Have you signed it yet fellow british friends?
Have you signed it yet fellow british friends?
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come on you cuckolds
Man we sure need to get that too.
Is there any way to unsign the petition, or express disagreement with it? Can someone please start a new petition to "disallow loud call for prayer"?
You better pray (5 times) that the 23rd goes well because otherwise you better hide you fucking traiotors.
Signed. State-sponsored alarm clocks are desirable.
How illegal is it to make noise at 9am?
disgusting, shame on you britain, you used to be the world's greatest empire. One of the greatest in all human history.
Disgusting and sad.
I think it would actually not be too bad to vote for it. It would create debate and depoliticized normies would surely be more aware of the islamisation of europe .It could bring more people to our side
The sad part is that this is only the beginning.
Literally anybody can make a petition, you could make one for all official documents to now refer to Brazil as "Monkey Island 3 on PC" and it would show up on the government website
We have anti social hours for noise. Giving a minority religion exception would be retarded.
Oh wait, this is Britain we're talking about.
Mr Rothschild doesn't care if Britain leaves the EU. He's still pulling the puppet strings behind the scenes no matter how things go. Britain will still adhere to his and the NWO agenda, and we'll still have multiculturalism and mass immigration forced on us as we have since the mid 20th century.
a bunch of times so far
It's illegal to honk your car horn recreationally before 7am and after 7pm at night
This won't pass
i bet you did you big shit
stupid leaf fuck
Why would you want to disagree with it? What better way to put a stop to this kind of thinking than to annoy the shit out of everyone who isn't Muslim by pushing the problem into their face, or in this case blasting it into their ears.
That's one theory, and perhaps you know best how the average British citizen would react.
My theory is that the average British citizen would be annoyed by it, but only complain about it in private company. They wouldn't take any public action or winge to officials. Stiff upper lip and all that.
Maybe I'm wrong, but if I'm right, this would just be one more concession. One more baby step. One inch closer to Islam's ultimate goal. And that's horrific.
This is actually a good idea.
We can just use it anytime to gather a bunch of Muslims for whatever purpose.
I just want them to hear the muezzin every morning, they would soon be woke up by the islamization of their country.
>My theory is that the average British citizen would be annoyed by it, but only complain about it in private company. They wouldn't take any public action or winge to officials. Stiff upper lip and all that.
You are so right. And that company would have to be extremely private, lest someone hear you and denounce you as racist.
No you're wrong! Only people in these areas would vote against it and those people are probably anti-Muslim as it is. All you will do is make those of us unfortunate enough to live in or around Islamic areas live in even worse conditions then they do already.
DONT GIVE AN INCH (not something you francs would know much about)
That shit already happens in London.
If people don't complain you just keep pushing, they either reach breaking point or they don't deserve to continue and should be conquered, if you aren't willing to fight for your values then your values don't deserve to exist any longer That is the way I see it at least. if political correctness is more important than living your life the way you want to then why even bother..
Whoops, they took everything. What now?
Can't they pray in Mosques? There are loads of them for them to pray in.
It's a good idea, but will likely backfire. White flight will just increase.
The mosque puts out a loudspeaker for the entire city to hear so everyone knows its time to pray.
Its what they do in countries like Saudi Arabia.
Well, Saudi Arabia, and England since about 2013.
make a counter one. collect more signatures.
Never understood this..
>promoting religious acts in a secular country/state
Delete this.
Some people petitioned the Obama administration to build the death start and they responded to it
Because that would help? The majority doesn't rule in the UK, diversity outweighs democracy, not that the West has ever truly had a democratic system to begin with.
>DONT GIVE AN INCH (not something you francs would know much about)
Say the guy whose grandfather fleed by Dunkerques in 1940 before even firing single bullet.
By the way how Sadiq is doing ?
Possibly but like I said If people are really willing to completely give up on their values and culture then are they truly even worth saving?
most people just don't care or see politics as boring ans generally go along with whatever "seems nice and right"
they won't be thinking that when their heads are at risk
>A retreat caused by the frog which couldn't comprehend that a forest isn't a solid wall.
Wew lad.
People have been saying this foreveor.
Next you will say "Well what if we just turn in our hiding neighbors to the muslim death squads? ONLY THEN WILL THEY LEARN"
The proper reaction would be to fight it you faggot, not this taqiyya tier shit
These petitions need to happen.
- Cease Sunni immigration
- Babies born here are not granted citizenship
- End right of family reunion
- Ban the wearing of the niqab and burqa in public
- Ban foreign funding of mosques
- Ban the construction of minarets
- Ban non-CofE faith schools
- Ban involuntary circumcision for both genders
- Ban halal slaughter
- Weed out all these Muslim Brotherhood-associated pressure groups
- Deport every person of "Asian" descent in certain areas like Bradford
- Deport every single person seen supporting jihadi groups
- Deport every rape gang after chemical castration
Make Islamists' lives so intolerable that they focus on Belgium instead.
I'm sure you wouldn't mind if it sounded like this:
Except they're having an easier time in Britain, hence all of the sandniggers wanting to cross the channel.
Just means honking without a good reason.
If you have to honk in required situation, then yes, if you are honking for no dumbfuck reason at that time, you are being a problem.
It's a mix of stupid and common sense law.
If you're driving along and see a friend, you might think to give them a little toot and a wave.
The law says no doing that outside of daytime hours.
Were gonna need more gas.
>Helping francs to defend their entire country with an expeditionary force because they thought Germans where scared of forests
Okay mate
signed it.
if we cant get what we want NEITHER WILL YOU NIGEL
they haven't managed to blow any of our airports up yet
they had a cheeky go at london buses in 2005 but since then our intelligence services have been pretty clued up
Wont work, Most people who live in earshot of a mosque put up with these people every day and do not work in the media as the people who live near mosques are usually working class. Will just make life worse for them.
The best thing that could happen in this scenario is that it would get repealed and the libcucks would come up with some mental gymnastics justify it without blaming mudsilms.
Because fighting when you are supported by less than 1% of the population will totally go well, it won't end with everyone who voices their opinions going to jail for hate speech as the rest of the country cheers, you can't fight when the majority of the people who would attempt to stand on your side are the mentally ill and people so far right that neo nazis would call them extremists. A proportion of normal citizens need to be won and willing to take a stand or what you create will either be just as bad or simply fail from the start. The only kinds of unpopular revolutions that succeed are those done through military means.
The options are to simply "fight back" by making pointless counter petitions which will be denounced as racists and ignored allowing for the gradual acceptance through the rather fast growing take over by politically correct values.
You can force the issue by attempting to outpace the numbing effect of political correctness by expediting that which you are against, people are more likely to resist rapid takeover than a slow and gradual one and if they aren't then you had already lost to begin with.
You really think that these cucks will get enough? They will just cum with joy when they hear the first sign of "progress". They make excuses for MURDER and rape, how much will a little yelling affect them?
It isn't just about that one thing though, it is about overwhelming the majority of people who "just put up with it" by allowing these stupid requests before their time. All fighting against these requests does is delay their implementation until the population is more accepting or has been outright replaced/has converted. Call to prayer and Sharia patrols are accepted by the majority has just a factor of life in places like London, but if you force these kinds of things into other areas where there is a much smaller Muslim population you will start to see an outcry. The smaller towns and cities still have a semblance of older British culture and if you started to force this into their world at a rapid pace to catch up with the larger cities they would not accept it.
Slow at typing, sort of answers your question, allowing the petition is just the first step, you have to keep granting enough of these stupid ideas to cause the amount of people willing to resist to grow, if you allow change to progress slowly people are more willing to accept the changes, if you force change rapidly then they are more likely to resist.
>stop oppressing the muslims you racists
>why shouldn't they have places of worship you bigot who cares about your house prices
>you can't ban islam they're 5% of our population
>well why can't they have sharia law it's only for them and they deserve representation
>you islamophobe they're 15% of our population they have the right to have their own laws surpass ours
Fucking Eurocucks everyone
>american flag
Seems about right.
>see friend walking outside while driving
>slam full force on the horn so friend hears
>glance at the clock
>*it's 8pm* OH SHITTTT
>get taken to jail
I don't understand why people feel the need to do this even during normal hours...
Hey! I should let those people that I know know of my presence as I drive by them because.... um... reasons!
Unless you have something to say to them and intend to pull over I don't see the point.