You have 5 sec to convince an arab invader to return to his homeland
Le algerian immigrant
youre a pawn and being in france actually hurts your people in the long run
>implying a sandnigger would ever give up that sweet welfare, free education and healthcare
>Go back to shithole country
>Live the rest of your life as a 2nd class citizen
Either way you lose, nigger.
I will fuck your Arab women.
we grow strong
>free education
they don't go to school
And we'll fuck yours
Assuming both sides would accept you, on whose side will you fight when the day comes? French or Islam?
The more of your kind there is in France, the less stable the welfare system is. if you want to keep that sweet free money, you better convince people back in the country to not come here.
Continue to stay in France and cum inside white girls, impregnate them, and create a strong masterrace of French-Algerian hybrids that try to take over France.
That'll wake some liberals up and they'll all shift automatically right-wing, and then a race-war will develop and so on and so on, etc.
Don't want to convince you to go back... Please stay in France and leave all of the dumb Arabs at home so the Christians can take back Middle East / North Africa when Putin begins the Crusade.
You'll get killed when shit hit the fan.
It's cold here and the food contains pig/dog/cow - all of it.
Isn't the wearing of the niqab in public illegal in France?
it is, but they wear it anyway
when ?
How do I become a self-sufficient NEET?
As in, get enough from the CAF to live without being a wagecuck?
>You have 5 sec to convince an arab invader to return to his homeland
We'll feed you only with pork meat.
Eventually the whites will get fed up with you and will start shooting shitskins on every corner.
Is it not enforced at all?
What a good government.
you have to whine with your assistance sociale
I cant wait
Pas d'amalgame s'il vous plait
There's two options here: civil war against native french, wich you would probably lose or eventually take control of France, wich would lead it to a similar situation you have in Algeria; poverty, no free healthcare and welfare. Now think where are you going to emigrate when that happens.
spain of course