What was he pointing at?

What was he pointing at?

Me xD


The showers.

"Bomb that building over there next"

holy fuck i never saw this before

At double digits.

A loving relationship

"You see that mountain? You can climb it."


the new world order

Flavor country

the guy on the left just cut off his hand for stealing

Maybe he was pointing at the nearest gay bar.

"that's your brother over there. Now the game is, to run as fast as you can over to him, the faster you run, the quicker you'll get to your brother."

"how is Trump getting all those voters?"
"It just works"

>see that girl over there? she's my daughter. She's all yours sheek, in turn I will be spared in the coming jihadi
>see that woman over there? she was my first love, the United States, she's all yours sheek, all because they wouldn't let me be king

are you a blackwater employee?

The twin towers..
Oh wait

>And thats where you can find dubs

Slide it.

He's pointing at [omitted].

Reassuring his Saudi backer that the US stands with Islam, and pointing across the road at Michael Moore with this sign proving it.

>What was he pointing at?

Which Plots of Prime Real Estate is for sale...