>As soon as my friend can get a tattoo he gets both his grandfathers death dates in roman numerals on his chest
>Male Bimbo friends get matching "live life" knuckle tats
>every other bitch under 30 has some cliche ink on her wrist to show how unique she is
>friend going to school to be a lawyer, she gets full sleeves in a month
>video game and cartoon tattoos everywhere
Care to share your stupid tattoo experiences
What does /pol think of proverb tats or tats in general
Millenials and Tattoos
Tattoos will reduce a 10/10 to a 0/10 for me in an instant.
Absolutely degenerate.
Ruined so many otherwise qts.
They easily allow me to identify people to stay away from
I appreciate it's counter culture to not get tattoos now. I hate them
>overloading your liver to look unique
drawings are ok but dont do quotes or those shit, at least if you are retarded it wont be so immediate to spot
I don't mind a small tattoo on the shoulder out of the way.
But the "special" wrist ones and full sleeve is just degenerate.
I've never felt like I wanted to show off something so bad that I had to get it inked permanently into my skin. They're not for me. Some people can look good with them, but they need the body to match. I don't understand why out of shape people bother getting tattoos. Like polishing a turd.
Tattoos are an easy way to spot people to avoid for relationships though.
Also an outside indicator for an easy fuck and chuck.
Tattoos are degenerate but OP using the word "male bimbo" like an Orlando clubber is even worse
>sit next to 8.5/10 with wrist tat
>because of tat I don't initiate any conversation beyond what prof wants done
>on the last day she says her wrist tat is a proverb
d e g e n e r a t e
I find the average SJW stereotype women (weird dyed hair and tattoes) very hot.
save me Sup Forums
That's the funny thing about these pierced faced, ear stretched, tattooed twats, they think they are so different but they are easily the most uniformed, shallow people around.
I got the green lantern symbol tattoo'd on me
I regret it
Its my shame to live with
It's important to prove your individuality by bravely walking into a tattoo shop and saying "give me a #32"
there are some meat heads that are so obsessed with their image they mentally become women, the only difference is they could wreck your shit
is tattoo removal viable?
what part of your body is it on?
I like tattoos be it on men or women and I don't see nothing wrong with them
except quotes
I have multiple tattoos. But they're on my upper body and upper arms. I can still wear a t shirt and no one would know.
Fact is more and more people are getting them. Does everyone make smart choices on where to put them or what they pit on them? No.
But you can tell a lot about a person by their ink. I'll wait til I'm older to get any tattoos that show
I was about 16. Show up to a party full of hoodrats. Guys getting FUCK THE WORLD blasted on his chest. Notice he's smashed, notice the tattoo artist is smashed. This is being done on a couch. Glad that I'm not retarded
They're not male bimbos, they're mimbos.
I don't understand tattoos as a way of remembering people you loved. I have a knife from my grandpa.
Tattoos are absolutely degenerate.
That said, I fucking love when people who don't speak Chinese get kanji tattoos with "deep" meaning.
Dumping tattoo fails.
I have a big tattoo on my forearm and there's nothing /po/ can do about it eheheheh
I fucking hate people trying to assign muh deeper meaning to them though. Tats are a 100% aesthetic choice for me. I just like seeing a nice looking motif everytime I'm wearing short sleeves.
Man if I had no choice but to get Asian characters tattoo'd on me, Chicken Noodle Soup would be my first choice I gotta say.
Its on one of my calf's
I just wear pants most days
In the future I'll look into removal, but for now its a reminder that I do stupid things sometimes
tattoos are only acceptable for military, bike clubs, and gangs
It's insane how many people have tattoos and piercings. Looks ridiculous.
did you even learn the oath, or are you a poser too?
Fair enough.
Hey, you gave your tattoo some meaning after all
exactly, like who the fuck wants to fuck a girl who has, "RIP Grandpa" inked on her thighs or on her back?
post all you have
I kind of want a raven banner tattoo desu
just tattoo over it. some square/circle will look better than your comic tat.
I lost a friend the night I saw him get a fucked up upside down cross on his middle finger at a party
They probably seem like a good idea to them after they've had a few beers or going through a phase but surely they must realize as they get older they'll just be weird people with tattoos.
clearly he didnt learn it
Have a sigil from Ars Goetia over my heart.
#32, in fact, but I had to bring my own stencil.
I'm degenerate as fuck, even by degenerate standards, but I keep it to myself and you'd never know looking at me.
I got this emblem tattooed on my back. I dont regret it, even though its from a taiwanese animated toy comercial.
It was my first facism as a 7 year old kid, and no matter how old i got, i found new ways to appreciate it, till my eventual redpilling. Im okay with it
Im just glad i didnt get a weed leaf. Most people don't recognize this at first.
I was thinking of getting one but honestly 99% of metalheads have one so I'm going to be edgy and won't take one.
>on one of calf's
tattoos, everyone
think about it if it wasn't chinese, but another language like Czech.
>I'm a dumb american that wants something cool tattoo'ed on me from another language to superficially enhance my backstory and image
>ask for "defender of the homeland" in Czech on my shoulder and arm
>tattoo guy googles it and styles it up
>it's mistranslated and says "conquered by kebab children"
>I never know it, still pick up bimbos at the bar with the story
You should have tattooed this.
Tattoos are perfect to mark people to avoid.
at least that guy can still say that they are
>ironic tattoos
top kek
It's strange. These days, it's more rebellious to be a millennial who is clean-cut, conservative, religious, sober, and non-tattooed. Crazy swing of the pendulum.
A buddy did that deliberately. He had his favorite Chinese dish name tattooed on his arm so he can just show it to the chef at any restaurant.
> Gen X, not hipster millennial
Only two of these are correct. But even then that is pushing it.
t. chinaman.
is it crystal meth? from Breaking Bad's DVD box?
This shit is so hilarious to see. Stupid fucking westerners too retarded to understand basic kanji literally get banded on how stupid they are.
I got the Zeon emblem tatted illeagally in high school before my redpilling. Now, if i could go back, i'd probably get a reichsadler or an iron cross. Now, i dont want anymore, cause
>muh degeneracy
Branding. In this case literal.
You ever notice how in old photos of past decades everyone is pretty much dressed alike? Women, acting as agents of natural selection, fuck men with a certain pre-determined look or style. Other men see the reproductive success of these guys and dress to match. It's like how a Nike shoe can sell for $300 despite being no different intrinsically than Sketchers. The brand is what sells.
Right now tattoos are the brand. Everyone who is getting them as part of this fad will feel like a dumbass in about 10 years.
That's the only thing her child will have to remember of her father.
My dad has a bunch of words his mother made him remember on his biceps, like Hope, strength, perseverance, etc etc in a line across both biceps. then he has a hook that is on the back of his neck which is Hei matau
Wow that's Reddit as fuck
Surprised there's no Pepe tattoos
I know someone with a reddit robot tattoo, he had a superiority complex.
It's THC
Its the chemical symbol for THC..
I dont even smoke weed anymore. I just tell people its to remind me it got me to where im at now (own a smoke shop)
But i quit smoking cigarettes and weed so now everyone i deal with on a daily basis looks like a fucking loser that bitch about everything.
What would possess a person to get this done?
>Tattoos will reduce a 10/10 to a 0/10 for me in an instant.
Like Alizee
Man, what a tragedy
You guys are morons, tattoos are great. No one's forcing you to get them.
>but another language like Czech
No need to that exotic. Our bydło butchers English in their tats just fine.
>Male Bimbo friends get matching "live life" knuckle tats
The fucking worst.
cannibanoid formula?
Absolutely this.
Whether it's dumb shit on their back, wrist or ankle it doesn't matter they're all awful to me.
At least get LSD or something cool.
Ugh, girls getting perfect, perky tits 'adorned' with insipid quotes. Let this trend die.
>That tattoo
>Wreck me
I know the fucking Oath you poozer
What kind of "artist" would even agree to do this
*Structure of THC
I'm 22 and have been thinking of getting a tattoo of a cross on my back for years now. Same with my dog who was my best friend for a long time (a picture of her, looks exactly like pic related)
Are either of those degenerate?
Great defense. It's not like anyone here is going out of there way to prevent people from getting tattoos.
Just like people have the right to be obnoxious losers with their ink, people ITT have a right to laugh at them and their insecurities
>Surprised there's no Pepe tattoos
It's retarded
Kids scared of pain
>inb4 hurrr durrr tattoo boohoo
Well the bible says tattoos are shit, so a cross would be contradictory
Even Kek wouldn't condone this
I'm 100% okay with is
Either/or would be on my back so that I don't advertise it to the world, and that it won't matter in a professional environment.
Who is your favourite Lantern and why is it Hal?
Also tattoos are nothing but a post-modern way to show how deep name brands and company slogans have become rotted into the individual's brain.
Nice b8, m8
Degenerate as fuck.
My friend and I were pretty edgy growing up and considered getting one for a while, but after seeing so many normies getting them to be cool we realized that the edgy thing to do now was to not get one.
Basically in 20-30 years most of the population will have one and then not having a tattoo will be the edgy thing to do.