Have you ever killed another Human being? Proxy up and tell the story
Have you ever killed another Human being? Proxy up and tell the story
no because murder is for niggers, fuck off back to your favela you subhuman bootyspic
Yup. But it wasn't "murder"
>it wasn't murder
I'm sure allah wanted it
get back to your post soldier
I'm just a deployed burger buddy
I shot a man in reno, just to watch him die.
Hmm, interesting rhetoric there, would you murder someone who has raped and murdered your mother and sister, if you had the opportunity to murder him in such a way that would leave no evidence?
I have pre reincarnation cognition.
I remember being a german and then getting shot in the stomach and bleeding out in Berlin. I killed a lot of Russians
Yeah, sure thing buddy, if I was living in such a shithole, I'd pretend to be a burger too
How did it feel like the first time?
Did you hang your head and cry afterward?
Nice trips
when I was 8 my neighbor who was 3 years older was having a seizure and I pushed her in her pool and she drowned. I didn't get in trouble
no, if he would kill anyone close to me and our currupt justice system would let him off the hook (almost guaranteed) i would kill him infront of the cops - i wouldn't turn myslelf in, but i wouldn't try to hide it either
Who you even are?
i drove 5 people to suicide
meh, just a hobby
its still murder though so it counts for this topic.
well done.
I haven't yet but I'd kill you for your flag without a second of hesitation.
>be 22 years old
>inside furniture store
>wait until clerk is preoccupied
>quickly pull out my pocket knife
>removed the tag that said not to remove
every night i can hear the scratching of the tag beneath my floorboards
Eugenics in action. Lel
Not surprised you didn't get in trouble. Children should rightfully be above the law at that age.
Did you get any sort of consequence?
better question: could you kill one?
Seriously? How did you do it?
Yeah, but what tortures me is I bet there's rich folks eating in a fancy dining car, probably drinkin' coffee and smoking big cigars.
They get in car and they say "take me to suicide please lah"
And he goes "ok I drive you to Suicide lah"
Then they get out of the car when they arrive
Stop posting this!
Are you the done pilot guy?
>france isn't a shithole
mhh, cocos
My momma told me, always be a good boy dont ever play with guns.. and now i can hear the train coming its rolling around the bend... i havent seen sunshine, simce i dont know when.
>i would kill him infront of the cops
>i wouldn't turn myslelf in
You don't have to turn yourself in if a cop witnesses the murder, you idiot.
Bump for more info.
Almost but not quite. A couple of years ago two teenage nignogs broke into my house when I happened to be home and shot my dog but I shot back . I gave the first one a wheelchair and a colostomy bag the other ran like a cheetah. Both got 17 years mine and other burglaries. The parents tried to sue in civil court and didn't get shit.
Unlucky. You should have killed those dindus.
yeah but the wheelchair bound nog can't play hoops anymore. He might as well be dead.
wait a damn second thats not brazil
ra ra RA RA
wait a damn second thats not brazil
ra ra RA RA
i have not cocos-san
They were coming down stairs so the first one got it in the stomach and ended up paralyzed. I tried to get the second one but shit happened to fast. Thank God for Castle Doctrine . The cops took a statement and ultimately left
>population: 600
Yeah, I killed JFK, now I have to hide in Croatia shithole. I bent the direction of the bullet with my mind powers.
pic related, is me
is your doggo ok?
nothin personal kid
When I was 7, I was playing on a tree stump and this white kid took my tree stump so I pushed him off and he cried like a little bitch. He then told on me and I got scared I was gonna go to jail.
Then in gr 7, I threw someone.
Not directly. When i was underage,and on a cruise ship, i bullied some old, mentally ill man so much, he started crying and went into his room and later found out he did suicide with medicines.
So yes and no. I have felt bad later in my life, but not then.
Killed a guy in self defense when I lived in Detroit.
Him and two friends tried to car jack me, shot one dead the other two ran off.
His mom said it was murder and that he was just helping me get into my car. I was 27 at the time with no disabilities. No, I don't have guilt or feel bad. If I didn't shoot him he would have killed me.
He dindu nuffin.
He forced them to buy a plane ticket.
>he was just helping me get into my car
kek you raycis monster
No Mr AFP, I have never even thought of committing a crime in my life
i wish i saved the vatican flag when he was still posting
>His mom said it was murder and that he was just helping me get into my car
The trunk of your car.
Yep i killed your moms pussy last night u edgey emo faggot
I may have bullied my friend to the point of suicide. I don't think that counts though.
Hmm never murder
>Seen junkie foaming at the mouth/having fit
>Just walk past
>Read later in the local paper man found dead of drug overdose kek.
we get it fags, get a room already
Sure. Was squating in a designated shitting house in gaza. a bunch of dindu decided to approach the house and throw rocks, it was the middle of the night so we and my m8 shot a few rounds into the crowd to disperse them. Around 6 dead
I regularly commit mass murders. I feel nothing as they hit the tissue and ultimately get flushed.
I [omitted] a guy in [omitted] [omitted] years ago. I buried the [omitted] in [omitted] State Park near [omitted] lake.
His man was [omitted]
He had a bad attitude
damn, bro.. seems very fucked up. You could have at least turned him to the side and called an ambulance.
Also, seems like this tortures you alot by the way you put those sentences together.
Holy shit imagine he saw you getting out thought you were have trouble getting out for whatever reason and you just shot him god damn you monster
>woman detected
>bullying your friends
I'm pretty sure I've been the cause of at least 1 mod suicide
Another piece of shit off the earth my friend
>Being such a pussy that you kill yourself over a little bants from your friends
If you and your friends don't participate in healthy banter then you aren't truly friends.
>afghans on Sup Forums
dont you have some boys to fuck in the ass?
This, me and my best friend tell each other to kill yourself at least 7 times a day. Then I make fun of him for being slow.
I was the guy that discontinued life support in the ICU for several years. Often the last person a patient would see before they died. Tube comes out, and off they go into the night. It's not murder or anything, but sometimes the situations weren't very cut and dry, like the time I had a guy with a basilar artery stroke that couldn't communicate but his family decided to let him go. He struggled to stay alive for 14 hours while I watched. Felt bad, because it seemed to me he wanted to live, but I couldn't override their wishes.
It's not some edgelord shit about murdering people or anything, but it messes with you at first. I mean, some days you feel like the reaper because you're sending four or five people off to oblivion. Most days I didn't feel a damn thing though, you really kind of get used to it after the hundredth or so time.
I know i drove 1 person to suicide. Well, actually i just instructed them. Kind of regret it now.
Telling people to kill themselves on Sup Forums doesn't count.
it's an American
>healthy banter
Yeah, suicide sure sounds healthy to me. Sounds like you two aren't friends anymore after your healthy banter either, huh?
Bullying != bantz. sorry bud
A dude tried to rob me and I broke his head open with a rock.
Underrated kek
you're relieving suffering, user. deus vult.
high-tech as always, trinidad and tobago
Get a proxy. Whew lad.
Kek. I was already in my car, with the door closed, and my seatbelt fastened.
thinking you can proxy from Defence-provided web while on operations. W E W L A D
Fuck the rest of the thread, tell me more transient bro...
killed abe lincoln
just gon say that
yes im using like 500 proxies
Yes, my father
I killed him because he bullyied me for being a dwarf.
Sad life
Maybe but I don't know how to "proxy up" so I wont share it
I also have printed pictures of "it"
Killed a shitskin a week ago. Haven't found me. Yet.
I did it in a 70% non-white area so I am very unlikely to be found. A strange feeling really. First two days you're all fucked up and can't believe what you've done. Later you start thinking about God and Hell, that sort of thing.
Now I am fine.
was he a white man who married a manlet spic?
I dont know if i should belive a murderer