Why is Poland so based? Poland bros, post your general area and describe what it's like.
Why is Poland so based? Poland bros, post your general area and describe what it's like
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>post your general area
Not now. I'm busy.
My area is pic related.
Life is pretty shitty but atleast I can spit on kikes.
cleaning toilets?
Poland is not based.
That idiots from out "conservative" goverment are literally throwing us into war with russkies because they belive big daddy USA will protect them. Like that worked in 39.
Exteritorial military bases that USA will have on our soil is dscribed as big fucking accomplishment. Like we didnt had that during commie period, except it was USSR army.
And now these imbeciles stated thet oland will send our few fighter jets to help fight with ISIS. What the fuck does it have with us? Why do we need to medle in? Oh im sure if by some accident polish jet will shot down russian jet over syria USA will keep us safe. Im sure they will.
user, government does not define a nation and its people, you are still based in my book ;^)
Really makes you think
Chill nigger, in this day and age, a conflict between a NATO/EU member is quite literally impossible. Everyone knows it and the acts of "war-mongering" from both sides are just a dick-measuring contest.
There is also isue of "giving back" Jews their money.
You see, during war many jews died and didnt leave any descendands. So, any of their posessions, including houses, real estates etc were nationalized. Its normal thing. But kikes are gods chosen people, and that mean, out country is somehow obligated to pay "debts" to "Jews". Not for specific jews, children and grandchildren of deceased ones, just "Jews" as a whole.
Its fucking 40 billions $.
Of course these cucks will pay. Or, because thay just dont have this kind of money on them, they will just offer them out whole country instead.
between a NATO/EU member and Russia*
Because they're poor as shit. Less wealth = more patriotism, theres a clear correlation
Its not big deal or russkies and USA. They fought proxy wars for half centaury.
We will be one of these proxy.
And dont get me wrong. IF out goverment wants to be americas dog, at least for a good price. Why dont USA give this military equipment to us? WHy do they need to make these exteritorial bases? We will have ZERO controll of what will be going on in these bases. OF how this military equipment will be used. If there is decision to sacrifice poland they will do it. They wont think twice. We are selling out sovereignty piece by piece. No. We are giving it for free.
Fucking Slav, Hitler knew he needed to establish an Aryan Caliphate
Poland is based m8. We're last bastion of hope for western europe. We are most homogenous and traditional country right now. It is true that our gov is retarded but at least is not progressive shit like the previous one. Calm your shit and stop projecting.
The biggest problem is that 500+ welfare. 20-fuckin-billion PLN each year. Not to mention that it's taking 600pln to give you back 500 and you could just lower the taxes but imagine what we could do with that amount of money. Fucks sake socialists are fucking stupid.
Someone is listening to GB over here. ;)
>Its fucking 40 billions $.
*$65 billions
I've seen 14 niggers in my whole life
>polack on immigration detected
Poland is mediocre country in every aspect except wpierdol, religion and hatefulness of people.
go away evil dogger
no matter who we choose in elections we ultimately dont believe the state - because of many years of communism
people i know (IT) are rather redpilled, they work hard for what they have and are not exacty eager to gib monies and invite syrian "children" into their homes
unfortunately new generations are showing to be so shitty as the western ones, writing on fb about whatever they shat out today
another problem is the church, about half of our population behaves like medieval slaves to men in black, it's like they lived hundreds of years ago its unbelievable
i live in warsaw (capital city) - its nice, cleaner than Paris by far (i was in France a few years ago)
liberretard go away. Your "redpilled" definition is always "lover the taxes". Remeber Korwin will never get 5% in national election.
>another problem is the church, about half of our population behaves like medieval slaves to men in black, it's like they lived hundreds of years ago its unbelievable
Example? Too bad it's not the truth.
They are not stupid. They just buy an electorate. Imagine in the next election all those people who leech the money for children would react if any of the opposition parties would say they would take that money back. Simply buying an electorate with their own money. Kinda smart tbqhf
I've seen like 200. All in Norway kek
its their vote cattle
oh and also Petru for PM now
Poles are the scum of the Earth
Memes aré almost always fake
what can you know about poland if you live on another side of globe?
I know a spic and a turk that want to be polish
How do I ruin their dream
>Petru for PM now
This entire thread is trolls trolling trolls.
morrer de cancer fdp lixo
post pop! Иoaнн Пaвeл II, oн peдкий нa Dvach/2chan
nope it is not, dont believe Sup Forumspropganda
It is poor, cucked, manipulated, owned by some else, God knows who. It literally does not exist, only a meme is alive. It is a kind of brand.
And Poles do not know that they do not know, in general.
>Saving anyone from crime
No offense but Poland needs a strong benefactor to protect them from the Ruskies and Krauts.