>How do we deal with the male virginity problem?
Well for one we stop calling incels "virgins." Virginity is a feminine concept that applies only to women. As far as I remember (too lazy to look it up) virgine is the french word for maiden which means "unmarried woman."
Men are not maidens, thus calling them virgins is a ridiculous degeneration of the English language.
>I'm talking about males in their 20s being kissless/virgins.
Okay so I'm pretty sure the internet has something to do with it.
Before the internet very few people, even Autists were able to sit at home all day. Sure there were comics and trains and little figures to paint and shit but generally the stimulation of these hobbies was low enough that these people eventually ventured outdoors.
I'm confident that 95%+ of these incels, or what you call virgins would NOT be virgins if they spent more time socializing face to face.
It usually goes like this: guys want to party and fuck. Girls want to party and fuck. Everyone goes to a part, everyone fucks.
I was in my 20's in the mid-late 90's before the internet kicked off and became mainstream. Didn't know of one single cunt over the age of 17 that hadn't had sex before. Plus it was tradition to shout ya mates a pro (hooker) on his 17th birthday anyway.
>Truth is, if you aren't impregnating white women
I disagree with you there boyo. The world is VASTY VASTLY VASTY overpopulated as it is.
Pretty much every single social, economic and ecological problem boils down to "there are too many people."
Not enough food? Too many people.
No clean drinking water? Too many people.
Too much green house gas? too man people.
Forests being cut down for housing developments? too many people.
Humans are breeding disgustingly fast like rabbits and it'll literally lead to the destruction of civilization and possibly our precious blue ball if not stopped.
Having more children will destroy us.