy and be isolationist. The world WILL pull you into wars whether you want it or not

So either we'll stop being the #1 economy, or we'll get btfo in a world war, or we'll have to stop trying to be isolationist and be the world leader again.

For what?

>How will the USA fall?

You will see soon

>Who will take over as the world power?

United Earth except Russia and its allies.

the United States, us, as a nation.
US is not a nation, can you tell if this is a US nationite?

it's an immigrant nation that rose up in the 20th century and became the #1 economy in the world, and after world war 2, a global hegemon and superpower, not an ethnically pure state.

Fact is, the US is to blame for Europe's current immigration fixation. They look at us being powerful and wealthy and being filled with immigrants so they seek to imitate.

But what works for us doesn't necessarily work for them, and it's not our brown skinned immigrants that made the country successful, it was the european immigrants in the late 19th and 20th centuries.

There is no us or we in the republic government ruled territory of North America.

There is no us, the U.S doesn't exist.

Actually the country that will rise to become the next global super power is the country that will be unharmed by economic collapse (which will happen if the US tanks) and the country which has the least significant challenges to its growth.

You can already count out all the major countries in the world. If the US tanks, its bringing everyone down (economically) with it.

I'm putting my money on SEA countries. They have resources, fertile land and has historically been a trading nexus. Yes they are technologically backward and are shitty but they are the only countries that won't be affected (badly) by global economic collapse.

>Fact is, the US is to blame for Europe's current immigration fixation. They look at us being powerful and wealthy and being filled with immigrants so they seek to imitate.

Ya know, I think what it is is that they think its the fact that the US is one country with one major language etc., so they want to import durkas to completely homogenize their culture. That's my theory.

What the man is trying to make you realize, user, is that that nation is dead. The government we have today is much more overarching than the monarchy the founding fathers rebelled against. It does not serve Abby prior, preferring to import them and give them welfare for more power.

A nation is made for the enrichment of a certain people. There is no American people anymore. We are trapped under a federal government that is keeping all these competing groups together. America is more akin to an international shopping mall than a nation at this point. Thinking of yourself as an American at this point is foolish. Does anything this place does actually represent you?

>abby prior

American people

no they want to "diversify" it.

Some ideals we still have do. We don't get arrested for "hate speech" on twitter for one. I can still own firearms to defend myself, I don't have to self incriminate myself in a court of law, I have the right to due process and cops can't just come into my house without a warrant and start searching the place top to bottom, etc.

Our government is overarching because our nation has become too powerful to not have a powerful government. If our Government was as powerless as 19th century America, yet we were still as rich as late 20th century America the world would be picking us apart.


Sardinia, soon after they get their independence.

They'll show the world the power of the pure blood

>Antarctic is brown

India conquered that?

>How will the USA fall?
Nuclear war
>Who will take over as the world power?
The new world order

The Second American Civil War which would either break out on it's own or be an extension of WW3 when Russia and China attempt to bring the war to American shores by fomenting a rebellion i.e. Germany sending Lenin to Russia in 1917.

Since the EU and NATO would likely fall apart without American support, Russia and China would be left to compete for control of the remnants of the American Empire.

Ironically correct

He's a cannuck so yes

American doesn't exist.

>not knowing the first 130 years of our nation

Okay, whatever you say senpai. We were isolationist for a very long time, and we were extremely powerful then.

America prior to WW1 was the largest economy, interventionism and imperialism in the last century or so has only spilled European American blood.

The identity of American will cease to exist once North, South, East, and West draw swords against one another for the second time. It will be a war so barbaric it will shatter our national identity forever.

Those things are all under attack by a huge bloc of your government. They're held in place by white men, a demographic that the government works to make irrelevant around the clock. While we don't have (((hate speech))) laws yet you will be mass targeted and ostracized for speaking the truth and the left is working to codify it In law and importing millions of people to back it up. Wake up to what your country is.

>implying it can't all be turned around

This is the problem with this country.

There is no American identity.

is that fucking supreme ruler ultimate

This is the true poison that the cultural vandals inflicted upon us. American culture sheared off in different directions that are no longer compatible, and they're ultimately incapable of long-term co-existence because of the morality element.


Yeah there is.

It is still latent and in the background but it is there.

There is a reason rock and roll is still so popular. There is a reason American fashion companies and movies are so popular. There is a reason our TV shows and our own culture quirks go across the oceans.

There is a reason non Americans can spot an American almost immediately.

Stop being a negative whiner and start making changes user. If you're this upset to have 17 posts in this thread, then you sure as hell can get off your ass and do something about it.

It cannot be turned around using the current institutions. It can be by radical changes, establishing a nation for American whites, we're the only bloc that actually votes for liberty justice and all that crap. There would need to be stripping of citizenship and multiple new amendments, along with a purging of entrenched elites, to reverse course at this point. A revolution is more likely than that, honestly.

lol yeah right or we shut off all your tech and then drone strike the redneck south into behaving properly



That isn't an identity, that isn't a people, it is arbitrary and non existent.

>I'm going to just keep saying it isn't existent

Try shitposting a little better. You're making us look bad.