Women and marriage CON'T

Continued from >''Women labour under the impression they can have it all. They can have the career, this carefree lifestyle and then, at the snap of their fingers, because they are so fabulous, find a man. But if they wait until their 30s they're competing with women who are much younger and in various ways more attractive.''

>'They've swallowed the L'Oreal line: 'Because you're worth it!' There's a real sense of entitlement.''

>That leaves a lot of beta men spending their 20s out in the cold.

>Penny acknowledges part of the problem is her own expectations - that her generation of women was brought up wanting too much. ''We were told we were special, we could do anything and the world was our oyster.'' And having spent her 20s dating alpha males, she expected them to be still around when she finally decided to get serious.

> ''In my 20s, the women had the total upper hand. They could make or break you with one look in a club or bar. They had the choice of men, sex was on tap and guys like me went home alone, red-faced, defeated and embarrassed. The girls only wanted to go for the cool guys, good looks, outgoing personalities, money, sporty types, the kind of guys who owned the room, while us quiet ones got ignored.''

>''I can't believe how many men my age are only interested in younger women,'' wails Gail, a 34-year-old advertising executive as she describes her first search through men's profiles on the RSVP internet dating site. She is shocked to find many mid-30s men have set up their profiles to refuse mail from women their own age.

>but he's confident he will soon find someone with her feet on the ground. ''I'm lucky,'' he says, ''to be in a buyer's market.''

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Just marry an ugly chick jesus christ how hard can it be?

7/10 and above will fuck around until 30 and find some poor nu-male to provide for her while she continues to fuck behind his back.

A 4/10 won't fucking dare to cheat on you, because she knows you can do better.


Literally /r9k/

Fuck off faggot

Why not become the man all women want to fuck till their 30s?
Oh that's right, you'd rather bitch on a taiwanese fishing forum all day

>No man wants to marry a 30 yr old

Colour me fucking surprised.






>I'm not going to bore you guys with huge blocks of text
>posts huge blocks of text

>Why not become the man all women want to fuck till their 30s

Because I do not care for vain pursuits, like getting pussy that knows its way around a men's locker room better than I do.

I perfectly at peace with my current GF. Yes she may be not be the prettiest bird of them all, but she's loyal as fuck, treats me like the man of the house, and knows how to make me happy.

I'd takes this life any time, over some hoe that thinks her attractiveness somehow gains her free fuck-around points.




wahh im an omega and girls dont like me

sorry to hear, hope the future will be better for you

Is reading that hard? C'mon man this shit is gold


This woman must be doxed and her husband warned.

The thing is, even if they do like you or even love you, they will still destroy you. It's what western womyn do. This is why British men are increasingly marrying foreign women.

I'm an omega. I admit it. I hate women and they hate me. So what?

Oh its good, i still read it. Just thought it was funny how the writer started with that phrase of all things.

I honestly don't understand how anyone can so blatantly betray someone else's trust like that so easily. It's disgusting.

All these strories have one thing in common. The women claim to love their partners, they say they're good looking, handsome and generally good men, but for some reason they still feel the need to destroy their relationship. I just don't get it.


because it's not human nature to be monogamous. this is a cultural thing. a good one and necessary for civilization and advancement, but it goes against our nature.

have you ever had a smoking hot gf but you start craving strange 6 months into the relationship?

Loyalty and honour are male concepts. The sooner you realise this, the less expectations you will hold of a woman which she will ultimately never meet to begin with.

>because of these things, I'm quite confused by how he's acting.
Well maybe, just MAYBE, he never acted jealous because he trusted you and was quite confident that you didn't constantly think about whoring yourself out, and is now pretty fucking mad that you turned out to be a cockslut???


Lol don't date apes dumb bitch keep some throwing bananas and ribs at the ready if you're gonna destroy your face, credit and cunt that way.

That's very wrong. The ugly one will drop panties when ever anyone above a 6 looks at her sideways

That's how I ended up divorced


Women are naturally inclined to find the alpha male. The problem with this is that their definition of alpha does not include a man who is committed to them (no matter how alpha that man is). Once she gets a man's commitment, she no longer views him as alpha, so she finds a guy who hasn't committed because she perceives him as alpha.

another for your enjoyment



This one is really worth your time

>have you ever had a smoking hot gf


>hey jamal why don't you show me if what they say about black guys is true :)

>I I I I I I I I I


What's your point lad
There's a reason women didn't have rights for centuries. They are cunning animals, nothing more

This one always makes me laugh although I do feel a little bad for the girls who just politely ask him to take it down.

We really need state assisted euthinasia like China has for race mixing women.


No sympathy. They willfully made their own decisions. Or has Canada outlawed personal agency altogether so everything is society / white man's fault?

Should I just be gay

At least men know the concept of loyalty and commitment


>.25 women in high status will have to marry below their status
Marriage is over. We all know these women will cheat and the men will pay for it. 1/4 automatic failure rate is impossible to prop a system up with.

Nope, just don't think that life is all about getting married and bringing kids to this fucked up place..

Honestly the stigma sucks and feeling like less of a man or whatever for fucking men but it's really worth it to not have to deal with worthless whiny cunts.

Poly in a nutshell
>woman pressures her man into opening their relationship to get her some extra dick on the side
>realizes it's going much better for her man than for herself
>damage control mode : ACTIVATE


i'm attracted to women, but after my current relationship i'll definitely aim for dudes next, the risks involved with women are too high

one of my buddies from high school did this. Oversaw this chick texting her bf after they fucked, waited til she went to the bathroom, and texted basically the same thing to her boyfriend from her phone and got the fuck out of dodge.


This. Objectively speaking my current gf isn't the hottest girl I've ever been with but she is by far the best. Looks fade and you simply can't put a price on loyalty.

That's great! At least some of us still have eachothers back when it comes to this things!

To be fair it's not just her. The majority of people in their 20s to early 30s are extremely self centered.

TLDR: all women are whores, even 40 year olds who expect to get men with jobs of over 200k a year.

I have seen this exact thing happen.
>Hey I want to have sex with another guy, you should understand, because i'll let do it too!
>well i'm not really for this but w/e.
>Starts riding some dudes cock, thinks its great
>Starts dating the wife of some CEO, she takes him to Hawaii, buys him all sorts of shit, fucks him like a beast,
>NOOOO you can't do that! she's just using you!

He ended up leaving her in the end. Whats funny is I told this dumb bitch this would happen from the start.

If you guys arent gay you'd be forcing yourself into being bi which more than likely means you'll be aiming for fem guys, who are every bit as vain, vacuous and decietful as the worst women, moreso in fact as gay culture celebrates those things as being "independent", it's no good no matter what you do trust me.

>implying guys wouldn't be 100X worse
I'm no SJW faggot, but for real, guys are dumb as fuck for a hot girl and will do anything. Just go to a strip club and see some doucebag drop $400 on a girl that won't even touch him.

Eventually this is all irrelevant because most men don't want ugly 30 something whores who have been blacked by hundreds of niggers.
What men want is fresh teenage pussy, and that's when women have the most power over men and only want 7' Chad and Tyrone, and would never settle for that average white guy. In the end no one wins, everyone fucking loses.

This is literally every open relationships. Dumb whores bring up the idea because they think they'll get to ride Chad's cock every other night while enjoying they're """"bf""""'s financial comfort, and when it turns out Beta Bob is actually quite capable of getting himself some pussy on the side the dumb bitch gets crushed and tries to put an end to it.
Poly is a degenerate liberal meme and can never ever lead to a successful relationship.

Their biggest problem is that they do not understand what (most) men are looking for in a partner.

For a women, status is basically everything and she will never marry down, her partner always has to be above her.

Men want to marry young women who look pretty. Their career comes fairly far down at the priority list.
So you end up with career women who think they have an insanely high market value when in reality none of the men gives a shit about any of it and they didn't actually increase their market value with that career but reduced it because they grew older.

Since they will never accept that, but also never marry down, they will all become crazy cat women.

Not really true for me, I got married at 43 to a 41 year old woman (but i knew her in college but we had not seen each other in 17 years) She has 3 masters degrees. I don't want some dumb teenage chick no matter how good the pussy is.

Top fucking kek
pic very related

I'm an omega with wizard powers.

Believe it or not, I'm at peace with this. Thanks to Sup Forums, I don't really see the point of falling in love or trying to be an alpha male since neither of those things guarantee happiness or fulfillment.

Granted I want to get laid, but other than that I don't feel like I need "Ms. Right" or that I need to perform endless feats of strength or rites of passage. I live my life how I want and I'm happy.

I know Sup Forums hates me. I'm okay with that.

Yeah I agree. I hung out with her and her poly friends ones. They were are complete hipster degenerates. I stopped talking to her after that.

It's kind of funny how she proudly admits that she was a whore and scorned everyone who wasn't behaving like an asshole towards her, yet still expects the guys she completely ignored to come back and just be alright with it.

This particular story makes me sick to my stomach.

He accepted her for who she was, which is what women supposedly want, then she stabs him in the back for a "hot guy".

What a despicable cunt.

>free spirit
This shit triggers me to no end

This drove me up the fucking wall so much I looked for an update. Things are looking up for him.

The sad thing is that the beta she ignored would be willing to wife her up when she's 35 and used up.

well, seeing how this specific woman is ranting about it, apparently not

22 yr old going after 17 here

It's legal here and women my age are in college thibking they have no time for anything but dick.

I'd rather date someone yeah but i'd rather fuck this 17yrold and date her instead of a cock carousel riding college girl. They aren't worth it. And women love older men.

Do retards actually think this poly shit works?
Why are people so stupid?

>why do chimps chimp out
we may never know

See I don't think anyone legitimately thinks it "works" it's more like
>girl got herself a financially stable beta whom she doesn't want to live because, well, financial security. But she does want her some thrilling Chad-cock
>poor beta bf/husband doesn't want to do it but he's pressured into it because he's been out of the dating game for so long that he's certain he'll never get pussy as good as her gf again
Every open relationship ends up with either a miserable carpet of a man dealing with the situation as best as he can or some cumslut trying to backpedal because the whole thing backfired on her.

The saddest thing about this is not that he let himself be used as an ATM, but that he actually needed to ask other people if telling them to fuck off after this was justified.

Yo, how do I change my thinking? I don't want to get a non-virgin but I feel that's all that will be left.

wow, thank you for sharing this! I had no idea of a part 2!

glad things are going on much better for him! thanx for sharing again!

LARP and lie to yourself. Give it a year.



>feel the need to destroy their relationship
You're giving them way too much credit. They're not animated by malice or the want to hurt others, they're literally just following whatever makes their pussy wet without any second thoughts to whatever or whoever is around them.

Fuck. I guess it's either that or lonliness right?



The first 21 to 48 days will suck as this is the amount of time it takes for a habit to begin to develop. Afterwards, it'll start becoming easier.

well you should never take them serious, and have no compassion for them. At the smallest red flag -leave...

I do think there are good women out there, just that it's hard to find.. some call em unicorns... you could try a religious girl, or just put out rules at the begining of any relationship, break it to the trash with her

The more I look at the behavior of women the more I think they're legitimately not fully human and are only motivated by the most base monkey brain emotions.

>single moms
literally the cancer that is killing society

poly worked great for me
10/10 would recommend to Chad
I fucked four other women while dating my gf
she realised it wasn't working out for her as well as she wanted it to, because I was dicking 18, 19, 20-year-olds and we were ~30

>She offered to have sex with me
Kek, she literally sees herself as nothing but a walking hole