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Lewandowski is gone. Remember what happened after the shitshow in Wisconsin?
Manafort's back in charge. Polls will skyrocket in two weeks, guaranteed.
why does trump go down but hillary stays at the same level?
are the voters undecided?
In the most recent part of the graph, Hillary supporters have pretty much stayed constant, while undecideds who had previously been favoring Trump have gone back to being undecided, most likely because of some stupid remark Trump made.
Romney's goons got to them
>RNC hasn't happened yet
> Berniebro beta uprising at the DNC hasn't happened yet
>The debates haven't happened either
Too early to cry over this.
Might be because of that libertarian candidate, what's his name, Gary Johnson? Decided to run as independent, polled 9%, assumedly from a lot of otherwise conservative voters who would've voted for Trump.
The lib propaganda machine is really at it
come election time we'll see what happens
I need him to win Sup Forums
I need it so bad
In a world of darkness, Trump is my light
I'm praying hard for the DNC to be a fucking riot. I want Hillary and Bernie people fighting in the streets.
Come on nigga, it's getting boring.
This gave me feels. I didn't want feels.
Last 2 weeks
>Remember that Romney also had the same performance in June 2012 against Obama
inb4 Trump crashes and burns
Rare merchant. In stealing him.
only go back until 1996.
This is a shitty data set and why 1996 specifically. We have data regarding presidential elections further back than that. Is it because it tears the narrative apart if they go further back than 1996?
>while undecideds who had previously been favoring Trump have gone back to being undecided, most likely because of some stupid remark Trump made.
This describes me and a number of friends, for what it is worth. I'd have a hard time voting for Hillary, but, Trump has such verbal diarrhea I'm afraid for him to speak to foreign leaders.
No he didn't. While there were a few moments romney led a few polls, there wasn't this amount of difference between Obama and Romney.
And Romney won, right?
Undecideds are the worst. Like, how can you not be sure which one better supports your most favorable positions? These fucking people. Every time...
Elections decided by idiots.
The RNC will inevitably be a riot because of Trump. They could not have picked a worse city to host it.
Polls are not an indication of what's really going to happen.
These polls are taken by the people the poll takers carefully handpick to get the results they want.
Also, they are corrupt illuminati run media.
If Hilary wins I'm moving to Cana-wait, no not there. I'm moving to Mexi-wait, not there either......shit.
Hillaryfags aren't known for chimping out.
Why does anyone care what happens before the debates even start? I don't understand you americans
Only the jewmedia and Sup Forums do. Regular Americans are passively consuming and will decide (for Hillary) after they get a feel for both candidates shortly.
Threadly Reminder that polls are designed to influence reality, not reflect it.
Thats because Hillary supporters are women over 40 and betacuck men who don't leave Starbucks.
>your president acts the same way around the general public than behind closed doors with foreign dignitaries
Kevin please
The GOP hyped Romney, blasted the airwaves with one or two polls where he was leading and were so confident that Romney would win.
The Republicans virtually ignored Obama's gigantic lead.
>and the GOP wonders why they lost 2012
Trump lost entire NRA base over no fly list fuck up.
Hillary voters are working class and adults who don't advertise their political opinions like childish college kids and jobless hippie. They just go to the booth and vote and go about their lives.
There is a reason why people were perplexed as to why Bernie didn't win despite how loud and obnoxious his fans were. They were literally a loud minority.
People who have jobs and bills but are liberal leaning don't want to see wasted money providing free college and prefer the more moderate nature of clinton. Not ever liberal is a progressive faggot.
You actually believe this garbage lie, don't you?
Just like how Romney lost voters with his numerous gaffes
The average-joe doesn't give two shits about politics or world affairs.
I legit think Trump is trying to lose the election
Yes, because I'm one of them. Also I know people who are voting for clinton and refuse to speak to their fellow Bernie supporters because its a headache. Usually they're older. Bernie only polled well with young people while older people went heavily for clinton because no everyone wants to live in a fucking social utopia but may be more left leaning than right leaning. Also the alternative is to give a literal social retard the ability to handle diplomacy with world leaders and dictate policy which is scary.
Hillary is the lesser evil unfortunately.
I really don't get this either. How fickle are their beliefs that they can waver between two polar opposites like Clinton and Trump so frequently?
wow you've conviced me. #imwithher
Debates don't influence that many people. Only 3 million people will watch at the maximum. All the normalfags already decided on who they are gonna vote for you are never gonna swing a convinced democrat or a republican with a debate.
>Only 3 million people
Over 67 million people watched the fist Obama/Romney debate and I feel like this time the number will be even higher.
The man is a fucking idiot. America is 60% white. He alienates 40% of the elctorate with this shit. Then 80% of women will never vote for him either nor will the 30% white cuckold vote. At least Ted Cruz wasn't a fucking idiot. Enjoy your eight years of Shillary and your liberal supreme court picks you fucking idiots.
Actually, there is no point for Trump haters to make his ratings look bad. If they do, Trump supporters will mobilize and EVERYone of them will vote. But if they show that Trump is winning, movement will relax. That's how you lose your elections.
A leaf :)
Liberals are too stupid to realize this. They don't even need to look too far back in the past. 2012 elections are a perfect example.
>there is no point for Trump haters to make his ratings look bad.
Besides the hate, you mean?
the leaf has got a point
This was the situation in June 2012. Notice that Romney wasn't even getting BTFO by that much. He still lost 200 to 300. Most people are already decided by this point. Go back to every single election until 1988 and look at the polls the winner was always ahead at this point.
Why are so many independents afraid of Trump?
Fuck, so it's over?
RIP America, you had a good run.
>It's going to be Election 2012: 2014 Edition
Gap closes in early September of the previous year
Widen by March
Closes in past May
>Face it, Clinton has practically won
>Her lead against Trump is larger than Obama's against Romney
Sauce for those charts?
This is a slump akin to the one he had when Lyin' Ted stole a bunch of white rural states for two weeks in a row. Once the convention hits the news cycle, things will really ramp up. Also listen to the latest Fash the Nation. They deconstruct all these Jew polls and discuss Trump's reverse Bradley Effect where people will signal against him or stay quiet for social points but will vote for him when push comes to shove. Manafort should more effectively be able to wrangle all these cucks (See Paul Ryan) as well. MAGA.
I got those from twitter. Just type in 2012 polls RCP average and look it up it's exactly the same.
surely all the undecideds tune in and make their decisions off that? At least that's what happens in the UK.
Hillary will win.
Britain will stay.
Merkel will be re-elected.
Immigration from third world shitholes will be doubled/tripled...
Europe will no longer be European but African/Middle Eastern
Australia will be deemed not full.
The fact that Clinton has failed to gather any of these people should tell you something. These are anti-trump republicans sperging out. There is zero chance they will run to Clinton and once the convention happens they will come back to Trump.
Trump is there so that the progressive white woman can defeat the evil white man who opresses niggers and spics.
It's like watching WWE.
Christ, can't you retards see the writing on the wall? There's no way in hell Trump can win this.
aaaaand it's nothing
>He alienates 40% of the elctorate with this shit.
This is the cuck brain folks. He think a minority white country is worth propping up. This is our last chance.
i wonder how many retards in Sup Forums will kill themselves after all these happens.
i know lots of white people and most of them liberal, fucking happy and makes shitloads of cash.
never said a thing about race, they just go on with their lives normally like everyone else.
I watch his speeches, he's an idiot. I was also just in europe and they are literally scared of him.
he'll be bad for business
They are just young and this is their first election. I was delusional about politics when I was 18 too.
>I was also just in europe and they are literally scared of him.
Not far from the truth
No fear, this is only trying to convince you that Trump doesn't have a chance. It is a lie.
Welp time to prepare for President Clinton 2.0
This, really. It's all I've got left to care about.
It's not so bad Sup Forums. Remember, even if Trump loses the glorious apocalypse will come soon after Hillary is elected. four years of her reign? Try two or three before we're all given sweet release of nuclear holocaust.
I pray every day for the opportunity to run down the streets screaming "I TOLD YOU SO" before civilization as we know it collapses.
Hillary or Trump might win, but there's no way for Sup Forums to lose. Either we reclaim America or watch it burn.
i don't think the world will burn if hillary gets in, it'll just be more of the same. sucks, but, it's better than trump who will ruin our foreign relations
>Thinking polls matter this early on
Elections aren't until Nov 8, we have MONTHS for Shillary to fall and/or Trump to rise
>"h-h-his support will raise! I g-guarantee it!"
>says the increasingly worrying man for the 10th straight day
>we have MONTHS for Shillary to fall and/or Trump to rise
Historically speaking see >Months before election
>Small gap
>Thought Romney will catch up
>Lose to Obama
Compared to the Obama/Romney gap, the Clinton/Trump gap is very wide.
The US will have a President Clinton come November.
>vote for white obama or incumbent obama
there's no difference between them, why would there be a difference in opinion?
didn't notice the QEK before
Is that an image of your President?
Nice cum-back, but atleast we have a chance of un-cucking ourselves
>Pick related