ITT: post a bands least accessible album.
ITT: post a bands least accessible album
Notm is way less accessible
>literally a sound collage of every song
does it count if it's less accessible because its not as good?
Lotus Flower brought radiohead back into the mainstream so I'd disagree
maybe hail to the thief.
I still can't get into that.
not really
i get it but i don't
wtf, by far their most underrated album. I feel that in HttT they've found their way to perfectly mix the weird noises with the instruments.
A little bit too repetitive, tho...
the fall is way less accessible
notm is so poppy my mom taps her fingers to it
this desu, I still hate it to this very day
GP was an instant classic for me
nah that attracts metalheads because of that tera melos guitar work
I absolutely love this album
I actually kinda gave up on death grips because i just couldn't get into it, but i listened to on gp and it was grat, i really liked it