this faggot single-handedly killed Brexit and destroyed the UK's last chance of salvation
This faggot single-handedly killed Brexit and destroyed the UK's last chance of salvation
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really makes you think
Is it just me or does he look mixed race?
Definitely not pure white british.
His facial expression is too soft and his clothes don't fit either, like he's dressing like a mugger on TV.
>Is it just me or does he look mixed race?
hahaha oh wow here we go
>implying brits are ever white
I know it's funny.
He saved me a hell of a lot of money this weekend alone, when the pound shot up 5 cents to the dollar. Thank fuck we'll be Bremaining now or else the pound plummet, never to recover just like it did in 2009.
>says the home of the mongrel gangbang
It's just you being an autist. Looks like a typical northerner to me.
It won't mater how strong the pound stays if it's replaced by the euro.
if we remain we are putting our tail between our legs and in 10 years they'll be no sterling.
Salvation from what?
>It’s comforting to imagine that once nations are free from the evil Eurocrats, they will expel immigrants and reject liberalism. But there’s really no reason to believe this.
>In 1955, Winston Churchill urged Conservatives to rally under the banner of “Keep Britain White!” In 1968, Enoch Powell delivered his “Rivers of Blood” address. Both of these Cassandra calls occurred well before Britain joined the European Economic Community in 1973. And at no point did Brussels demand that Britain import millions of former Imperial subjects. (Again, Brussels only regulates internal European immigration.)
>And yet so many want to believe that the EU is causing Britain’s demographic problems, or at least that leaving the EU would be necessary in order to change Britain’s immigration policy. Neither is true. Britain is in full control of its immigration policy right now, and Britain created its demographic disaster all on its own.
What would happen if everyone did what he did?
This is the difference between a White Christian community vs a Muslim shitskin community.
A man who goes out to kill someone in the name of their ideas is vilified by White Christians, whereas they would be celebrated by shitskin Muzzies.
The timing is awfully strange--right before the vote. And from what I've read he seems able to be easily manipulated...
What a strange coincidence that the exact same thing happened to a swedish politician during our vote about the Euro in 2003
I wish the shills would fuck off
How was the timing of this happening so perfect for the remain campaign? Stinks of a false flag.
Britain, together with Denmark and Sweden, has an opt-out clause for the Euro adoption. It means that the EU has no means at all to enforce the Euro on you.
>things that aren't going to happen.
Which set of shills?
>Burgermutt thinks he has the right to decide what is white and what is not
Let me guess, Jose over there is white because you FEEEEL he "acts white". Thats how American "Whiteness" works. It whatever you FEEL it is because you're so mutted up you have no ancestral identity to relate to.
a Sup Forumstard like individual ruined Brexit?
while most of nazis/rightwing/populist faggot wanted the Brexit so much?
It's abit like the Trump experiment, Trump supporters ruined it
Sup Forumstards are like psychotic kids: they destroy everything they touch
Yeah the Brits are idiots.
They need to leave the EU.
the tories will collapse due to infighting if we vote in and a labour coalition will replace them and they will give in to every demand the EU makes
Looks exactly like your typical inbred lower class Brit.
Still hilarious that he butchered that cunt
I wonder why he didn't suicide by cop. Did his programming break?
If so they will have to assassinate him soon, once he realizes his handlers simply pushed him to secure brexit he will become a lose cannon.
Not so, the people I have asked are more determined to Vote Leave than ever now. I was surprised and shocked by their Brexit determination.
I've seen darker snow men. He's very pale..
Really brexit is less important for Britain as it is for the rest of the EU.
The JewU is busy trying to fill all European countries with Muslims equally. If there is a brexit then nexit, dexit, etc become a whole lot likelier. No white enclaves are allowed to survive, the genocide must be complete.
Absolutely no body gives a fuck about this murder in regards to the Referenda
Is this actually him.
I swear I've seen this pic before.
Not even the leftiest labours would be with the head so inside their own ass to replace the Pound with the Euro, and that isn't changing in the forseeable future.
The BBC comments sections give me faith.
I hope they're a true reflection.
The shilling is strong. I've had at least 3 bits of pro EU junk mail.
>The EU gives money argument is so retarded it hurts.
On Britain First Rallies Perhaps?
Anyone else worried about the current polls?
I'm of the opinion that right-wing people are more authoritative, and are more brexit, and so are more likely to tell cold callers to get lost and so not would not be counted.
give me a gun
I will spare that fat man with a green hood
4nazis and 3 terrorists