Flag thread

What are the rarest flags you've seen on Sup Forums?

Pic related, I've only seen this flag once.

here have a rare

>all rares are british
Feels imperial, lads.


here have another one


do you know the link?


here kek

have a hidden

i have it as well




That's a French flag, you fool.


The rarest flag, though, is probably either Space, Ceres or the Combine flag.


Take this one as well .



Where the shitting dick nipples did you find that?

Forgery. Literally no one lives there.

Its always those fucking islands in the middle of nowhere, but I also think there is a flag with a ray of light amidst darkness (international waters), the european flag and the one from antarctica (all white).

It would be nice if the current admin acted more like moot and trolled us all by giving the same flag to everyone once in a while, like the jolly roger or the LBGT one to evoke rage lol.

imagine if someone posted with this shit

thats a pretty rare.
also this one


Unknown flag. The filename of the flag is a.gif
If you click it the page 404s

One day I'll post from a satellite connection.

Just to fuck with everybody.

Just a reminder for you guys that saving flags from other people is considered cheating.

not legit but still you can't get this one normally


All these flags are impressive, holy crap.

Ah, yes, "senpai.gif", the flag of the obscure Nando's Island off the coast of England.


Patiently waiting for a legit Vatican City

>New Zealand will never have this flag


There were a lot after the Paris attacks.

Maybe if you do one you can snag some sick rares. I'm sure it'll be worth it.

There was one yesterday

Post your flag collections everyone


It's the Vatican, the Pope lurks umong us

mine is shit tier cuz I started like 3 days ago.

Where do rare flags come from? Idiots wanting to be special by using proxies?



Semi rare


Have a China


China keeps escaping my clutches.


my collection of legits