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Religion of peace at it again!
Probably just came off the plane from Europe.
yup. allah loves you!
They should be killed right? I mean the father most likely has a gun
Our gov is shipping them in in the dead of night on c130, giving them new ids and and a monthly check that is bigger than what social security people make. Then they put them on busses and spread them all over the country. Mateens uncle uncle works for the company that transports them, and has visited the white house on several occasions.
This is an attack plan. They will sporadically attack and the gov will use these attcks to take our constitutional rights. Like Obama saying Orlando was "homegrown" terrorism, then they try the next week to put gun owners on what is basically a confiscation list, while trying to ban whatever they consider to be an "assault" weapon. Freedom of speech will come to an end next, because it will be an issue of national security if you offend Muslims. Even though they will always attack no matter what we do.
your point?
Infowars isn't bad.
Look at the video you spastic.
>not real
Fuck you for getting my hopes up
This article is real, you moron.
it's a nigger hoping the pic was real
And pretty fucked up shit, they are taught this
>mfw this is the wrong country to bring immigrants that rape.
>no valid source
false flag, nothing happened.
>MFW articles about sand niggers getting shot start appearing
info wars willing to print what the MSM won't
>mfw we all talk a big game but are too fat, lazy and addicted to t.v. to actually do anything
i haven't watched or owned a tv in years
This will sky rocket Trump's support!
>false equivalence
take your meds
Why doesn't John Oliver talk about that in his shows?
I don't really touch T.V. these days, when im free im usually out and about.
Exactly this. This should be a huge news story considering damn near the whole country spoke out and said no when they were first considering bringing them here. Since then, none of the msm has even said anything about them coming here, and wont investigate why the number of them coming in is a complete lie.
Obama is stocking the country with terrorists deliberately to use their attacks against us to take away the 2nd ammendment and to change the demographics of white population centers with spics. This will go on for years and as soon as dems control the house and senate again they'll dismantle the 2nd ammendment. They don't care how long it takes. That's their long game to institute an authoritarian communist regime.
Yeah sure, don't mix yourself with the ones that will do something
>not posting the source
Sure. It isn't true. They aren't even bringing them here. Keep being Canadian.
>((((( Jewin'fo-wars )))))
Because that would be racist you stupid goy.
Blow up the boats before it gets worse!
speak for yourself, cuck
>The girl was 5 and disabled
>The syrian boys father reportedly high fived the 13 year old
>All the syrian mother could way was "no police"
>Yfw this all happened 19 days ago
>Yfw there was only a slight segment on the meda that didn't disclose anyone's nationality or go in depth into the issue
>Yfw a mosque got approved by the Twin Falls council within 24 hours
>raped a little girl at knifepoint in Idaho before urinating on her body
>the father reportedly congratulated his 13-year-old son
>Islam is the largest religion of Bangladesh, the Muslim population is approximately 148.6 million
>Around 50 Syrian “refugees” are reportedly housed at the Fawnbrook site.
>Council members were also grilled as to how a mosque was approved after just 24 hours, whereas a new home application would take at least 2 weeks just to process
This council was obviously bribed
This needs to made a huge story, and every crime these bastards commit needs to be documented.
>>The girl was 5 and disabled
The real endgame here is to have a bunch of sandniggers voting democrat forever so they keep pouring in.
That was their old plan with mexicans, but Trump is stealing the latino vote because mexicans are waking up. Dems only have raghead terrorists left, so that's who they pander to
It's fucking pathetic. If I see a "refugee" in my streets. I'm killing him.
Just look at how they act in the video... They pretend to not know of anything happening in their OWN small town and show no empathy towards the concerned citizens.
Made me sick.
>mfw I'm on a gun owner list
>it's a semi-automatic 5.56 rifle
Is this it lads? Are they going to kill me if I refuse?
It has a credibility issue.
So they faked a half hour long coucel meeting?
>mfw committees are useless as fuck
Man I really hate REALLY HATE the people in fucking charge. Is democracy a cuck system secretly created by jews?
Yeah, since the whole story is a bit of a lie.
Fuck, we should just go back to tribal laws and or something. Fucking faggots leading us to our destruction
Somalians are such fucking hideous creatures.
They really do need to be nuked.
All of them, ugly zombie looking freaks.
Yeah! It sucks to know the truth!
>Trusting ANY mainstream media.
All media, even right leaning ones are liberal these days.
>b-but East Africans are white!
If you expect me to click an info wars link you might be more autistic than the average pol-tard
Go back to bed honey, did your bi-polar meds kick in yet?
Who knows, honestly?
Rapes and shit always happened. But this is for me the biggest change. You just cannot trust your own police and media to report on this.
There are other links being provided.
You're either a female or a flamy faggot which is it?
Why did it have to be Idaho? I'm considering moving to the Idaho Falls area to get away from DC to somewhere nice before they cut military spending and the bubble bursts but now I'm not so sure it's the right place.
I'm afraid if Idaho isn't relatively free of this shit I don't know where is.
Are you sure he's off his meds?
This shit is sounding more and more likely as time goes by.
Send them to Jail. Let the Aryan Brotherhood ass rape them for eternity. Yesssssssss
Hey hon, don't worry baby I won't let scary refugees bother you ever again. Just take your meds and cover your head with your blanket at night and no one can hurt you
>middle eastern descent, not syrian
>three middle eastern descent children still raped a disabled 5 year old girl
>implying the local media and the government isn't going to bury this 10 feet into the ground
Social media is the only reason this is getting out right now.
You live near DC too?
I'm on the Eastern Shore of MD. Move here. It's far more rural and less niggers and less crime. Plus it's republican.
>Not Posting the archive
Answer the question you shit
Learn to read between the lines ...
They were Muslim, the Muslim rapist couldn't get his dick into the child so they aren't treating it as rape.
Shh baby Shh.
No tears, only sleep.
> infowars
You buy a water filter yet cleatus?
Not Sure 8 and 10 year old's can achieve penitrative erections...
This is hot kappa
Ok now im done, im fucking done.
how about the local source?
I like how snopes calls it mostly false when if you read it it appears to be mostly true.
The editor's Twitter is pretty cringe:
Also, credibility of the editor aside, because it involved minors police are going to be pretty tight lipped and may even tell lies to protect the suspects.
Me and the Good ol boys in the deep south will not tolerate this
Maybe my hormones were fucked as a child, but I could get boners as a fucking 5 year old.
Hoes love bbc
that's fucked up, something on your food or drink?
>mfw i have an 8 inch black dick
no wonder whitey is so mad all the time
>Islam is truly the religion of [omitted]
Agreed. The kids were still middle eastern, just not Syrian. Pretty much the only thing the police suggest was inaccurate was the knife.
My understanding is that it's perfectly natural. Just can't ejaculate at that age, obviously.
These Syrians seem to have the age of consent thing figured out.
Pay attention to Dearborn next week and say that again, motherfucker
stealth rare?
What about all the white American men that rape children? That's way more common.
Obama deserves to be fucking lynched for this.
This is your future.
God has willed it.
>mexicans are waking up. Dems only have raghead terrorists left, so that's who they pander to
This part is very important to understand because a lot of people are wondering why the left establishment is bending over backwards to protect muslim rapists/murderers for no reason and this is the answer.
The left realizes they are in end game now, and they ally themselves with the scum of the earth if it means a chance at survival.... as a former leftist it truly disgusts me to see what's going on right now.
"He also said those involved are not “recent refugees.”
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She's right - she is boring.
GTFO feminazi shitstain.
Look at the rapefest going on in certain parts of Europe. Muslims are 2% of the population yet something like 75% of reported rapists.