How does the alt-right differ from the ordinary right?
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Homosexual tendencies
Racial realism. They don't walk around race problems like regular conservatives who know the problem is the black community but instead says thugs or gang problems.
unsolicited opinions on israel?
Also for the most part alt right members don't like or care about Israel while regular conservatives love it.
they're the SJWs of the right
first think of neo-nazis
then mix in some bland memes
now you have the alt-right
more memes
alt-right has some modern lefty policies like womens rights.
Nah the alt right isn't neo nazi. I'd say if it is close to anything already in existence it would be paleo conservatives
They don't.
Anyone claiming to be "rightwing" yet espouse beliefs like the constitution (which mirrors the French Declaration of the rights of man) is a classical leftist.
Originally, the rightwing was about monarchy, feudalism, the rule of honor, etc.
Only reason it changed is because it was official, the French had become a republic, so the rightwing became conservative rather than monarchist. Conservatism in America is more closely related to classical liberalism and the leftwing than it is to the classical rightwing.
It accepts niggers and faggots. So pretty much the faggot side of the right wing.
Anything from being more extreme to more liberal than the neocons.
You have the milo supporting reddit faggots called "Alt right" but also the actual far-right natsocs and traditionalists put in the box by Leftists. So now, to normie readers, it seems like they're all the same and thus they can smear everyone for being closet faggots, etc.
The left puts both of these very contradictory groups into the same box of "alt-right" to cause confusion and pollute the far right
Alt right are nationalists who refuse to recognize the Jew. They are a bit silly, but allies for the moment. The Jews will force them to chose at some point, get pozzed or remain nationalist.
Jews don't support nationalism outside of Israel. Nationalism recognizes globalism as an enemy and their cross border tribal allegiance is clearly stronger than their national allegiance, so they are the enemy.
it's really both though. You have the faggots labeled alt-right but also those who completely reject or even want to execute faggots smashed into the same box by the media
I believe we should look beyond race to intellect, but use aggression as a damaged genetic, therefor if they have created a culture or bed, they may lay in it, but in the event of mass disaster or war, I would hermit retire, waiting for the dumb to Darwin itself out, not having the hindsight of the potential of a human mind if it can control it's emotions - brain surgeons, neuroscience and intellect combined with maths and science with the bi product of linguistics are the key factors to ensure the statistical survival rate of the human species, I do not wish our kind to just be a shit smere speck on the history of the universe brought to its demise by its own hands.
Alt right is actually the ordinary right.
The so called right is just center-left.
Anyone who differs from the ''ordinary right'' is alt-right.
The most common reason someone is alt-right and not ''ordinary right'' is that they believe in Nationalism.
the alt-right includes both socially liberal faggot enablers, and far-right natsocs, reactionaries but leftists cherry pick the first of these groups to make fun of them like in The reality is that among the groups labeled "alt-right" by the left, you have shit tons of people who disagree with each other greatly on almost every issue except a bare minimum of nationalism and opposing open borders.
Globalism, but a IQ cull of minus 120 effective immediately, techs ready to replace base jobs apart from medical science so if the IQ is 100-120 and the empathy passes, medical or security field (fire/police) but eventually no police as man is not equal whilst others hold power over one, so yes guns would be programmed to not engage on human dna, so in the event of animal or external threat. They will still work.
millennial right-wingers. anti-sjws, young nationalists, butthurt, faggots
Well those are some big goals which I think a lot of people would agree with you but not in the alt right. At the founding base of the alt right is about race and most of the members of the alt right are there because they're sick of their countries being "taken over" by foreigners or minorities. I think what you're saying is fine but there's no way you could get the alt right in on that since a key base of it is race.
there's no such thing as alt-right
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The alt right is pro homosexuality.
Alt-right is faggot-right. It needs to be destroyed.
>the current year
>not being a fascist
So we agree on the problem?
People do not hindsight or calculate implications and factors, we need better minds, the shit ones are too many and are degenerating the bloodline.
I dont know what I expected about this thread
But god damn, shitposters and shills out in full force
>he thinks neo/election Sup Forums is alt-right
I also see it as kurt cobain who shot himself "here we are now entertain us, I feel stupid and contagious" that's the problem they are being entertained, not learning. It's art, they pick it apart as Eminem said so he has to show you quite what linguistic capabilities and mathematical timing he has, that rich knowledge of language should be captured in one opportunity, a large vocabulary is scientifically proven to decrease the chance of dementia.
Who is this guy????
memetic warfare
>this entire thread consists almost entirely of 1 ID posts full of shit that doesnt even make any sense
I now completely believe in the bot-posting meme. This is just a complete spewing of random words and buzzwords in a non-sensical fashion
Hi Milo
the skinheads were called the alt right
right means conservative. a bit on the fascist and religious side but still gives some freedom to the people thats all
Are you autistic?
They're reactionaries opposing globalization and social progressivism
the alt right is a right wonged gay political movement
It is inevitable, one way or another degeneracy will wipe itself out.
>one way or another degeneracy will wipe itself out
Absolutely not, but the normalization of it can be stopped/reverted. There will always be degenerates.
The alt right generally disregard everything wrong with the right and keep the good parts. It's mostly grounded in libertarianism and more specifically cultural libertarianism.
The old right is traditional but the alt right largely rejects the gyncentrism of traditional marriages.
The old right is religious but the alt right si largely atheistic.
The old right is more athoritarian, but the alt right is more libertarian.
I'd say those are your 3 pillars, they're also probably a lot more liberal than the right, more accepting of things like homosexuality, trans folk etc.
Man, anything to smear the good name of Milo and people like him, huh?