Convince me to Vote Leave

Alright Sup Forums convince me to Vote Leave without using memes or shit arguments such as "muh joos"

I've heard some pretty strong cases for staying, job security, EU subsidies etc.

Why should we leave?

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because leaving doesnt change anything for you except your taxes will probably sink and you dont have to be part of the united states of europe when it comes that far

For some reason, I feel you may have some bias towards the situation.

why? because i want them to stay in our 4th reich?

Turks, endless wave of turks when your nanny welfare collapses because it can no longer afford to support the leeches.

Secondly if the EU was as kind and friendly as it says it is. It wouldn't need to threaten Britain with economic hardships. Its like an abusive girlfriend/boyfriend. In truth its doing this because alot of the eastern EU countries have already had enough shit but just need an example to help them muster their courage.

Britons should never be slaves to foreign bureaucrats that dont care about them or their wishes to do things their way.

Britain or a province, more power to English or slavery to them.

ou dont have to be part of the united states of europe when it comes that far
thank god.

> our 4th reich

The one soon to be made of Somalians and Turks? Get fucked, the EU is a raw deal.

Staying in the EU is better for our economy. But some things are more important than money. Like freedom. Britain must not be at the mercy of an elite group of globalists who care about nothing but their own business interests.

Cameron says we can reform the EU, but any significant changes are impossible and he knows it. They're too powerful to allow anything which could weaken their grasp on the peoples of Europe. The only way to win this game is not to play.

>EU subsidies

jesus have you done any research whatsoever? where on earth do you think the money for EU subsidies comes from?

>Britain's official bill for EU memebership is 19 billion per year, enough to build 52 new hospitals.
You have to decide whether what we get back from the EU is worth this.

>While we are in the EU, The UK is not allowed to negotiate our own trade deals.
27 other countries have to agree to a trade deal before the fifth largest economy in the world goes through with trading to key markets such as china and india.

>EU law overrules UK law
The new deal david cameron negotiated can be overturned by the euro court if we choose to stay, and a vote to remain will also mean the EU has the power to overrule UK laws. They have already done so on counter-terrorism powers, VAT and prisoner voting.

To have some adventure without EU. You can crawl back again if you cant make it

You can either have a sovereign United Kingdom with its own laws and customs, or one province of Greater Europe ruled by bureaucrats that do not represent your interests.

You need to get away from the Jew dominated EU, so your own EU dominated pedo parliament can't hide behind them any more for their Jewish tricks.

So, muh joos.

We're on the fucking abyss FFS, Germany will be Islamic in decades and you are afraid of naming the Jews. LEAVE.

Vote stay. Its better we change it with the safety net of EU behind us. Immigration is a non-issue, we're all human - religion always changes and we are heading for a more atheist future anyway so non-issue.

Doesn't matter if we make our own laws or EU does because they are still put in place by people of the same views and at the end of the day they aren't too bad anyway. Things like the Human Rights Act is actually pretty good.

More jobs in the EU. If a vacancy opens in say France, you can apply for it and be on par with the French citizens applying for it.

Security - EU prevents war. No EU states have ever been to war with each other.

We get a shit load of money back from the EU. People say "Oh we'll save this much" but we'd have to pay £30 million a week to get into the common market.

All-in-all, vote in lad. You'll have to be pretty dim to vote out. Look at who support each side for Christ sake.

>job security

A temporary illusion. Mass unemployment is coming soon due to automation of many tasks and the fact that 3D printing will within the next 5-10 years become "a thing" for anything not mass produced.

>EU subsidies
...are a bad thing in the long term. Why? For the same reason that protectionism is bad in the long term too. You get to be less competitive and less efficient, and make products which are less good...but still get paid. Eventually the protection ends and you discover youve been making dogshit for years. When your customers find this out too the wheels fall off your business. Even if protection continues..eventually the gulf between a good product and your too great.

Here's all the arguments you need, but I bet you're not going to watch them, because you don't actually give a shit. You've made up your mind already like all the close-minded EU bootlickers

Just watch this.

Thanks bros, also to stop the "1 post by this ID" shit

A vote for leave is a vote for 10p Freddos.

Your ancestors wouldn't stay, they built one of the worlds most impressive civilizations and wouldn't have given it all away and decided to be ruled by a bureaucracy.

> heading for a more atheist future

Muslims on welfare don't become atheists, they become terrorists.

I've been in the stay campaign for a while, because everyone on kikebook is shilling for it, but I'll watch these with an open mind.

Don't be so pessimistic Latvia


>Its better we change it

The EU has made it clear it is not going to change. In-fact the EU says that its failures are partly down to the fact its not gone hard enough at its goals. The UK has never once successfully caused any fundamental change in the EU.

The EU doesnt prevent war. The fact that we havent had a war inside the EU in the time its been around does not mean the EU prevents war. You think if Serbia and Croatia were in the EU they wouldnt have fought a war? You think being inside the EU would prevent Turkey from having a war with Greece? Remember Greece and Turkey were almost at war as recently as 1996. Only U.S. and NATO intervention subsided the conflict. Then again in 2004 they almost came to blows.

Only gay people vote IN

Globalism is cuckery.

>Immigration is a non-issue, we're all human
You're either a college girl or the minister for women and equalities.

I mean if you enjoy being controlled by unelected idiots who have their own personal agendas above anything that would benefit your country or people.

Leaders should be an elected force that slaves for the country and people they look after.

I can't be optimistic when people genuinely have to ask whether or not they should leave the EU. It shows that people have no idea what this is even about. It boggles my mind that people can even consider staying in the European Union. That's like me 20 years ago asking whether or not I should leave the Soviet Union.

Bribe your fellow englishmen.

>convince me to want a sovereign nation
If you need convincing then you should be replaced by mudslimes.

Because EU is sucking too much muslim cock and Britfags need to leave

if you even have to ask then fuck you kill yourself

It's true. The Saxons came from Germany, Celts from Spain. There are no 'pure' people in Europe anymore. Immigration of someone who isn't the same as you means nothing

How many times are you going to post this?

65p, why bother, why bother

>EU subsidies

UK gives more money than it gets - which means that regular folk foot the bill to modernize corrupt countries (Greece) and the people who already have immense capital reap the profits when waves of cheap labor create volatility in the market.

You should leave because you're ruining it for the rest of us.
The only reasons why you're in is to profit from the free market, ensure that the union doesn't pass laws that go against the City's interests, and to prevent France and Germany to unite and dominate Europe.
That last point has been the basis of English European policies for 500 years and it won't change. It just is now easier to achieve from inside the union, that's why Cameron wants to stay.

You need to leave so that we can finally start progressing again on the road to a real democratic European union.

Genetics aside, radically different cultures simply cannot coexist peacefully. Leftists say we can fix the problem with education, but Muslims who've lived here all their lives are just as violent as their immigrant counterparts.

Kill yourself.

Dubs of truths

This. You are not special. Immigration from third world came because of british immigration law, not because of freedom of movement.

Let's see you

A) Pay huge amounts of EU taxes so

B) Their lowest paid citizens can come and get your jobs so

C) Your wages are lowered meanwhile

D) You get open borders with the least functioning part of the world and

E) This is dictaded by people you never elected in

F) A process in which you have no insight

Junkers et al have already said the Federalist dream of total control over the whole of the European peoples is dead. The goys woke up before their fate could be sealed.

Its June 2014 EU meeting Conclusions state: "the European Council noted that the concept of ever closer union allows for different paths of integration for different countries, allowing those that want to deepen integration to move ahead, while respecting the wish of those who do not want to deepen any further."

BTW this proves Cameron's "big win" of getting them to abandon ever-closer-union for the UK was just lies, he knew they had already abandoned it. Stupid goys.

4th Reich? You mean the Islamic Caliphate formerly known as Germany?

This is not reddit stop posting this faggot you sack of shit

Worst reported loss per family is £11.80 a day if we Brexit. For that price we lose the massively corrupt European Commission running our lives, google Santer and Edith Cresson to make your blood boil.
There will be a very short term economic hit if we Brexit, but we will have the possibility of becoming a free people, do trade deals, become a better more 21st Century economy.

There is a political hit if we stay in the EU that amounts to 'taxation without representation'.

I prefer freedom to an extremely modest economic gain.


>trusting the jewmedia

Because its only been a few generations. In 100 years time all of Europe will be mixed and then who are you going to blame your problems on?

I'm Scottish, nice meme.

Let's cut to the chase, It's basically choosing to have better relationships with one of the following:
Asia - a dice roll, could be better or worse for UK, nobody knows

Just vote to stay you limp dick faggot. You know you will because you will do as told.


who would you rather have control your country?

brits or eu bureaucrats

But why should we have to go through a hundred years of conflict? What are the people of Britain gaining to make this worthwhile? As far as I can see, all immigrants bring us is terrorism, crime, and competition for jobs and homes.


The EU won't be able to demand your country do certain things like the amount of rapists you have to adopt into your country. The people of the UK will have more control over their own country, and you can slowly start working with that to gain full control back into the hands of the people.

Speaking as someone who uses skilled immigrants, a handful per year, in a specialised area... I'm voting LEAVE.

If you need a quant, or a scientist, or someone with particular experience of some market-or-other, you can get them. Fill in the paperwork, wait a while, pay the lawyer to accelerate the case, and you get your visa.

Remember, immigrants need countries much more than countries need immigrants. Especially with the ability now to work remotely, or to cheaply and easily obtain serviced office space in another country (we have a tiny serviced office in Geneva with a couple of guys in).

Alright family.
We're distinct from Europe in many ways thanks to our history as an island nation. We've been reliant on fishing for millenia and have a unique system of small private owned ports that operates well.

European ports are typically large and state owned, and legislation that regulates ports reflects that. So European port regulation doesn't work well for us.

Europe have also held off on a high powered kettle (3kw) ban under environmental initiatives. We in britain enjoy our electric kettles. But here's the thing.
Regardless of the wattage, a given volume of water needs a certain amount of energy to boil. So the wattage of the kettle is irrelevant. The ban is nonsensical and tantamount to a tariff. And it disproportionately affects us.

These are only a few examples of the way we're ignored and marginalised constantly. Do whats best for us all. Vote leave.

If Juncker said that he's wrong twice. The federalist dream isn't dead, and total control was never in the plans.
And I'm quite okay with the federalization going at various speeds.

The EU is indeed not too popular these days (though it's not that bad), because it's a bureaucratic affair led by national leaders making deals between themselves to protect their popularity.
Without Britain, it will be much easier to fix these problems and ultimately put the parliament at the center of the European institutions.
Then federalism will not be lumped in with what we have now.

because the eu wants its own standing army.

If an immigrant is competing with you for a job, you fucked up. No excuse.

Turkey will join Eu.
Your econmey will survive and prosper.


Please you save Europe for 3rd time.
This time from the far left.

Vote out

You shouldn't, plain and simple.

>inb4 a fucking leaf

France would love the English to GTFO The EU

It's an existential question.
Are you British Bulldog or are you a Brussel Spout?
It's a self-reliant question.
Do you want to be on subsidies you're entire life or standing on your own two feet?
It's a question about the wider world
Do you want to shackled to EU, when we could have a nordic trading block, a commonwealth trading block etc.
The 5 eyes are starting to wise up to the idea the EU is trying to usurp them. Do you want to be usurped ?

Fuck of cuckida, you people know fuck shit about politics, you elected a man based on his looks and on how gay he acts.

I think the plan with the EU kettle law is to incentivise people to boil only the water they need for their cuppa (or espresso or cafe aulait) and no more.

EU figured it would get on peoples tits to boil a kettle full at 1KW or we'd start boiling a cup.

Next they will try restricting kettle sizes to 300ml or something I expect.

Whatever happened to "Britons never, never, never shall be slaves".

Why is that?
Why would you prefer the welfare of an alien to the welfare of someone who shared the same culture, the same land and is genetically more similar to you, even if he is poor?

Vote stay. Don't kid yourself, the world is changing and you can't remain isolationist or sooner or later someone will pull a Japan and use black ships to open you up on their terms. You can't compete with the chinks or any of the other big threats alone, neither can any other Euro country, you're all too weak and only stand a chance together.

>you elected a man based on his looks
I think we can give them a pass on that one.

This only secures my point that the ban is idiotic, and essentially a concealed tariff on kettles that fall outside of a specific manufacturing criteria.

This needn't be the only appliance they start restricting.
Why should we bare the brunt of such obvious lobbyist-driven market foolery? Especially when we have the economic power to trade with whomever we please?

>You're too weak alone!

How does Japan and Korea do it then?

Voting Leave is the opposite of being isolationist.
We will literally have to trade directly with the world in order to survive and thrive.
Voting Leave is a huge expression of national confidence and positive outlook.
Its like finally leaving home as a teenager to make your own way in the world.
What a time to be alive.

They don't, they have the US backing them up and there are already serious concerns of not even that being enough. It looks like they do better because they had a big head start on China and Pooinlooland.

Have you considered the fact that people from poor countries are willing to work in poor conditions for poor pay?

Why are you comparing third world countries to first world countries? Are you brain dead?

The Purchasing power parity difference between UK and, say, Poland / Romania / eastern Europe is too big.
With free movement, the only outcome is a gradual decay of UK standard of living, offset by a gradual increase in standard of living in Eastern Europe. If UK was part of the Euro currency, this would have been more manageable, but with the Pound, it makes no sense to have free movement of labour.
People underestimate just how important English is to world trade. UK will continue to have a massive advantage in any trade deal because of English language being universal (most companies who deal with multiple economies will want to continue to be in an English speaking country which is the common language). If Bremain happens, Britain will also be the recipient of ever more low skilled immigrants who can speak broken English because it is usually taught in schools. Germany and France dont have this problem due to local language barriers.

It makes literally zero sense to keep labour movement unrestricted for Britain.

>I am so retarded I can't think more than a couple years in the future hurf
Just give it a couple decades, people really don't understand how big of a risk China is for everybody, and if you think they'll never amount to anything more than what they are right now remember Europe used to understimate your country in a similar way.

We should leave to overthrow the established, wealthy elite who profit from letting in millions of migrants. Who don't give a shit about your towns and cities and culture and wellbeing, but only about their own careers.

You should vote leave to regain British sovereignty. Not only so that we can make all of our own laws again but also to restore pride in Britain. To make Britain one of the great nations of the world again, rather than an increasingly cucked nation, absorbed into the United States of Europe.

I think the main reason is to preserve British heritage. To preserve British people. STOP migration, STOP inviting MILLIONS of people from around the world to come here and procreate and OUTNUMBER US IN OUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY. THIS IS OUR COUNTRY. WE ARE THE ONES WHO INHABIT IT. WE MUST STAND UP FOR OURSELVES, WE MUST FIGHT FOR OUR WELLBEING, BECAUSE NOBODY ELSE IS GOING TO DO SO. BELIEVE IN BRITAIN BUT MOST OF ALL, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.



It's true mate.

We have to save our culture, but most importantly, we have to save OURSELVES.

>job security
3 million turks will do that job much better than you.