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Never been in Korea but i've seen tons of koreans as erasmus students here.
No offense, but the Nips would be the ones cucking you
Does Best Korea count?
Sure if you have the required shekels.
You gooks are good at vidya, thats about it
i play starcraft and i dont
Their women are very confortable
Imagine how fucking neurotic someone would have to be to draw something like this (and how autistic he would have to be to include the flags in every panel)
But user, based miracle of 9k memes schooled gook hard
No. Noone does.
Korea is the France of Asia.
I like SNSD
North Korea best korea right kim?
Kek @ this image. The IJA used your women as comfort whores for their troops. That's a cucking you won't soon live down Kim.
I like k-pop and want to have an orgy with every member of Bambino at once. Or at least Hadam and Eunsol. The other two are optional.
North Korea is kooky. I don't understand how a government like that still exists and hasn't had a coup yet.
Yes, but there happen to be two Korea's and one is more perfect than the other. And please stop picking on Japan, he's already very depressed.
wtf i hate korea now
Nah, they are like the Slovakia of Asia, they were cucks to other countries that ruled over them for most of their history (China, Japan) (Hungary, Austria) but now that they got there independence due to outside influences they are cheeky cunts
hol up. i thought porn was banned in worst korea?
Let me put it this way homeslice, there's a reason Koreans immigrate to America and japs don't. You do the math.
Choosing the sluttiest group
Bad taste man
I think this pic is made in ILBE(a Korean right wing website like Sup Forums)
why do nips portray themselves as white?
doesnt stop me from getting raped by their two inch dicks
Not anymore.
Koreans are much more alpha than Japs, from what I understand.
It is. That's why kpop has a lot of "bands" that are essentially stripper style dancing without the nudity.
God no. My grandfather went over with the UN and said that the native troops were the most savage and immoral troops he had ever met.
I like slutty, user. I also like the cutesy stuff like gfriend and minx.
why do italians portray themselves as white?
The national drink of Korea is fermented human shit "wine". You're the jenkem huffing niggers of Asia.
In Canada every non-Canadian seems more alpha
I like SNSD KARA, C-ute, Buono and Berryz Kobou.
Are we judging whiteness by the angle your eyes are set now? Last I checked it was a colour
Not really. No, I hate the Koreans almost as much as I hate those cockroach Chinese bastards.
>that delusional comic
No, not really.
I've been there. Koreans aren't polite, or won't apologize if they bump into you, or just lack manners. Those simple things are some of the things that make up civilized society. You're really no different from the Chinks in that regard with their barbarism, lack of manners, and niggerish behavior.
At least the Hiroshimas know and practice such simple, yet important, concepts.
Still, you Kimchees are slightly better than Chinks though. At least you're not full-blown Niggers of East Asia/Sick Man of Asia, yet. Work on it before you end up like them disgusting, subhuman Chinks.
I just based my opinion off of youtube videos of both groups. All the Japs that get interviewed are so shy and timid, even the dudes. Koreans always seem way more confident in comparison.
If I ever met either irl I'd probably just think they were chinks.
not in realitiy
It's not a color, albinos are not white. white means european, caucasian.
Someone should paint the korean dude black so that Swedes could enjoy that pic too.
North Korea, yeah.
South Korea? lol nah
You got cute plastic dolls, though.
Kek. Japanese women only have sex with bigger better Korean men. Soon Korean men will be cucking the West just like they are now cucking Japan.
I like one Korea more than the other
koreans kills themselves 10 times more than japs
is this a thing that happens?
dont mistake fantasy as reality its a fucking drawing goddam
this is what an I.Q average of 68 looks like folks.
t. deployed burger
Korea BTFO
In Germany? KEK
literally used flaccid size for Korea and erect for everyone else. Average erect Korean cock is 7.5", larger than any European country! lololol White cucks BTFO!
So you are mexican gaining a citizenship
nah nigga in the sandbox hence the flag
Yeah well that takes balls.
nah I'm white trash from North Carolina
Sending strike package
Please give coordinates
Yes, I know your slutty cracka girlfriend blows huge Korean cocks because white cocks are literally smaller than clits.
>not understanding the glory of conquest ntr
You're a lame guy, you know.
It's pretty cool of them to let you use the village computer.
hello r/koreanmasculity
Send dip!
I alt-tab between Sup Forums and the drone operations console
i fucked a korean girl two weeks ago, she was alright and from Seoul. I've never been to your country but your Kimchi is amazing.
That dick doesn't look malleable. That shit looks deformed 90 degrees lad.
why are you rice niggers so effeminate?
>Turn left at the next intersection!
Thanks Korea-san!
Koreans are so ashamed of their tiny dicks that they steal them from niggers.
Linking something like to another person is one of those moments where you should seriously take a good look at the track your life is on, and this is coming from someone browsing Sup Forums on my lunch break.
Can't you make that from Carolina?
That second article lists the average erect at 5.2. Nice try though.
>USA 5 inches
America BTFO
what the fuck
You mean your wife got fucked by a Korean bull? lololol Eurocucks are so pathetic. Why haven't all white men just killed themselves for being such pathetic cucks yet?
Yeah you could, I was kidding I'm not a drone operator
0231 usmc
yes i like korea :)
>0231 usmc
Is it true you let afghans rape kids?
Fuck you uneducated chink
Army does that cause theyre fags
Nope. Your women are borderline mental when it comes to conjuring up drama from thin air.
The Korean language annoys the fuck out of me.
Japanese, Thai, Chinese, Mandarin sound badass but Korean just sounds god awful.
neat, youre the guy from last night about that story of those women in combat
link too story?
Partied with heaps of Koreans.
These fuckers have a hobby like mine.
Whore mongering.
Seriously chain smoking Koreans are like body lice in slut towns throughout asia.
They own most of the failappines lol and bang their women in far greater numbers than white man ever does.
A whole bus of Koreans pulls up at a bar. They all walk in have one drink and then choose their ho.
Back to hotel bang ho for a few minutes then send ho back to the bar full of creamy Korean sauce so her next customer and then her lazy flip boyfriend can also enjoy some Korean.
Yeah they are rude cunts but have a beer or two and they love to invite you along to some of their group sex parties at flash hotels. Its great having the biggest dick at an orgy for a change.
Yeah Koreans are ok.
These are like the Asian Irish, right?
Hold back Zainichi!
if you mean 1910s irish, then yes
>anyone liking the sweden of asia
In fact, worst korea is already lightyears ahead of sweden when it comes to feminist cuckening
>porn banned
>men forced to worship female idols for any kind of legal sexual gratification
>men blowing their brains out even worse than Japan now
If I let go of Zainichi, will he die?