Text TRUMP to 88022 for important updates


>Trump Signing Autographs in Phoenix 6/18/16
>Trump in Phoenix, AZ 6/18/16
>Trump in Las Vegas, NV 6/18/16
>Trump in Houston, TX 6/17/16

>Sessions on Fox 6/19/16
>Trump on NBC 6/19/16
>Trump on CBS 6/19/16
>Trump on ABC 6/19/16
>Roger Stone on Lew Rockwell 6/16/16
>Donald, Jr. and Eric on Hannity 6/15/16
>Trump on Greta 6/15/16
>Milo at Orlando Shooting Site 6/15/16

>Trump calls Orlando Terrorist “S.O.B.”
>Japanese Trump Commercial
>Ezra Levant Praises Trump’s Response to Orlando
>Milo & Gavin McInnes Get Gay
>Milo: Happy Birthday, President Daddy




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there are 3 tg now

pls help

This thread first

Corey does not know how to run a GE campaign. Shit gets very ugly and relies heavily on micro and macro managing. Plus, he was hesitant to tell the Don when not to do shit. You have to change a bit.


haha wow like a true cuck you bend over & let yourself be fucked out of your own thread
tripfags truly are spineless faggots

>check event schedule because I'm constantly praying for an NY closer to me
>trump in Scotland
Weird but could be cool.

Wow. Heat within the trump campaign. Glad corys gone

Paul and Roger are one. Trump's about to go rogue and crafty right back at the crooked Dems/Clintons.

They should lube-up.

enjoy some stutterstep:

Any of you guys ever watch these kind of videos?

These fucking liberals... so hard to watch. Makes me cringe so hard.

>he wants to send mexicans back to mexico! he wants to send blacks back to africa!
>it's sad that you're brainwashed, you should go get educated

Jesus fucking christ

I wish he'd host one rally that isn't out in the sticks. He's got city people too.

that was the least entertaining thing i've seen all week

Those two girls are hot as fuck. Shame they like the BBC.

Post some Corey fucking shit up

>1 Pump to this ID

what did he mean by that?

Trump is a man with no plan, and he will not be allowed in to the white house by the global community. There will not be a ban on muslims or any other kind of dangerous groups, and there will be no great wall at south border. It's simply too costly to make one, and that is why walls have never worked in human history. Read a book. The wall is also terribly bigoted against mexicans who simply want to build a better life for themselves at America's expense. That kind of thinking that anyone coming here to "leech off us" is simply unacceptable, and I would have thought Sup Forums of all places would know better than support bigotry. Come on, it's 2016 already and the right way forward is by going #NeverTrump, like countless celebrities have done. They know what's right so much better than Sup Forums who just reads right wing propaganda all day like it's swiss cheese.

what is it with white american boys putting fucking filters in there pictures to look better

how cucked can a country be

So the new polls came out in the afternoon rather than the morning. After everyone is talking about the moon release of the redacted 911 calls.

>corey applauded for his rage and viciousness against the braindead leftists
>fired from trump campaign because trump is going mainstream

you all defend this

Daily Reminder:

The United States is Sweden now



>it's a Manafort edition

>Trump is having an event in Scotland
wut, why?

No Republican votes to be found in the cities. I can also see De Blasio trying to kike him at every turn with a rally in the city.

I think it's something related to one of his golf courses

How are the polls?

Daily reminder that everything is fine.

There's nothing to see here.

Daily reminder that demoshits had an abysmal turnout, even with Bernie's youth vote.

How will Clinton ever compete?

He's tied, within the margin of error.

their convention should be interesting.

Whose kneecaps do I need to break to become the campaign manager around here?

gotchu senpai

>get em outta here


Hey guys, I made a really shitty pro-trump video. I can tell you it's shitty because I got lazy with the motion tracking. Pls be gentle.

>" can seek out Islamic terrorism only among Muslims."


What's with all the fucking defeatism in the last week? Are you guys really letting concern trolls, clear-as-day shills, and media kikes get to your heads? Come on now. Summer isn't the best time for Trump since he has no debates/primaries to stay in the public eye, and the only happening will be the convention (and maybe possible VP pick) so the media is using this time as an excuse to try to push him down as much as possible before the fall. We're gonna make it, family.

And de blasio is openly despised. Even the cops publicly turned their back on that loser

who's the next campaign manager to get fired?

Trumpfags are circling the drain and the meme is over.

I just laugh at them and wonder why they waste their time, especially the stink gypsy


>Commenting on American politics

must be lonely over there

He's literally here night and day.

Corey leaving isn't even big news. We all knew Manafort was in charge the moment he joined the campaign.

>we cannot wall ourselves off


2016 Election State edition: Nevada

Now Nevada is a very precarious state, and you may ask why. Well this is because most of the population, in fact about 75% lives in one damn county. And what is bad about that is the fact that the county often splits 55-45 Democrat. This means the other three populous counties Washoe(Reno), Carson City, and I guess Storey county(Virginia City) must be massive wins for Trump (60-40) or in the case of Washoe (55-45). And then there is everything else. In this expanse of desert there is about as many GOP votes to make another small city most counties do a >60-40 split in favor of republicans the largest one, Nye County gives close to 40000 votes and some such as Esmeralda have 400.

This state has also been slated to go democrat by many but we can prove them wrong. SO GO OUT AND PROVE THEM WRONG!!!

The best thing you anons can do is bring down Clinton's win percentage in Clark county and perhaps flip Washoe County. In Clark County the Las Vegas area is a Dem. cesspool but smaller communities are more republican such as Primm, Goodsprings, Henderson, Jean, and Searchlight. If you live in Washoe or Clark County GET OUT AND VOTE, CAMPAIGN, VOLUNTEER, OR EVEN WORK FOR TRUMP HE NEEDS OUR HELP. If you live in the other counties get out the vote and get family and friends to vote because he needs victories everywhere he can get them.

Polls: none so make some happen Cuck News Network

Is Ted going to make nice and bring his flock back into the party at the Convention? The Cruzmissiles are still totally insane over the fact that the Chrisitan right was turned into a bloody stump by Trump and that they can't vote for Jesus in November. Clearly they have a lot to gain from a Trump presidency (We'll be saying merry Christmas again) so they should be able to be brought back.

How much copper did you steal to use net this month, escu?

Yes but, Corey ran the rallies. 100%

I'm pretty sure the Trump Rally Train ended this morning

About time. Ben Gurion is the most coveted target in the world, and it has never been attacked. In the heart of the worst place in the world, the juiciest target in the snackbar death list has never been attacked.

Not because of x-rays. Or two hour lines. Or taking off shoes. Or acting like Kabuki idiots.

They profile. And guess what. They don't hand over human sacrifices to social justice idiocy.

Why did Roger Stone get removed from campaign manager position?

I live in America and I can assure you that Trump is going to win the General Election, I have spoken with a large amount of people and just by simply mentioning the WALL their vote goes STRAIGHT to TRUMP.

I'm actually being serious here, ever since Trump said he would build that wall our country has been going nuts for him, the online polls won't show it because most of these voters here don't even know how to use the internet.

I swear to you on my life that you don't have to worry about a damn thing in this coming election.

Congrats everyone and thank you for making this miracle happen.

America will be GREAT AGAIN!

Not coincidently the day after the Brexit vote.

>Is Ted going to make nice and bring his flock back into the party at the Convention?

Yes, on the second ballot.

She's going to pump up the fear mongering x100 in the general, expect her to say that Trump will kill all blacks.

sadder than I thought, jesus..... have to wonder about people like that

Trump can run his own rally at this point. He's done hundreds.

So nothing he did would be connected to Trump.


Trump hates the second ammendment

Wisconsin is a strange state, though. It was one of the few states that went for Dukakis in 1988.

How should I feel about Lewindowiewowiski? Is he a good guy or bad guy?


That'd get Trump the entire spic, chink, and 50% of the white male vote.

man if corey really was that important then trump really fucked up
that would be strange because trump hasnt really fucked up to this point.

and hillary doesn't?
btw, he doesn't

He's not a bad guy but he's not needed anymore.

Stop shilling.

DNC turnout is projected to be 11.7%, which is about 1% less than average.

You really have to had actually attended a rally and watched Corey work

He ran the rallies completely, every detail, He scanned every face in the crowd, the volunteers loved him, he had a great rapport with the SS

I don't think we will see anymore rallies like we saw in the past

I read in an article this morning that it's going to be press events and photo-ops at schools and empty factories more than rallies from now on

Everything is about to get a whole lot more scripted and controlled

>Trump hates the second ammendment

Not according to the NRA

> -13% in the very home of his socialist cult

Jesus, Bernie's such a fuckup

Anyone have the nuclear mine wall picture?

That seems woefully optimistic.

Once the public is exposed to Hillary's history a lot of moderate dems are staying home.

We're entering a phase where rallies will largely be replaced by press photo-ops, and teleprompter speeches at schools and empty factories and such I've read

Traditional campaigning in other words

The rallies give Trump a middle finger to point at Hillary. They won't stop.

We're talking about primary turnout, leaf.

We are getting a little tired of the same ol same ol rally formula now. I can't believe I've been watching them for almost a year.

Ready for cozy general trump desu

Nevadafag here.

>75% lives in one damn county
Las Vegas/Clark County. It's like the Miami of Nevada, I.E, it's the liberal bastion of a highly rural state.

>And what is bad about that is the fact that the county often splits 55-45 Democrat.
Humongous swathes of the old neighborhoods (made in the 50's/70's) are now nothing NOTHING but homogeneous Mexican shitholes

>This state has also been slated to go democrat by many but we can prove them wrong
We have a sizeable portion of pro-Bernie hipsters and the such, the dem convention really got them mad over here, but I suspect Hillary could win over the fact that the democratic party here actually hires busses to transport the illegal/legal spisc working in the casinos to the voting booths. With the amount of spics and liberals we have here, there is no chance Trump could EVER win Clark County, BUT, we can make sure it isn't a blowout via the communities living outside Vegas inside of Clark, Searchlight, Jean, etc. Goodsprings and Primm are absolutely fucking nothing, their population is double digits, they don't matter a bit.

Alright guys look, I know you're all so fast to blame [omitted] for the Orlando attack but let's stick to the facts. We simply don't know if [omitted] was connected or if Omar was [omitted]. Let's not throw false allegations around, alright? Thanks.

Thank you.

also, AMA about Nevada/Las Vegas

It was 1% off 17% which is actually just over a 5% decrease. That's pretty bad.

The Obama numbers brought up the average but in no way is it looking good for Hillary.

We're you at TI on saturday?
It was a blast


Anyone else really fucking excited Manafort is now without a doubt running the show? I'll be forever thankful to Corey Lewandowski for getting Trump through the primaries but now it's time for a real soulless political hitman like Manafort to deliver Trump the White House!

Yes, without the record-breaking Obama turnout, it would be above average. What a disaster...

Whatever you need to tell yourself, man.

Knowing for sure there is cohesion is nice. I figured all of the leaks regarding personality clashes couldn't be BS.

Man, Roger Stone never liked Corey. I wonder what happened between them.

Even though Hiroshim00t took the idea sideways, thanks to all the anons who clicked on my /qa/ thread about it. I'll be submitting Sup Forums banners when our week comes up.

>pic related

Thanks for the info. do you think Trump can win.

top kek i like it... makes me want to play Killzone again.

Is Yes Man a cool guy?

Ostensibly because he tried to make Trump run a conventional campaign from the beginning. But, he's full of dirty tricks and has been running a shadow campaign ever since.

>implying anyone gave a shit about corey until fields decided to victimize herself

No it wouldn't. 1% of 17% is a 5% reduction, maybe add a half a percent for Obama over the last 50 years or whatever they averaged at.

It's bad, really bad.

This is why the primary model is showing him win in a landslide.