Remember to down vote!
Let's let google know what we think about '''refugees''' Part 2
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Bumping, despite swedish OP
why are we the ones being lectured when their own people are causing the problem?
why do we have a world refugee day
Because progress. Even fucking rome didn't have one when they fell.
Bump for hydra
You guys act all high and mighty, this video is primarily about children, bunch of fucking cucks
Fuck the children.
ficke ficke
Say what you want about young men and women, who clearly cause problems. Don't let old people who refuse to adapt in, but children have done nothing wrong.
What are you on about? The children are just small versions of the mongrels.
>we are being replaced and then accused of not giving a fuck about other peoples "children"
I hope this country becomes a nuclear wasteland.
"Refugee" detected
Yes you're right we should let in all those 15 year old male children who suspiciously look 40
>but children have done nothing wrong.
Shut the fuck up you insufferable pussy. ((((Children)))) are the main problem.
Do you een understand the context? I am saying fuck the REFUGEE children.
It wasn't suppose to mean as in "you are being edgy" but I think there are occasionally cp threads/spam in Sup Forums
>Comments section closed
Did the jew expected it or have cross/pol/acks shut it down by force?
I was making a joke, Hans
Instead of welcoming refugees, we should combat why they're selling refuge in the first place.
That made zero sense, sven.
>1.35 million homeless american children, countless more on welfare and minimum wage
Jews know how unpopular the refugee meme is. Pre-emptively closed for sure. I'm surprised they don't strip voting on the video as well.
Doesn't thumbs down mean you get to live?
>20 million worldwide
>yurope is a continent of 700 million not-world-wide
its literally nothing but alt right cuckservatism
>comments disabled for this video
No, it means disaproval. If they fought bad they got a thumbs down.
downvoted and bump for moar.
Down essentially meant "finish him"
>a rape can last 30 seconds
I laugh everytime
>Not shuting down the vote bar
Can be narrowed down as ebin internetz nazi hackers, as numbers never lie.
edgy ossi detected
Bin gerade in Hessen, schön hier. In den groß Städten gibt es kaum weiße. Aber die ossis sind sicherlich dran schuld.
Added a dislike, now adding a bump.
I can't remember where I read it, but I think it was pollice verso. I remembered it as disapproval of killing the gladiator, and he was to be spared. Must've remembered it incorrectly.
Your wish shall be granted.
niemals gesagt, dass die wessis besser sind. wir sind alle gleich gefickt kamerad!
the only thing wrong is that this board interprets nationalism as being redpilled
red pill is about the truth
nationalism is hating people you've never met and being proud of accomplishments you had no part in
fuck you op
historically it was the other way around. Thumb up = License to kill
They bring their culture to the west and we don't want it.
We have a lot of 30 year old 14 year old children here in Europe ... fuck the children.
Wohl kaum. Der Osten hat sehr wenige Schicksen und Schlammblüter. Wir haben auch die meisten Rechten.
Neither do we want their mongrel race.
Lmao nigger/beaner
Sup Stanhope.
You're still bluepilled. "Dude, countries are just, like, arbitrary lines on a map" is literally what liberal professors teach 13 year olds in school.
Übrigens bin ich öfters in Gießen. Warum sind da so viele Neger? Ist da ein Asylheim das ich nicht sehe?
Cultureless negroid/beta nu-male detected.
Used my other account too
>check flag
>literally gypsy scum
like pottery
eine frage der zeit. aber ich hoffe das beste für uns!
Forgot pic
A country has a few important foundations: shared culture, heritage, traditions, borders.
Without those you don't really have a nation, you have an indistinct blob where commerce and state are your only culture.
Nationalism doesn't claim one nation is better than another, it claims that a nation has a right to exist without being compromised by another.
Globalism is trusting people you have never and bringing down life standards for someone who is looking towards exploiting you.
And another
I'm not going to show support for a group of people that want to topple the west and murder me. Fuck those faggots.
Two-ten votes don't count especially when being heavily outnumbered gypsy scum.
>a joke
How was that a joke?
remember when these subhumans were permabanned?
Check the video in 4 hours it will have over 1k likes
>peppa pig
Our ancestors were dumb because they killed Arabs and hated Islam also hated degeneracy.
Modern people are smart because they allow gay people to marry and degenerates to parade on streets or tv for our kids to watch - and because they are so smart we should listen their opinion about Muslims, which are a peaceful nation with a religion of love and peace.
Pompiliu, stahp
That is not nationalism retard
Nationalism is being proud of who you are and what you have acomplished as well as recognizing your deficiencies and room for improvement, all this while remembering and recognizing the people who died to give you these opportunities
reminder that openly disliking pro-globalist propaganda puts you on a list
not surprised the romanians spend their entire days doing this
And even if it has over 1k likes what will that get you? Retard.
Any liberal that is saying we are sick humans for not wanting to take on Refugee children has never played Dwarf Fortress.
Try your refugee bullshit in that game and see if you can survive.
>i went to turkey
>to escape my country
>because these other countries that aren't my country are too poor to give me my luxurious lifestyle i have in germany
It means you fucking die. Have you ever watched a fucking gladiator movie before?
>implying i'm not already on a list.
I'm pretty sure the kikes are running textual analysis to make watch lists of bad goys, I'm pretty sure I'm on them.
Our only defense is making the list as large as possible.
>American education
tfw the lists aren't public
tfw we can't have dick measuring contests about who is on the most lists
In a game like Dwarf fortress where you have so much control and do so much directly it's easy to see why it's a bad idea.
i've played a few games now which will almost certainly be more abstract from the day to day management that will sometimes sim a refugee crisis, total war warhammer the most recent. And basically it's always bullshit, the benefit of letting them is increased tax income and almost no down side.
It's funny that the more you get down to micro manage in a game the more obvious it is a bad thing. Hell even imagine it in a game like the sims, a sudden addition of 2-3 people into a house with no skills/jobs would be a pretty big burden.
>Scandinavian humour
They and their children must either leave willing or be pushed back into the ocean.
>From Iraq to Turkey
So, if they're a refugee, why didn't they stay in Turkey? It's technically safe for mudslimes.
Oh wait, because these aren't refugees and want the gibsmedat.
Refugees fuck children.
The reddit post is gaining momentum. Get in and upvote!
kek, collected and reported
Fuck, those rebbit fags are gonna be the scapegoat soon enough. They're actually announcing that they want to brigade it!
I am not downvoting that shit... you will just end up in some logfiles and my goverment will repress me.
I don't blame you
Exactly. That's why you should upboat it
Soldering a fucking motherboard in a chem lab I presume.