Yea right. We all know he meant fucking club goers ffs. Guess this is Manafort taking charge. Probably a good thing.
Yea right. We all know he meant fucking club goers ffs. Guess this is Manafort taking charge. Probably a good thing
What, how is that obvious?
Come on, this guy keeps doing stupid shit ever since becoming the nominee.
what did he mean by this
fags having chemsex shouldn't be anywhere near firearms
why not people who don't drink
like a designated driver
Is Trump going back on his attack on gun free zones? Say it ain't so.
Donald. You faggot.
Employees and Guards are special, citizens are not?
You lost me on this point.
>1 post by this ID
That's it I guess I'm now a #JebHead
Sorry but Trump is just extremely weak on gun rights.
Doesn't mean you shouldn't vote for him, he has a lot of good traits, that's just not one of them.
Finally showing all of his lefty progressive colors.
Refreshing, buy all you Trump cultists still won't care.
Its almost like hes a new york liberal, nobody could have forseen this.
Well, it is law that you can't drink or take drugs and have a firearm on you. The employees/guards should have been armed and in charge of security if the club goers are not allowed to be.
Like any gun free soft target, if you're going to create helpless people, it should become your responsibility to protect them.
Why is everyone bitching?
Do you want a bunch of faggots doing drugs and drinking to be within the possession of firearms?
He clarified after the NRA disagreed with him that guns should be allowed in Clubs.....the FUCKING NRA was the one that pushed him to tweet that.
Looks like the trumpkins really will defend anything he does, huh.
>1 post by this ID
What does this mean? If someone is bumping their own thread a bunch, I'd think that'd be more of a red flag than a single post. Do you mean there's a team of different IP/IDs that bump it from the OP?
Come talk when you are actually capable to vote.
>be a Cucknadian shitskin
>pretend to defend gun ownership
>donald flip flopped yet again when his handlers disagree
Looks like donald is embracing cuckservatism.
you have to remember that Trump needs to keep his support base wide, which means occasionally giving in to fuccboi centrists
I'm sorry I was born in Canada, next time I'll choose to be born in the USA. Good argument.
Just fyi, my family always had guns under the mattress when I was a kid, so fuck you.
Good fucking work dude you voted for a liberal that wants to steal your rights. Hopefully he accepts a buy out or something so republicans have a chance come november.
I mean that most of these retarded b8 threads are made by a bot or a shill to slide the catalog and they usually only post the OP without staying to discuss the topic on which their thread was created, making 1 post by that ID.
This tweet sounds really low energy. I hope he doesnt break down before the great finale.
no, it means that if the thread you create isn't even good enough for you to post in, you are obviously a troll
>be op
>drop steamy shitpost
>close out of Sup Forums tab
He's saying he doesn't want a bunch of armed drunken faggots running around.
There was an armed guard that exchanged fire with the perp. This Trump guy is fucking stupid.
Qek. Heat within the trump campaign
>Just fyi, my family always had guns under the mattress when I was a kid
>I'm sorry I was born in Canada
>lying on an anonymous image board
Seriously, why? Do you think you can get people to change their minds, here of all places? Specially when they see that cancerous flag?
Honestly, he seems to be just screwing up now. If he tells his right wing base to fuck off just to appeal to leftists he shouldn't be announcing that the country should look into racial profiling.
It seems like he just keeps flip flopping to try to appeal to every demographic without ever settling. This, in turn, just causes him to lose votes from both sides.
I'm not one to say that it's over for him or anything, but he seriously needs to step up his game.
>steal your rights
I'm aware Canadians are degenerates but I'm not a faggot who goes to gay clubs.
My rights unlike yours continue to exist.
Geez, Trump is becoming increasingly pathetic. I guess he knows he is losing.
I'm not lying, my father was a hunter, so he was able to get guns. He kept a handgun under his mattress, and a shotgun in the closet.
Okay, enjoy losing your gun rights and religious freedom.
Oh, I just figured Sup Forums would be interested in my OP. I'm not #withhernow or some bullshit. I hope Trump wins. Hopefully Manafort can pull off some magic like with the primaries. Fucking debates will be ridiculous.
>A fucking bean
Goddammit. He's starting to look weak as fuck now. I didn't think he'd run out of steam before the first fucking debate. Are Republicans even going to choose him?
What a fucking faggot. I'm still voting for you, but stop being a faggot. This is how you lose support.
I used to support him but I can't.
>in b4 Jew in b4 shill
No faggot what annoys me from Trump is he isn't learning from his mistakes and keeps repeating them. He says dumb shit without a filter then pretends later he never said it and he does this over and over. Either commit to your words or learn to filter yourself better there is only so many times I can defend him to liberals until I look like a retard for all the excuses i make.
Fuck you I most likely will still vote him but this is a legit concern.
Am I the only one that is starting to lose faith in him?
Don't get me wrong, I still support him - but i'm not going to pretend it isn't getting harder every day.
>We could have had Jeb.
I'll let you watch while I bean your wife.
When it comes to clarifying his positions and correcting himself he should stick to doing it in rallies.
Through tweets it gives it that very bad appearance of looking weak.
This is why I started coming to Sup Forums. This is it, prime time for the big finale.
Oh, don't mind me! Continue as you were. I'm just here to relish in the conservamad and alt-right manbaby defeat LMFAO
Would there be at least one sober patron at the bar that could get off a clean shot?
but there were people with guns there. it didnt work out to well for them and they retreated.
and me your daughters, perhaps even let you participate
>literally 2 copy-paste arguments
Are we seriously supposed to believe you're not from CTR? How fucking stupid are you niggers?
>Designated armed guard whenever you go to a bar
It means OP is a fag
What's wrong with club goers being armed? Means a safer club. Also not wrong with guards or employees being armed just in case.
Why even clarify this?
How is what I said wrong you non white Slav? Explain?
I started to come here because of fear
Now I just come here for entertaiment
I'm getting annoyed too, but demographic preservation is important enough that I support him
We'll breed them out of existence. :^)
Looks like non-citizens who have derogatory "pet-names" for Trump supporters will add a dose of excitement to their dull existence by commenting on a more exciting nation to soothe the burning pain in their hearts for being inferior.
Why don't you go play dress-up and pander to some brown people like YOUR poof "leader" eh?
Its obvious why someone would feel that way. After being the nominee, Trump keeps betraying the alt-right values that made us all like him in the first place.
The only thing left that he has going for him is that he is nationalistic and wants to keep illegal immigrants out. Every other thing he keeps changing to accomodate to leftists.
This is tied to his age. It's proven that old people have their verbal inhibition barriers deteriorate. This is why Canada's weedman is at least a good age to lead a country, but he's a numale.
He wanted more terrorists in the club because he's literally Hitler.
Like all he needs to do is fucking filter better and his chances sky rocket. People want him but it's tough when he says stupid shit sometimes. That's arrogance on his end he needs to control.
>trump said this outrageous thing let's attack him from both sides of the media non stop!
>oh look he listened to the people's feedback and reflected on his stances and modified/clarified them
>lol what a weak flip flopping faggot, even though he's trying to include my demands!
I don't get this at all.
Changing your mind because you listened to what the people think isn't weak, isn't that exactly what a president should do?
Do you really want more "I'm going to do this anyway" neocon/obama shit?
Explain how there's an almost identical post right below yours, you dumb shill. Don't you have to go through some training to make you less obvious. Shillary literally pissed 1 million dollars down the wind.
Because the topic is Trump backpedaling so of course arguments might be similar you conspiracy shit.
Reconquista now!!!
>that Moor from LeftyPol
OK, Christiano Al-Shillistani.
Take your meds, schizo.
As you can see, there is a lot to enjoy.
It was a flash in the pan after all, this whole Trump thing. Remember the delicious tears after the Obama elections? It's like that, but every day this year for a while. They bought into an ideology that puts them on a pedestal and reality doesn't coincide; they have chosen their scary little world to live in.
Can you imagine when the first liberal Latino prez happens??? LMAO
trump really should just point out that the orlando mass shooter was a shillary supporter and that the orlando mass shooter did attended a shillary rally and voted for shillary before he went to kill all those faggots in the club
Yes or No:
If an establishment bans customers from having their own personal firearms, should they be responsible for their safety?
I tried telling you faggots. We could have had a tea party conservative. But no you faggots liked the carnival show snake oil salesman and his slick tricks.
Well if you watch a con man long enough the con becomes obvious.
You faggots just bought 2 weeks of a time share in boca raton. You have until the convention to cancel the contract. Can you finally admit ou got duped?
Pretty sure the frustration is solely on the fact he isn't winning.
He's done this during the primary and everyone was supportive of him because he was winning, now that he's not frustrations are running high.
I officially resign my support for this backtracking, orange faggot.
If Trump wins will you promise to commit suicide?
Who is better though?
We will make USA a latinoamerican country :^)
Free tacos for everyone.
I was a subscriber to /r/The_Donald pre-merger at 2K subs and have been following Trump since day 1 of his campaign on here and on Reddit.
I LOVED Trump, but these past weeks I can't deny he looks incredibly stupid and its leaving me wondering whether Trump is just a huge fuck up meme candidate that is either just a joke, or is a Hillary plant. I used to tell people that I supported Trump when discussing US elections IRL because I agreed with him on some of his main points. Now I feel like a nut-job idiot for expressing support IRL because some of his stuff you just can't support.
>Says some stupid shit.
>Clarifies with the opposite to what he said on Twitter.
>Now: fucking stupid.
>Legitimately fear what his presidency would look like at this rate.
Some of his latest shit on guns and foreign policy is ridiculous. I haven't withdrawn my support but cot damn I hope he changes FAST.
So long as they don't over do it on some issues or give in on everything.
Not having a strong opinion is one thing, but changing it due to peer pressure or because you think it will make people like you more is a bit bitchy. That's one thing that's horrible about Hillary, she changes her stance like the wind.
>feeding this bait rather than ignoring it
How about you kill yourself
>You have until the convention to cancel the contract.
Fuck off faggot. He won fair and square. If your tea-party conservative was so great, why didn't they win? Oh that's right, because people are tired of fucking politicians.
Trump may not be perfect, but he is the best choice for 2016.
christ there arr a lot of libs and shills in this thread
anyone not carrying a gun deserves to be shot
Tell me about it. Shillary has been putting tons of money in her Shill super-pac.
You won't. Everyone assumes shit will remain consistent. As Stefan Molyneoux says, everyone tolerates this shit because there is food on the table and game of thrones on TV. Once that shit gets threatened then people wake up and there will be a backlash. The longer it goes on the bloodier the backlash
Fuck off faggot. If you want to argue at least use an argument that is not ad hominem.
Have fun sticking up for your cuckservative Trump for absolute no reason and letting your values be stepped on one by one.
Some people here actually have pride on what they believe, unlike you cult shills.
The NRA prides itself on gun safety. Possession of a firearm while intoxicated is tempting fate. I assume this club wasn't dry, and I assume alcohol wouldn't be the only recreational drug indulged either. There is a point that, when you create this environment, the club owner really should have put more money into their security. Whether they were silly enough to believe the U.S. is some idyllic paradise or simply didn't believe the added expense would be worth it, here we are because the owners didn't employ armed security.
Marteen shot up a building full of defenseless morons. It's not unrealistic to believe his nuts would have shriveled at the sight of armed security. Even if he hadn't, it's possible an altercation with an armed guard would have given some warning to the people inside. That still may not be enough, but it's more than what was and doesn't involve stripping U.S. citizens of their rights.
>shills actually think this works in THE CURRENT YEAR
Why do you get triggered when people air grievances or concerns?
I have your daughter and she's pregnant.
this sounds pretty gud :)
it will be amaizing
I was way to young 4 years ago to care, the only thing I knew about Sup Forums was that prank that went to far about the cristals that turn out to be letal when made
A fucking DANCE CLUB is not a fucking BAR
jesus shitting on a tortoise is this motherfucker that fucking stupid. Club goers havent been permitted gun access ever since hitler
They normally call them Bouncers...
Were you serious?
(you) being a Trump shill is any better?
Fuck off.
no, this is mexicans, liberals, shills, and a few honest people who are actually voicing legitimate concerns
In a way, he's already served his purpose of showing you can base a successful political career in America on being a nationalist. Thest base scenario now is the is a coup at the convention and someone tolerable is put in. Knowing the RNC idiots though it'd probably be Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney of some shit.
Makes sense.
old people cant lead
orange face probably have dementia or someshit