The Engineers are all white men (a fucking white man race), they turn out to be evil monsters that are to be feared because they want to kill everyone.
The two hero's of the film are a black guy and a non-blonde woman.
Most of the white men in the movie are either evil, stupid or irrelevant.
There are two sex scenes (one isn't shown but just implied). One is a black man on a blonde white woman (muh race mixing) and the other is a fairly awful affair that ends up with an evil monster being implanted into the woman from the white man.
What really blows me over is that a lot of the anons out there think blondes are common simply because they can't tell when a woman has bleached her hair. Further adding to the irony such anons don't even qualify dirty blondes as actual blondes.
Charles Flores
The sex science between the captain and the blonde woman was so unnecessary. It added literally nothing to the plot.
One was one of the many script problems that made the film stupid and a disappointment.
Ryder Thomas
Thats a big torso
Levi Smith
bbc sells
Josiah Wood
The movie's entire premise is to make people uncomfortable. Plot is secondary.
Michael Bell
Why does everything trigger everyone nowadays?
Alexander Rodriguez
Fuck sake can we just delete Sup Forums and Sup Forums already. It's beyond repair now.
Tyler Sanchez
The blonde thing was pushed in the movie, they took an actor (Michael fassbender, who has brown hair) and dyed his hair blonde for the aryan white male look.
Also the main female lead looks like she could be mix race, she wasn't cast for her looks or acting ability.
The other female is blonde, she beat up davidd and then instantly succumbed to the black guys advances.
I didn't' notice all these things when I saw the movie initially, it's blatantly obvious if you're looking though. Those Rogue one writers made me look at movies in a whole other light.
Cooper Torres
One of the most intimidating villains in recent years.
Pretty scary.
Landon Hall
Jose Garcia
because nerds and faggets don't get beat up at school anymore unless you go to some poor inner city school with niggers and spics.
Austin Thomas
I wonder why poltards and r9k omega angry males love to flood this board, they're allowed to be retarded in their own hugboxes.
Luke Hill
It showed her insecurity. She was "proving" that she wasn't a robot. It also revealed her compulsive need for approval from the men in her life. That was her motivation for the entire mission. The tough exterior was a facade. She was just a lonely little girl.
Sebastian Davis
>I didn't see my confirmation bias before possessing said bias >but now that I browsed Sup Forums for a few days, i see my confirmation bias everywhere
Literal fucking idiot
Jacob Murphy
also idris elba is a cool guy in this movie. fuck all y'all in hating on him, he has had an excellent acting run lately
Landon Brown
If it were a couple of things I would agree, but when you put all the things together it's pretty fucking obvious it's an anti white male propaganda movie.
Oh wait, Hollywood would never do that!
Henry Torres
It's not that he accepts the role, everyone needs to make money
its that the kikes keep reserving roles only for diverse black males that have sex with white females.
Jaxon Baker
Nobody hates him, they hate the Hollywood machine that uses people for their propaganda.
Jack Barnes
Anthony Cooper
>(a fucking white man race)
aren't the engineers just people on steroids/some bio tinkering? Their DNA matches up with ours 100%
Alexander Nguyen
>When you put my insecurities all together it's clear to see the world is out to get me Sure
Colton Johnson
You mean like how Hollywood would only reserve roles for white males?
Justin Barnes
>The Engineers are all white men Look more like grey to me famalam.
Benjamin Cox
he was a big guy
Charles Evans
When did (OP) became better than this?
Jacob Rodriguez
the new movie is going to reveal the engineers were the master race of the universe and kept order in galaxy but they were all taken out by 1 female.
morale of the story women have destroyed every civilisation that has every existed and shouldn't be allowed in any position of power or have the right to vote.
This is why the yautja niggers are running lose causing havoc everywhere for open hunting season.
Asher Wilson
you know what that scene comes to mind every time
Parker Bennett
Are you telling me the watcher wasn't supposed to sympathize with the Engineer(s)? Clearly they were on a mission to fix their fuckup that ended up creating the human race.
Easton Hall
How do you not see how fucking stupid you are. You're trying to masquerade your stupidity as some sort of empiricism, but the reality is that you arbitrarily assigned your own stupid fucking bias onto factors of a movie. Ridley directed it, you fucking loser. He's a Scottsman. The movie EXPLICITLY ventures into the "ancient aliens" garbage, and explores humanity as an error made by a semi-divine being. The black guy gets fucking rekt, as does the captain. If we are to assign the movie your faggot logic, then this movie says "if you sleep with black people you both die"
Fucking you you fucking retard
Mason Hill Is this guy full of shit? Why does he think that this exact engineer is anything more than a grunt /pilot? Did he expect him to sit down and have 30 minutes talk show about himself and humanity?
Nathaniel Morgan
Didn't it distract the captain from noticing movement in the Juggernaut?
Andrew Evans
David Murphy
You don't seem to understand how movies are made.
Ridley did not self fund this movie, nor does he have full control over it. It's not HIS movie, he didn't even write it, it belongs to the studio that paid for its creation.
They get final say on everything, they get the final say on designs, writing and (re-writing) as well as everything else.
He gets to tell his story within the confines of what the people who will own it allow. If he did not succumb to what they want he would never be allowed to make AAA movies.
Landon Allen
Is this blood meridian ?
William Ward
He had an affinity for Lawrence of Arabia that's why his hair is blonde.
Jonathan Bell
OP should have just said "a black guy and a white woman" and it would have been the same, don't be triggered.