Germans united against racism.
Great signal to make it clear once again. Refugees are welcome.
Nazis btfo
Germans united against racism.
Great signal to make it clear once again. Refugees are welcome.
Nazis btfo
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's another "guaranteed replies bait thread" episode
>kein platz fuer nazis
fuck off hippocrates
>1 reply by this ID
Reminder to hide and sage shill/b8 threads.
im ok with this trigger are just fools and its ok :)
>everyone looks happy and welcoming except the turk with the murder look
> Alle Menschen sind gleich.
That's a massive denial of the ethnic, cultural and racial diversity of mankind.
I honestly hate Germany.
>only 40.000 people all over Germany combined
Top kek
there are people on Sup Forums right now who tell me i should defend white women top kek.
I've always hated white women tho
Is that from the recent human chain bullshit where over half of the participants were foreigners themselves and where the numbers were greatly exaggerated?
>I write signs with tolerance on it but there is nothing for me to tolerate because I live in complete apathy and don´t care about my surroundings. Oh but I don´t tolerate Nazis because it makes me feel better
As Austrian I know the solution to the (hopefully temporary, as there are huge advances with artificial wombs and stem cell research) Female Question.
This is what happens when betas lose control of their whores
This includes parents. A good parent should rule with a rod of iron. The degeneration is as much lacklustre, weak jawed faggots being left over from the war as it is the media kikery
One year later
> Auf wiedersehen motherland Germany
I remember when Cuckland had 7 years closed border policy for poles after we became EU member.It was from the fear of polish workers flooding german workplace market.
Now those fucking niemcy let 10000000000 of human garbage without any restriction.
What a pathetic country.
Deutschland Deutschland unter alles.
no, not only our woman don't but we are turning the immigrants against immigration
This makes me proud!
Says a lot about someone kicking a people that have been brainwashed for 70 years.
we know that
Was this protest also funded by Soros just like Antifa?
Record number of refugees ever..
Way to go globalist greedy bastards
>1 post by this ID
>breeding cellars
>dat east prussian flag
Just, ew. And they still wonder why a woman in power is an unwelcome sight.
If only?
>breeding cellars
You know it's the answer. Incapacitate them so that they can't kill themselves, then feed them a healthy diet to keep them going from 16-30 and then harvest their bodies for organs and use the rest as fertilizer once they've outlived their use.
That's the reward for their treason that could very well doom our entire civilization.
Look at your dubs, Kek wills it.
I was in Berlin yesterday near the protests. The media said 9000 people went there. In reality only 400-500 were there. Top kek
>We don't let children vote
>Women are children
>Women vot
Soon, kinsman.
>artificial wombs
>women become obsolete
fucking when
Better make sure feminazis don't take legal steps to prevent this though!
you would still need their eggs
What's up with that nigger's hips?
thanks lori
Sure you were, basement dweller.
>1 reply by this ID
I won't lie, I'd probably suck those two refugees' dicks :^)
Won't be much longer now.
>pissing of the group of people that not only built civilization but are also physically more imposing and technologically versed
The only question should be whether or not we keep some around just in case something happens to the tech.
>Germans btfo
It should be possible to make egg cells out of a guy's stem cells. We'll make it possible - because we have to.
There can be no coexistence with cunts after they've went through feminism.
Kill yourself.
Looks like a bunch of stupid little kids and their fucking teachers
>alle menschen sind gleich
Ja, nein.
It's always the same faggot german who makes gay comments ending with :^)
Just ignore him, maybe he will stop
>alle Menschen sind gleich
>All humans are equal
just fucking nuke us already, burgerbros.
Indoctrination in progress.
Well, not OUR women.
Can this joke of a world just be over already?
You know we don't care if you get raped and murdered, we kind of root for it
>er hat gesichter gemacht
geh weg du fotze
>maybe he will stop
No :^)
Schleich dich, Abobeidl :^)
was bedeutet das m8?
>Can this joke of a world just be over already?
This isn't like the holocaust where dead people collect reparations. This sub humans are alive and are going to milk it for what it's worth.
Hide this dumbfucks posts.
always stupid white bitches
Triggered? :^)
ich hoffe dass, die Muslime in Deutschland gelingen werden.
ihr seid alle pussyschweincunts desu.
>ihr seid alle pussyschweincunts
>...and I've yet to find a Syrian
She should check between her legs :^)
Not sure whether I will laugh or cry when these cunts end up in burkas as one of 4 wives to habib.
Fuck, does anyone have that pepe of Germans with the 3 of them carrying the Koran and one shitting on the German male as he fucks the female?
rare flag
>ich habe der Brony gefunden
>ich habe der Brony gefunden
Between your mom's legs? :^)
I think I'll probably laugh and we'll have a night out celebrating the cuckening. These people have proven that they deserve to be destroyed.
your so cute...Ending the white race is a big fucking joke...
I can't get pregnant, faggot, I don't have a uterus.
You Sup Forums virgins are so weird :^)
Stupid cunt. It doesn't matter where those people come or came from. They are refugees who fleed from wars and political persecution.
Send her to africa or to other countries in the middle east. I am pretty sure that she would realize why these people are fleeing to europe.
Let's give them a chance. At least my fellow germans are welcoming towards these people.
fuck these cucks.
Rarer than your penis in a vagina :^)
No we are not faggot. You can take as many rapefugees in your house as you want. Just don't allow them on the streets were I can see them and don't ask me for my tax money.
Germany died with the Reich though
They're fleeing the Syrian civil war in Pakistan you fucking bigots!!!
Oh the shill showed up.
Do you like sucking shitskin cocks? Of course you do, little traitor shill.
You will die by the hands of muslis, cutting your brainfucked head off.
It will be glorious.
Media lies all the time about leftists protests and inflates their numbers.
Last demonstrations on May 1st media wrote about 2000 or so protestors in Hamburg. It was actually 200 tops, they were marching through the street in front of my house.
There were more police VEHICLES than protestors.
They always prove my findings. Germans aren't white. 90% of real germans got exterminated after world war 2.
This has to be my favorite one of all time. With all the newfags, these days never see any of the "sweden yes, germany yes, ben garrison or even Merchants anymore.
Feels bad man. I think I'm just about last one here who even has them saved.
>They always prove my findings.
Uh oh, this guy's got findings! Findings, people!
Stand back, guys, findings coming through!
I hope you at least voted for Hofer on the last election.
No, its not Nazis BTFO, its Germans BTFO. Enjoy
Im married and I don't give a shit, you're a piece of shit.Also most people here are in there late 20's, The muslims will kill you or we will
Is this a reddit joke or something? You sound awfully new.
My personal favorite.
Who else?
So long as they stay in Germany and your leaders don't start fining nations for not taking them in.
Then it's all good. Oh wait.