What's your take on Alex Jones? Is he for real? And is he somehow related to Bill Hicks? Or is he simply Ghost from True Capitalist Radio?
What's your take on Alex Jones? Is he for real? And is he somehow related to Bill Hicks...
I think he's real because he went to community college and wanted to be a park ranger before turning to conspiracy. Regardless of his goofy personality, that seems like a nice humble beginning. Plus he supports natural products, although I don't know if the products themselves are awe inspiring. And compared to the anger I feel watching the likes of CNN, in some ways he speaks from the common sense angle
I think he's about 97% right on everything. He's entertaining to watch, and yes, he's Bill Hicks' younger brother but changed his name because he didn't like Bill's shitty comedy
Half the shit he talks about is somewhat correct. The other half is totally correct. Even he acknowledges that you shouldn't believe 100% of the shit he says. He's a libertarian and is very cautious of Trump.
He's not Ghost. Alex was doing a live reddit AMA while Ghost was doing a show last week.
Controlled opposition piece of shit. Fuck that guy.
why does everyone call any person who is any iota of famous "controlled opposition?"
everything he says is right
obviously he can't talk about the jews
he already has before anyway
if you are a normal republican, and you listen to him for a little bit, you will be right on the edge of the red pill cliff anyway, is that not good enough? he takes you all the way there, you just need a little nudge.
I like him
does better than mainstream news sources
he at least tries to find out the truth instead of suppress it.
yea seriously, alex jones is right about all the stuff he talks about, he's a yuggee alarmist, but who cares, alot of the stuff he talks about is extremely scary if you think of the implications and possibilities, applied to your own life
Right on most things just don't trust his jew alliance and the bs he spews about Saudis running the govt it's jews Alex
. Also super coloidal siver iodine water filters
He's on the radio in my city, 90.1, I guess I should tune into his show more often.
He's loose with the facts but his overall message is on point
I love AJ but am really tired of the Trump rally drama filler when there is nothing more interesting to talk about. Maybe a once a week recap would be good but I think most of the vids posted to Youtube these days are Trump rally oriented.
Is there a schedule for when this thread is posted? I would like to get fpbp on the next one.
K, thanx
Are you stupid son? Refusing to name the enemy (Jews) an having people chase ghosts (globalists) is suppressing the truth. Whether he's doing it out of fear, greed, paid off, whatever he is a gatekeeper and not an ally.
He's a freedom fighter and I think his heart is in the right place.
are you stupid son?
tell me, what would happen if alex jones named the jew?
what would happen to his show?
every one of his videos you go to has the jew named in the comments
what would happen if he did it himself, though?
Can someone please fill me in on what the endgame of the globalists is supposed to be, anyhow? Obviously there is a push for one world government but why?
Alex pls go
Because it's FUN! :)
Total enslavement through dependency. Most people will probably be killed off and those that remain will be space laborers
hes controlled opposition
there is a documentary on youtube that confirms it. He may have some legitimate topics but ultimately he misleads people
Basically they like screwing and manipulating everyone and everything because they can. They don't even know what their endgame really is, they just enjoy fucking everyone's shit up.
He's an annoying, mentally ill idiot. Some stuff he covers is beneficial to society at large, but far too often he's blabbing on about embarrassing tinfoil hat shit.
he doesn't even talk about tinfoil shit anymore
at most, i would say he is the boy who cried wolf archetype
This guy is a bought and paid for useful idiot. he spouts so much crazy bullshit that any mutterings of truth he may divulge are tainted by the fact they came from his mouth, his frequent theatrical outbursts of rage and lunacy are Bollywood level performances that only heighten the amount of ridicule placed on anything he says. It is possibly he started out to try and expose various topics but somewhere along the way he sold out.
>10 cents has been deposited in your account
nah but seriously, name something that he has said that has been wrong in the past few weeks
protip: you can't because you're just spouting memes because you believe that the world is so irreversibly controlled that nobody could have a relatively unknown media source they own themselves
"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." -Sun Tzu
that's you bunch of dumbasses, you've already been subdued by your own selves
he's a fruitbowl hambone
He's a complete loon that throws mountains of crazy shit at the wall, occasionally something sticks and he ends up talking about something actually legitimate. Unfortunately the crazy stuff completely to overshadow his legitimate topics. Also he shills for some products that are complete bullshit, however I get the impression he actually believes in the stuff and isn't trying to scam people. I'm not sure if that makes it better or not.
>nah but seriously, name something that he has said that has been wrong in the past few weeks
>though you hold that Alex Jones may be a source of seriously flawed information, often demonstrated, you must constantly "STAY TUNED" to discount any of his latest musings, else your observations are meaningless and can be ignored
Fuck off, promotional agent.
Your argument is that he can go a couple of weeks without spouting complete bullshit? Even Hillary Clinton can probably manage that.
that's my point, you don't even know any of the things that he talks about, so don't comment about it? how about that?
seriously, if people would just stop talking about shit that they don't know anything about
besides, you can't get your news from a single source, that's retarded, anyone who does that deserves to have their water filters broken and their conditioning mended
I listen to a lot of media sources while at work, alex jones is one of the best, he tells the objective truth more than any news source you will find on TV, and many on the itnernet. The country would be a much better place if everyone got their news from him, any other opinion is autism
it's sad how blue pilled Sup Forums really is I've been lurking for a few days and no one seems to know what's really going on.
Alex personally told me to spread this video. WAKE UP PEOPLE!
Enlighten us then, faggot.
He is married to a jew