Why can't they make descent horror films anymore?

Why can't they make descent horror films anymore?

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What film is this? A santa hat is blocking the filename.

Because dumb fuck millenials think everything sucks anyway so whats even the point anymore?

Plebs = profit

I thought this movie was pretty good but it definitely relied on its two solid lead actors rather than having a really strong plot.

They made two Descent horror films though

Millennial actors and writers. The old guy was really the only solid thing in the movie.

You can't even spell decent.

I think the problem with horror films are the lack of originality. That said, 2016 was a good year for horrors. There was a big come back. Check out this list: fortressofsolitude.co.za/2016/09/10-best-horror-movies-2016/

Half of those movies are more thrillers than horror. Neon Demon, horror? Shit list.