Starving the liberals edition.
What will you do when the happening happens? Which side will you be on?
Starving the liberals edition.
What will you do when the happening happens? Which side will you be on?
I will be forced on to the liberal sideburns conservatives due to religion and ethnicity
Side by* not sideburns
Take over Miami and make my own fortress city like Nino Brown
[Muslim Detected]
>Which side
State sovereignty
>AZ fag
Actual communist here.
I'd be fucked in this scenario (I hate liberals AND conservacucks).
Civil unrest here would be the worst thing imaginable. Especially if everything grinds to a halt.
Round up a posse, head to southern California, seize Disneyland, declare myself King Big Dick of Space Mountain.
At perpetual war with General Giant Cock of the people's republic of Splash Mountain.
I'll become a warlord as the only gun owner in my megacucked county.
better dead than red
the bums lost lebowski!
>Actual communist here
There is an age limit for Sup Forums
>Actual communist here.
how does it feel to be the biggest retard in existence?
>Says this.
>On a board full of conservatard Sup Forumsacks.
>using the words 'liberal' and 'conservative' interchangeably with Democrats and Republicans, aka knowing nothing about politics
>being a communist
Alas/k/a here; you faggots better stop fighting soon before we starve; we need those food shipments you send in!
whichever one respects individual rights more
I'll be trapped behind enemy lines in California. But since the liberals are all no gun cucks, should be a good time. We can all become warlords, and hang the liberals from the street lights.
Oh come on, ya'll have moose and salmon. And seals and whales, I guess.
Worst comes to worst you can bully Yukon Territory for their lunch and firewater money.
Sup Forumsacks might be 90% retarded but you, Mr. Real Communist are 100% retarded.
How dose it feel that those little specks of blue run your whole god damn country?
>being conservative makes you underage
>being a nationalist makes you underage
Typical, I'll bet your sociology professor also told you that nuclear families are also oppressive.
No faggot, the utopia fantasy where everyone gets free shit and does minimal work and spend all their time doing "leasure" is the underage shit here.
Go back to revleft you mangina.
Actual socialist here here.
You can't be an actual communist since there are no communist societies on Earth currently. Especially not in US.
Also - good b8ing comrade.
>Actual socialist here here.
>real communism has never been tried
If the current political landscape is anything to go by, none. Everyone just seems to want to shit on the rights of others and I'm not going to die for that.
I admire your principles user. Maybe if you virtue signal hard enough the blacks and mestizos will start voting libertarian.
>No faggot, the utopia fantasy where everyone gets free shit and does minimal work and spend all their time doing "leasure" is the underage shit here
Marx wrote that the purpose of communism is not to give everyone free shit for minimal work, but to sever the direct tie between labor (the highest expression of human nature) and struggle for survival (the lowest expression of animal nature), so that people work because their nature drives them to express their creativity and desire to contribute and belong in a collective, not to pay off for their ability to survive. He branded that as the worst element of capitalism, as it leads to "people that feel themselves like animals when they express most human parts of them, and feel human only as they satiate their most animal needs". When nobody is forced to work to pay off the bills and feed his family for another day, labor stops being societies' necessary violence against itself and becomes societies necessary mean of expression and fulfillment.
And he said that it can only be possible as means of production achieve a certain level of sophistication. Read: after a fuckton of inevitable technological progress, which transforms the quantity of required labor into it's quality, until providing for the entire humanity no longer requires labor of billions. That was his vision. Then Lenin came along and said that it can happen a lot sooner if everyone works really hard towards it and Soviets and Mao happened.
Societies tried to achieve it, but never did. That's why USSR reads "Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics".
Lol no.
everybody expressing their creativity leads to a bunch of hedonistic trash buttfucking transexuals on camsites for tokens
Based Oklahoma.
>Not one blue county...
>Societies tried to achieve it, but never did.
Because it expects humans to not behave like humans. People, it turns out, really like to own stuff.
Literally, "where do the niggers live?"
So marxs' idea that that only the fun jobs should exist...
He's a fucking idiot. No one like working in sewers but imagine if no one did it?
Also real communism as invisioned and communism as it happened are both shit in their own different ways.
This reminds me of the old Soviet proverb. >Today we live in socialism, but our children will live in Communism! The poor bastards.
Yep. And Hispanics in the southwest. La Raza bullshit is becoming a real problem.
They have to go back.
Exactly. Descent into hedonism and exploitation of the system are among the reasons he cited against the "soft" interpretations of Social-Democrats, while standing by his idea of eventual Revolution and Dictatorship of the Proletariat - that the new system will be built exclusively by workers to fulfill their rights and suit their needs.
As Marx stated it - it's the Capitalism that forces people to behave like animals, repressing their reason and replacing it with ideals of an animal - feeding, reproducing, beating thine neighbor and generally turning human society into a battleground of jungle survival, while human intelligence, when not hampered, allows for better.
Not really Marxist. Just read him aplenty, and I think /k/ is a bit too comfy in it's burger circlejerk groomed by Cold War era propaganda.
He is right about the effects of capitalism. Consumerism rotted western culture.
But I'd still rather that over bread lines
>So marxs' idea that that only the fun jobs should exist
Not exactly. In his interpretation, technological progress will inevitably leave less and less to repetitive exploitation of a man's basic physiological abilities, and more to his intelligence.
>Also real communism as invisioned and communism as it happened are both shit in their own different ways
Eh. I think it's interesting. I'm not crazy enough to go fight for ze Revolution, join a deep-red party or even vote for local Commies, but Marx certainly was no idiot.
That was pretty much the whole idea behind the Soviet Union - working your ass off with next to no payoff for the dream of a better future that you will never see. The fact it lasted for almost a century is damn impressive on it's own. And once Russians dropped it they took a sharp nosedive, since >nation with no ideology.
I'm a felon so I'm on the side that won't be a dick to me as I smoke weed and smoke traitors or haters.
Non Aggression Principle bro. Borders are just like, imaginary lines on a map. Free trade bro humans are just interchangeable economic units lol. Just translate Mises and Rothbard into Spanish then the Mexicans will stop cutting peoples heads off haha fuckin government dude what a bunch of statists. I'm totally color blind I don't care if my daughter gets gangbanged by Somalian immigrants it's her right to be a coal burning whore Atlas Shrugged dude the free market will build the roads lol amiright everybody else are idiots except us libertarians.
Whites have always been the minority lol
God everything is such a confused shitfest.
I wonder if I would be better off existing in in the lattitide my skin was meant for because I burn horribly after a few hours in the sun.
i will be living the bloodbath in California. Maybe we will come out of this as a progun state.
I hope you get put in a FEMA labor camp.
AMERICA HAS HAD BREAD LINES AND SOUP KITCHENS BEFORE. Actually, back when life was legit like Monopoly, bread lines were a huge thing in big cities.
Capitalism can be just as bad as communism and if you don't know that you don't know your history.
Bread lines are the result of Lenin's quite liberal interpretation. Said interpretation required putting large amounts of original material upside-down and a plenty of parts straight out thrown out the window, but it worked wonders as a sound, convincing and inspiring ideology. Man was THE propaganda machine. Thousands of speeches, dozens of books - all straight A examples of masterful ideology work. If Nazi scientists from the Moon fused Goebbels together with Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi, the result would still have no shit on Jew in the Cap in the matter of making hordes of people do the shit he says.
kys you felon sack of shit
Not sure if underage statist or b8
Careful dude. That's exactly how Commies always got a fuckton of felons support for their revolutions.
Statist scum.
Go ruin lives for victimless crimes like weed while murderers walk free, then talk even more self righteous shit on the internet without seeing how stupid it is
Militarist here, I'll be siding with the conservatives. As soon as we wipe out the liberals. We're going to turn our guns on the religious folk. None shall test us nor none shall we bend our will to. Our guns will lead the way, and usher in an era of conquest and imperialism under the banner of the American Empire.
Well if one establishment is stupid enough to make more second hand citizens than military personnel, its their own damn fault. Especially if its over victimless crimes
Weed should have never been made illegal in the first place.
better Red and dead than Blue. Jew Yorker here, the cites have been fucking us over for far too long and there's no way I'd ever side with them
look fampai, I'm going to level with you here. I'm also a commie bastard but I'm more than willing to put politics aside and work with almost anybody who shares the same common goal as I do.
IMO modern communist culture has been fucked over by Maoist ideals (HURR DURR BE A DICK TO WHOEVER DISAGREES WITH YOU) while also being tainted by progressive bullshit, which has resulted in masses of pacifist loudmouths who hesitate to leave the pseudo-communist hugbox to talk to people with different viewpoints. Worse yet, the majority of these fagtrons march in lockstep with modern liberal ideology and are more than willing to throw away their rights in the great pissing contest to see who is more "progressive."
When there is a crisis on the scale of a civil war, how can you depend solely on fellow communists when the majority of them are sheltered city-dwellers who haven't faced one iota of genuine hardship in their entire lives? They have no skills beyond knowing how to do the shitty meme dance of the month, and they certainly aren't /k/ material. Don't be a Maoist fuck and cooperate with people outside of your political circle, not only is it necessary for survival but it's the right thing to do.
>People, it turns out, really like to own stuff.
there's a difference between personal and private property fampai
>secular jingoism
My girlfriend is from russia, and voted for the communist party. On the bright side, she can't vote, so I don't give a shit.
If you have to pay taxes on it or it gets taken away....
You don't own it, the state does.
>Don't be a Maoist fuck and cooperate with people outside of your political circle, not only is it necessary for survival but it's the right thing to do.
Truer words were never posted. To prevail, one needs to unite people in his trench - not to separate people in his sights. As we see in this thread - /k/ is often a lot more preoccupied with issue of whom to accuse, while they should just blame the easiest target (like rich people or Russians) and focus on how they will bring most people together under their colors.
Isn't one of the principles of hedonism maximizing pleasure while minimizing pain?
Doing no harm, etc?
Stop drinking, smoking, and using modern technology then, hypocrites. Go live in the damn stone age.
Hedonism is responsible for a lot of good stuff. You can't just look at the things you don't like and ignore the things you do like about a philosophy.
Only good commie is a dead commie.
Russia went though a series of serious and deadly events, I cut them slack because they rose above it.
>Isn't one of the principles of hedonism maximizing pleasure while minimizing pain?
Exactly. The issue everyone has with hedonism is not that people are enjoying things, but that it puts the basic physiological concept of pleasure above other much better things, like development, self-awareness, conscience, reason and morality. Even animals are capable of pursuing pleasure, and using the thing that makes us more THAN them to make us more OF them is redundant, pointless, and leads nowhere.
>using modern technology
Most of modern technology is the result of military arms races, not of someone wanting to feel better. And no, IPhone doesn't count as technology - it's a product.
>Hedonism is responsible for a lot of good stuff
I'd question that.
>implying people who distribute and produce recreational drugs shouldn't be shot on site
It's like you hate your own society
>rose above it
From Russians' own perspective, the fall of the Union was in absolutely not a single way a positive development or rising above anything. Even of we consider it's ideology and economic policy the most retarded things ever - it should've been set aside in any way other than the way it happened, which made development in any direction a huge step down from even the corrupt and weakened version of the Soviet Union. Hence a lot of slavs being nostalgic for the Soviets.
>live in Western WA
>watch as the armed populus rules over the cucked libtards
>they wont be able to do anything
>libtard friends will ofc turn to their armed friends and beg for help
>no help with be given
>oh whats that? you need a gun for defense now? but didnt you say guns are horrible? i mean i would hate to have you violate your precious feelz, better luck next time
Literally the only danger from weed is running out of pop-tarts.
>Actual communist here.
You were not a concern of OP's topic, nor were you required or inclined by any notion reply with such a stupid fucking post.
Get the fuck out of my town, cocksucker.
>doing that
>being a self-centered faggot
>instead of giving the yesterday's libcuck a nice nugget and making him into a real /k/omrade for your fighting force under the distress of the situation.
Founding Fathers are disgusted by you. That's exactly why /k/ will never succeed at anything not related to sticking Remshit up it's ass.
that's why man made fritos and potato chips brah
It's not his fault that people here are so easy to trigger.
funny how personal and private property are one and the same in capitalism, and a distinction between the two is made in communism.
>hand guns to libtards
>watch as they turn on you
sounds like a brilliant plan
No side really, I'd first and foremost keep my family safe, stockpile on weapons and other necessities, and look out for my local community, even if their political leanings differed from mine, since I figure in such a dangerous situation, they'd be more or less forced into a progun stance, and in any case, they're friends and locals I know.
Is that supposed to be Vietnam in the pic? Cuz... you know... Commies won there.
What's good is your rhetoric if you can't make dumb and easily impressible college children to eat it up even when you have them outgunned and outnumbered?
if theyve already been brainwashed they arent exactly impressionable, are they? look at the feminazis or BLM, theyre so set in their ways even if theyre wrong they refuse to acknowledge it
Dude, picking what you like is hedonistic, right?
That means selectively breeding plants and animals is hedonism because we are maximizing traits for laxy and selfish gain.
Hedonism is responsible for the modern world.
Man, if you aren't allowed to hate other races or religions you guys will find any reason to hate anything else, even by buying into even stupider propaganda.
Dude, Russia lost one out of every four citizens during WW2. A full fucking %25. That is more than the black death. The fact that they still managed to become a superpower after that is amazing, not to mention all their farmland, factories, and major cities got destroyed.
The Russians did damn good. They were even genocides by their own leaders. Russians went through a lot of shit that shouldn't have happened and managed to come out strong.
I've noticed so much shit like that I think it's literally a conspiracy, like god is fucking with us.
>Dude, picking what you like is hedonistic, right?
No. Tacking decisions based on morality of pleasantness (what feels good is good) is hedonistic. Selective breeding of plants and animals started first in a clan system for survival of the clan, and most massive parts of it were pulled through by massive research institutions working on government and charity money given out based on ethnocentric (government) and humanistic (charity) morality, and staffed by scientists of largely humanistic (statistically most common among researchers) standings.
You can't just take a few general characteristics of your concept and then fit something unrelated into them. That's a syllogism.
>Dude, Russia lost one out of every four citizens
I know. I'm Russian. Point being - very little of out history has anything to do with rising. It's bad things happening one after another, and we largely deserve them. Nothing to cut us slack for.
>I cut them slack
>Because they rose above it
Jesus, you're a bit of a condescending cunt aren't you?
>Oh? You stopped doing something I don't like?
>Well congratulations! It's about time you did the right thing.
>Oh? You guys had to go through a bunch of wars and some awful conditions from time to time?
>Well jolly! Now I know why you were acting out, but I'm just glad you've stopped that and started doing what I like.
Take your stupid shit and go.
>From Russians' own perspective, the fall of the Union was in absolutely not a single way a positive development or rising above anything.
I wouldn't say that exactly. It's true that much of the older population thinks the dissolution was a mistake, but as you go younger and younger they either stop caring or they start thinking it was a good thing.
The rest is basically true, but I would add that the USSR was already well into the beginning stages of shifting towards a more liberal system and economic policy.
>Russia lost one out of every four citizens during WW2. A full fucking %25.
Read above, that's wrong. We lost closer to 12%. If you meant civilians that's still completely wrong.
>That is more than the black death.
The black death killed 30-60% of Europe.
>They were even genocides by their own leaders.
No there weren't. The closest is the Ukrainian famine and I wouldn't call it a genocide. It's more a case of not giving a fuck and mass-scale negligence, not systematic murder.
>I know. I'm Russian.
No you're not. If you were actually Russian you would know we didn't lose 1 in 4 people by any means. Read above.
>we largely deserve them.
Yeah, you are definitely not Russian. First that's just retarded, and second no sensible Russian would say that. It'd be like an American saying they deserve, I don't know, a gay Islamist shooting up a gay club because America isn't nice enough to gays and/or muslims.
I think the whole USSR liberalization was due to Gorbachev and Yeltsin's influence alone, as Andropov and Brezhnev were complete political hardliners who wanted nothing to do with economic liberalization.
It's a shame that Gorbachev is so disliked by Russians today, even though in all honesty, I think events overtook him leading to the dissolution rather than him being the cause of massive decline.
>No you're not. If you were actually Russian you would know we didn't lose 1 in 4 people by any means. Read above.
Don't feel like correcting him, since people here are on defense constantly. He probably mistook Russian numbers for Belorussian ones.
>First that's just retarded, and second no sensible Russian would say that. It'd be like an American saying they deserve, I don't know, a gay Islamist shooting up a gay club because America isn't nice enough to gays and/or muslims.
It's a very simplified (for condescending burgers) way of saying it, point being - Vladimir Svyatoslavovich understood the repercussions of baptizing Kievan Rus, Ivan Vasilyevich knew what he was doing when he was gathering crowns, Peter the Great knew what game he's getting in when he jumps straight into Western politics, Nicholas I was fully aware of responsibilities that the job of "Gendarme of Europe" brings about, and Volodya saw it better than anyone else save maybe Vissarionych that choosing the path of Communism means literally taking on the entirety of the Imperialistic world. We pick our own challenges and we pay their due. He дyмaю, чтo нaм нe нaдo чтoбы нac жaлeли зa тo чтo нaш нapoд caм coзнaтeльнo выбиpaeт.
>He дyмaю, чтo нaм нaдo
Nah he's right dude, I remember being a super edgy teenager and actually, unironically self identifying as a National Socialist.
Now I've settled into Classical Liberalism. I think Libertarian most closely fits, but I don't like using that term because I also am a pro-interventionist.
No, Marx wasn't an idiot, communism is a great mental exercise, but falls flat when it is impimented.
Humans simply aren't equal. We're social creatures that naturally develop a hierarchy whenever we are put together. The most charismatic that can convince the most people to pick up guns and defend his spot in society will emerge the victor in a land of "equals." This is why we have a democratic-republican government, so that people with oversight have *in theory* a monopoly on legitimate violence. It works pretty well most of the time, as opposed to Marxist-Leninism or Stalinism which allows an oligarchy to operate with impunity due to the cult of personality built around them.
Nothing happens in a vacuum, and the only way to ensure people remain "equal" is if you enforce it at bayonet point, which implies a hierarchy, which means people aren't equal.
You see where the inherent flaws lie?
But... enforcing equality is not a goal after the passing of Dictatorship of Proletariat in Marxism.
>says the literal SJW
The only stable foundation for liberty is white identity. Only whites care about that stuff, you have to have a 90%+ majority population for it to work
Pls kill yourself
Fucking ifunny really? How old are you 12
Losing 10v1 in casualties is winning?
If war actually breaks out right now, I will be going innawoods until I can figure out which side is the one worth fighting for. If it's really neither (govt is evil but rebels are just as bad) I will stay there.
I'm more inclined to help anyone depose power mad government officials than to aid them though.
If I have a family by then, I will fight for them and them alone.
>tfw have both lib and conservative ideal on life.
Obviously be on the side of gun rights but at the same time I feel racism will come back.
but if you stop enforcing it, the people will naturally divvy out into a hierarchy of some sort, and if there is no written constitution to guarantee the rights of the individual, it's very likely you have another Stalin or Mao.
Muh nigga
You're a bit unforgiving of ancient history you had nothing to do with aren't you?
AND YES, I meant 25%.
Take their 1939 population and look at their total end of war losses. Civilians and soldiers.
Their population during the war was confusing because territory was being gained and loist constantly, so that's why you use their population at the beginning of the war.
>compatriot tier af, imo.
Buy a crate of SKS, teach everyone you like to shoot.