So what is your view on atheism?
Pols view on atheism
It's kinda dumb to be so angry over something that can not be proven or disproven
*Tips le fedora*
its generally an excuse to engage in degeneracy.
Allahu Akbar
People are genetically hard-wired to be religious. If someone doesn't believe in god they are simply going to gravitate towards another religion, like feminism, marxism or statism.
There's nothing wrong with atheism itself, you just need to find something good for atheists to believe in. For many it's white nationalism.
A fool says in his heart "there is no God".
Don't care and it's fine with me. At least they don't preach their bullshit to me.
lots of them defend islamists but not christians
no value, degenerate, unworthy of a place in a future society
An asshole screams his BS from a soapbox.
The fuck are you talking about?
I fucking hate Islam with every fiber of my body. I don't hate religions that have never done anything to me.
I think you're one of those young fucks that hang out with Atheism+ niggers that deserve to be gassed.
Retard of the day award goes to (you)
If someone wants to be without faith I don't mind, but please stop these silly attempts to bash religion when you guys see it.
Like any theology or lack there of
Just don't be a giant faggot about it
I've never seen any empirical evidence that atheism actually exists.
Don't worry, your fairy is going to be safe in imaginary land.
Atheism is a sign of autism and lack of social control
It's the best way to live. You don't hate people do irrational reasons because your "sky daddy" told you to. You can do what the fuck you want without being afraid of being punished in some "afterlife". You're more open to new ideas and other ways of thinking rather than planting your feet in the sand and refusing to budge, even when presented with compelling evidence.
It's pretty great.
Fedora flaunting cucks.
>pre-marital sex is degeneracy now
Hold onto that virginity, friend.
Atheists threaten Christiancucks entire worldview so it's no surprise they hate them here
But think about it, you don't know you're right. If you're an atheist, and religion is right, you're fucked. If you're right, then what?
I'm genuinely curious.
then you waste your one life believing in stupid made up bullshit
It's great, doesn't cause wars, doesn't make people feel guilty for bullshit reasons, allows a person to be skeptical but open minded about the universe and new discoveries, while not being tied down with silly faith from texts long since shown to be baseless.
>Falling for stereotypes
I dont have a problem with Atheists, unless you're atheism plus then you need to be killed by a right wing death squad.
Not if you life by the norms you think are right. If I would die now and I have to explain my self to God why I did what I did, I would tell it that I thought it was right because of my free will. If it wouldn't like it why did it give me my free will
Why Atheism is even a thing? I mean most people are like that. You don't born Chrstian or Muslim. Do you think people really believe in all that God-stuff and not follow it only for cultural reasons?
I don't care if I'm right or wrong. I think about this world, rather than forcing myself to believe stories that logically make very little sense.
I'm confident, based on scientifically verifiable evidence that there is no god or afterlife. If, for whatever reason, one of the many religions is right, then you get the last laugh I guess.
science have nothing to do with god or afterlife. it's simply uscientific to say that. science only deals with observation. "god" is out of question.
Religion is a tool for controlling autists and other socially troubling individuals.
What you're observing is the result of that control being lifted and not replaced with something.
Science disproves many biblical stories, which in turn brings god and the afterlife into question.
A lot of atheists are obnoxious cunts that fancy themselves intellectuals, and whatnot.
And they take their atheism way too seriously, and make it a core part of their identity.
If it disproves biblical stories then it's just disproves biblical stories, i'll give you that.
What i realizing is how smarter ancient Greeks actully were. They didn't jump stupidly in opposing conclusions, they were foremost the men of logic.
We are born tabula rasa, and religion is what man choose to impose on himself willingly because he can't deal with the fact that he DO NOT KNOW. We want to know everything and be in control of situation. It's more calming to know what there is coming, even if it's nothingness and oblivion.
Same as my views on religion, do what you want, believe what you want, as long as it doesn't affect others.
I used to be an atheist before I realized how degenerate and nihilistic it is.
There is nothing inherently wrong with (most forms of) Atheism, but far too many Atheists act like obnoxious little children. Far too many disrespect literally anything and everything that isn't science. Also, many of them are unable to tell the difference between scientific principles and enlightenment values. A simple thing to consider is that even were the scientific method to disprove the existence of God without any kind of doubt, science alone will still be unable to justify lack of belief--for that you'd need a small measure of philosophy. Any Atheist who can intuitively understand this is usually a very agreeable person who I wouldn't mind drinking with, but if they can't grasp that simple concept they're just aggravating to be around.
And thus we made science into just another religion. We want to stay on a solid ground. But science is not about solid grounds, it's eternal search. There's no final knowledge and answer.
Literal atheists are the ones who don't believe in God or Gods. I dunno why modern atheists are all materialists, atheism does not imply it.
Well, i'm not atheist and i don't really care about them. They're very passive in my surroundings.