How does Sup Forums feel about this?
How does Sup Forums feel about this?
Hitler did nothing wrong.
I prefer not to.
Sage it.
Surely that can't be healthy for the baby, and I don't just mean being brought up with a mentally ill father.
Came here to post this.
Take away the money printer advantage and degeneracy and other weapons of mass distraction like this get defunded.
You have to learn to hack at the root of evil, not the branches.
We need Islam
Babies also don't know not to stick a fork in a power socket or not to drink bleach.
>Breast feeding as a woman with a mustache
Nothing new here, folks
it's disgusting
Link? I don't believe this exists?
Not linking to it, google the headline if you must.
literally what
We should have listened.
Sadness for that babies grandparents who have to sit by as the little girl they brought up became mentally retarded and grew in to a creepy perverted "man" having infants suck on his nipples and brag about it in public.
Those artificial hormones in the milk must be super healthy for the baby, mustn't they?
You know breast milk is extremely sensitive to any dietary and supplementary intake of "mother"...
Oh my god I am about to vomit. This is sick where are child protective services??
'Pregnant man'
A few years ago some woman who dressed in men's clothing and took face hair pills was knocked up by her boyfriend. The headlines all said "yo, pregnant man, wtf" but the articles all said "woman with a beard gets knocked up."
And now we have kooks crying that abortion isn't just a women's issue, since "men" get pregnant too.
>de guardian
i knew they were leftys, but this is fucking insanity.
Let it happen. Let them attack. Let it all burn.
I dont understand this on multiple levels and multiple dimensions. Is this real?
I'm going to kill myself at this point
What really does my head in is that the husband is gay but Trevor has a vagina.
Lol faggoting is weird
Top kek my friend.
To die along with all this sjw shit